Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Scurvy, Jolly Rogers and a Whole Lotta Booty ❯ The God of the Well ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The God of the Well

He'd been in the well for a very long time. Even he had lost track of the years as they drifted by. He had grown accustomed to it. The dank and darkness of the well didn't bother him anymore. He even let most of the rats scurry by, grabbing one or two to eat of course. There was plenty of fresh water, it was a well after all. In fact, he wanted for almost nothing. But he did enjoy the brief and subtle breezes that would blow down the well every now and then, carrying with them the salty fresh air of the ocean.

He was currently propped up against the wall, naked (hey, he lives in a well!) His hair was slightly matted to his face and he was gently dozing. In the distance he could hear feet running, but they were still a long ways off. And they would never get in, not that way. The only way in and out of the well was the entrance from the top and he knew it was constantly guarded by those damned zombies.

Suddenly, in the middle of a pleasant dream his eyes flashed open. He smelled it. Blood.

* * *

The old man brought the knife down on Duo's arm first. He made a deep cut and Relena held the necklace under the dripping blood. Duo didn't flinch. The old man then did the same thing to Trowa and he cried out in pain and then began to sob. Duo and Wu Fei pretended not to notice, and Relena let the bone necklace get a nice new blood soaking. Finally, she and the old man moved to Wu Fei. He glared at her defiantly as the old man cut him and Relean caught the blood on the necklace.

"Now what?" Duo spat. He was very annoyed that this ceremony was taking so long. Plus, he really wanted to get away from Trowa while he cried.

Relena said nothing but went back to chanting. None of the pirates saw the zombies come up behind them, but they felt the decaying hands on their backs as they were pushed into the well.

* * *

Heero watched in horror as the man cut Duo's arm. He had no right to make it so deep, the captain thought as he worked feverishly to get free. He only glanced up when Trowa screamed, but then he'd known the tall pirate would. He was just too sensitive. Finally, Heero felt the last part of the rope break. He was free.

But just as he pulled away from the palm tree the zombies came up behind his crew and gave them a great shove. He watched as they all three disappeared into the well.

"Nooooo!" he yelled in true Hollywood fashion and ran toward the well at a break neck speed. He dodged a couple of zombies and bowled over the old man that tried to get in his way, grabbing the knife in the meantime. Then he plowed past Relena and made a flying leap toward the well. The tips of his fingers barely managed to get a hold of the bloodied necklace, but they did.

Heero landed on the edge of the well. He took one last look around him before plummeting into the darkness. And as he fell, with the knife and Relena's necklace he heard a cry from above, the shrill horrible cry of a jilted voodoo priestess. Heero smiled ever so slightly.

* * *

Quatre was sure they had been running for miles. The light from the mouth of the tunnel had long ago vanished and he was being lead by the dim glow of the ghost pirate in front of him. He was panting and very tired. Quatre might make one pretty wench, but he was no athlete. The closest thing to a sport that he ever was involved in was chess.

"Are was getting closer?" he panted as he tried to pull the dank air into his ragged lungs.

"Yes, it isn't much farther," Treize said, as though commenting on the weather. "I wonder if he is still alive down here?"

"W. . .w. . . .who?"

"An old friend. He is very special. I don't think this well could have killed him." As Treize finished his sentence he floated up to a set of bars blocking their way and stopped.

"What's this?" Quatre asked as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Bars built to keep him in," Treize said as he reached his ghostly hand through them and smiled.

"But how will I get through to rescue Trowa and the others?" Quatre asked as he rattled the bars. He knew they had been running for awhile and he needed to hurry. Trowa could be long dead by now and it would have been all his fault.

"I'll be back," Treize said as he floated through the bars, "and I'll try to rescue your friends."

* * *

The three pirates landed on top of each other with a splash and a thud. The water at the bottom of the well was only about waist high and they had to struggle for a moment to disengage themselves from one another.

"Well, that was fun," Duo said as he started wringing out his braid.

"Only you would say that," Wu Fei said while he held his arm.

Trowa was looking up at the top of the well and the dim light that made its way to the bottom. "We'll never climb out of here. My shirt is gone forever."

"That's no way to talk, Trowa," Duo said and forced a smile. "We can get out of here and get you a new shirt."

Trowa nodded slowly but Wu Fei wasn't buying it. "How do you plan to do that? If Captain Heero can't even save us how can you?"

"Captain Heero this and Captain Heero that. He can't do everything, you know. I was right along side him on Captain Hook's ship and we were equals back then. And I can do anything he can, so damn it, I can save myself, and Trowa and even rescue Heero from that disgusting woman just to prove to him I can do it!"

Wu Fei still wasn't convinced and he was about to say so when they heard a scream from above and a body fell in the water next to them. Quickly, they backed up and prepared for the worst, a clumsy zombie or that crazy old man. But to their surprise it wasn't either of those.

"Heero?!" Duo spat, shocked but relieved and slightly annoyed all at the same time.

"Duo," Heero said shaking out his drenched locks. "How is your arm?"

"It's fine!" Duo shouted and turned away to sulk.

Trowa leaped forward and hugged his captain tightly. "Thank you for coming, Heero. I was afraid of what the voodoo priestess was going to do to you. Did you see Quatre?"

Heero slowly shook his head and squeezed out of Trowa's grasp.

"I knew you would escape, Captain," Wu Fei said.

Heero merely nodded and held up the knife and the necklace. "I managed to steal these too. I think they will come in handy down here." The necklace was glowing an eerie green and shed a good amount of light in the dark well.

"Fine, you escaped on your own Captain Heero. Can we please get out of this well?" Duo said.

"It shouldn't be a problem now that we are a crew again," Wu Fei said as he beamed at Heero who was trying to ignore him.

"But didn't that old guy say something about a god being down here that wanted to eat us?" Trowa asked as they began moving through the water.

"That's what the knife is for," Wu Fei said and shook his head.

"A knife? What is that going to do to me?" A new voice said. It was low and throaty, but kinda sexy. The pirates quickly looked up and saw a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness.