Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ So you Want to Date Relena ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't need a disclaimer. I got the G-boys for my birthday. They're mine now. Mine I tell you Bwahahaha….***THUD*** Ooooo look tiny little Gundams are circling my head @_@
Muse: Hi…Sorry about that. She just got over a pinched nerve and is a bit overtired. She doesn't own the G-boys. She owns me, her new and as yet unnamed muse. She wanted to dedicate this chapter to SilverWolf7007 from FFN, where she has also posted this, who lit the fire under her butt to get this chapter out. She also wants people to know that she is getting no money from this.
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Noin waited until after they had finished both the soup and the salad course before she began her tale.
“Normally I wouldn't have been involved in this part of the bust. I usually just sit in the surveillance van and coordinate the information between the various agents relay to me but there was a bunch of greenies that needed to get experience and I was the only commander available that was close to their age…. Well that and Une didn't want those three to scare them off.”
Noin ignored the indignant snort from Duo and continued with her story without pausing.
“It was just some penny ante gun smuggling ring and we finally had a chance to get the ring leaders. Their headquarters was in a big warehouse on the other side of the city. I took the new guys and secured the ground outside while Wufei, Heero, and Duo went to check the roof and the ventilation shafts. We had started moving into the interior of the first floor and had caught several suspects unawares. I was just waiting for the all clear from the roof before I sent the greenies in when there was an explosion from the roof. The rest of the suspects realized that there was a bust going down and tried to make a break for it. Fortunately I had all of the exits covered so they were all caught relatively quickly.
“After that I left most of the greenies to guard the suspects and took the rest up to the roof to help the others. The three of them had been blown across the graveled roof, which accounts for the scrapes and bruises. Wufei had been knocked into Heero and the two of them had knocked Duo off of the roof. Heero managed to catch his arm before he fell and they had gotten him back on the roof. They had started to make their way to an easier route off the roof than the one they had used when I got there.
“We had just gotten everyone back to ground level when one of the greenies ran up and started apologizing profusely. Apparently he thought it was a little dim in the warehouse and, in complete disregard to protocol, he flipped what he assumed was a light switch to brighten things up. That switch closed a circuit which set off a bomb attached to a ventilation shaft on the roof. Thankfully it was far enough down the shaft and the guys were far enough away that most of the shrapnel missed them. After that we headed back to headquarters.
“Une said that we could make the greenies write the mission report if we checked it over before it became official. Then we headed over here.”
There was a snort from Heero who said, “We would still have been on time but Noin insisted that Sally check us out first.” He then glared indignantly at her.
“All we really needed were some crutches for Heero.” Wufei put in.
“Yeah,” chimed in Duo. “Heero had already popped my shoulder back in and we could have dealt with the rest of it ourselves.”
“Duo! You needed four stitches in your arm to close the gash that you got from the shrapnel,” Noin exclaimed.
“So? Heero and Wufei could have done it for me.” Duo said as Heero and Wufei nodded.
A growl came from Quatre about Une letting the newbies go on the mission. Before he could get into a full blown rant Wufei started talking to him very quietly. The only words that the others could understand were “home”, “later”, and “bubbles”. Whatever it was it certainly seemed to calm him down rather quickly.
Before anything else could be said on the subject Heero suddenly said, “I know that you aren't going to try to steal food from the table are you Gali?” The tiger gave him what appeared to be an innocent look. Heero said something in a low voice that Seamus wasn't quite sure he heard right but it sounded like he said, “I wonder if tigers bend more easily that steel bars?” Gali glared indignantly and slunk back to the spot he was laying on by the wall.
Zechs turned to Quatre and said, “Hey Quatre, do you still have the plans for Tallgeese? Seamus was saying earlier that he would have liked to see it and the plans are the next best thing.”
“Why would you want to see them?” Trowa said to Seamus. “Heavy Arms was a much better machine.”
“Yeah. Of course Nataku never ran out of ammunition either.”
“Sandrock's scimitars always came back after being thrown, unlike that trident.”
“Wing Zero was better than both of them. The only bad thing about it was the Zero system.”
“That was the only bad thing about Epyon too.”
“Guys we shouldn't be having this argument in front of Relena's new boyfriend,” Duo put in.
“That's right,” said Noin.
“Besides,” Duo continued. “DeathScythe Hell was the best anyway. I mean come on it had a thermal scythe that worked underwater.”
As the bickering broke out again Noin leaned over Seamus and apologized for Zechs and the other guys. “They're not normally this bad but they were a little overstressed today.”
Relena leaned over to Seamus and whispered, “I can stop them from arguing.” She looked over at Noin and gave her a wink. Then, speaking loud enough to be heard over the bickering ex-pilots, she said, “The war would have been over with more speed and less blood shed if I had been allowed to repaint the Gundams like I had wanted too. I think it would have worked for Tallgeese and Epyon too.” Relena then put a look on her face that seemed thoughtful and a shocked silence settled in the room.
“NO WAY IN HELL!!!” suddenly came from six throats.
“It would have made the war end faster for one simple reason,” said Trowa.
“The enemy would have been laughing their asses off,” Zechs concluded.
“You wanted to paint them all pink,” intoned Heero.
“And not just any pink,” added Quatre.
“Neon Pink!!” chorused Duo and Wufei and all of the former pilots shuddered.
Seamus was beginning to suspect that there was more to his girlfriend's closest friends than he had thought at first glance. He was about to ask a question that he hoped would clarify a few things when Zech piped in with one of his own.
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This is the longest chapter yet. Go Me!!!
Hey I just realized that this ends as rather lame cliffy.
Well here you go…At least those of you that are still here. I do my own beta stuff so if you seem something really wrong let me know. I have already started work on the next chapter. Please review and let me know what you think.
All criticism other than the constructive kind will be used to heat water for Quatre's tea.