Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Souls Lost and Found ❯ Wandering - Part Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Miklotov?" I ask, disbelieving and, in spite of myself, slightly suspicious as well.

"The one and only." The man behind the desk replies, smiling. He always reminds me of a wolf when he smiles. A friendly wolf, but a wolf all the same.

Miklotov Kushrenada. Treize's dear cousin. He really isn't all that bad, but he and Treize never got along particularly well, to say the least.

"It's good to see you again, Miklotov." I say with a slight smile. It's the truth; Treize may not have liked his cousin, but I've always been rather fond of him. He has a good sense of humor and irony, much like Treize. Perhaps that's part of the reason they always clash when they're in the same room…

"Please, Miriardo. We've known each other since we were children: call me Mik." He scolds, his blue eyes sparkling with laughter. "And please, sit down." He adds, nodding towards the plush, if slightly tattered, red velvet cushioned chair in front of me. I deposit my luggage onto the floor and sit down in the proffered chair, bowing slightly first.

"I never knew that you had taken up charity work as a hobby, Mik." I say, raising one eyebrow. It's good to see him doing something useful with his money and status, but I'm hard pressed to believe that this is all he's doing here on L2. He always has a trick up his sleeve.

"Oh, this is much more than a mere hobby, Miriardo. It is my current passion." My mind can't help but lock on the word current, and I hold back a sigh. So, it's not going to last. Not surprising; I didn't really think it would, which is why I assumed it was a simple hobby. But at least it's doing many people some good while it lasts. Which is a good deal more than I can say for some of his past `passions', as he's putting it.

"You see," he continues, "there are multitudes of benefits in doing charity work. I get to meet so many interesting people. Volunteer workers, whom I may someday use as contacts in a tight situation. Orphans and the poor, who will testify to my generosity and kindness if I ever get in trouble with the law or such. Not to mention the gratitude and love that so many of them feel for me once I've helped them. And, of course, the wealthy contributors, whom make wonderful business partners and allies."

Ah, so that's it. He's just building up his list of allies and supporters. A wise move, considering the enemies he has, even if it means that he isn't quite as changed as I had hoped when I walked into the office and recognized him.

"Well, I must admit that it is a wise move to enlist more allies, Mik." I acknowledge with a smile. "And the adoration must be a highly pleasurable bonus."

He laughs and runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair. "You know me too well, Miriardo. So, how is my dear cousin, Treize, doing?"

My expression darkens slightly even though I try to keep it from doing so. I had been hoping that he wouldn't bring that up, but…

"He's… happy." I respond shortly. Miklotov looks concerned. I know he's about to start asking questions; I just hope he doesn't ask too many. I may not be able to handle talking about it much yet…

"You don't look too happy, though." He says with a frown. "What'd he do? Leave you for someone else?" I didn't think I was that obviously upset… But maybe I'm not. After all, Mik knows me quite well, and that includes how to read me.

I nod. "He did. For an, acquaintance, he made during the war."

"Gott. The cold-hearted, idiotic bastard…" he exclaims, his own expression darkening and his smile slipping into a frown. Before I can say anything, however, he's smiling again, although the expression is now more cold and calculating. It's the smile of a man with a plan or trap that he knows will work. Which makes me suspicious. "Don't worry, Miri. I'll get you someone before you leave this colony, just you watch." He vows, banging one fist onto his desk. I can tell that he's rattled by my confession since he uses my childhood nickname.

My eyes widen; I certainly wasn't expecting him to say that! I should have, of course, because it's just like him, but I didn't… "Oh, that won't be necessary, Mik," I rush to say before he can plan any further. He cuts me off with another exclamation.

"Now, let's see… Who here would be your type? I'd get together with you myself, but I enjoy the, company, of ladies too much for that to ever work out. Hmm… There's one man that's helping out in the construction of a new orphanage… Handsome, well muscled, but I don't think he's bright enough for your tastes. Then there's the engineer that flew in last month… He's very intelligent, but he has absolutely no sense of humor. I can't bear to be in his presence any longer than necessary, so that won't work either…" He falls silent and thinks for a few moments, giving me time to go to my own thoughts.

I'm only sure of one thing right now: he's serious about this. I have the feeling that getting me together with someone so that I can `get over' Treize is going to be one of his new `passions.' And if I'm right, he isn't going to give up on this any time soon. Well, isn't that just my luck… Ah well. That's the way of true friends, I suppose.

"I know!" he bursts out, standing up suddenly. "Duo! That braided boy that brought you in here! He's younger than you, but not by much, and he's certainly attractive enough, between the hair and the body and the eyes. Besides, I like the boy. He's a good kid." Mik pauses for a moment, and I open my mouth in hopes of protesting. No such luck; he rushes on with his praises.

"And then there's the fact that he's nursing a broken heart of his own, or so I'm guessing by the way he acts sometimes. He was a wreck when he first got here, but he's getting better. If nothing else, you've got the shared experience of being in the war, and they say that such a bond is closer than many other types. You would be assured at least some small amount of common ground to share, common experiences to talk of." He paused, his smile widening. "Yes, that's it!" he finishes enthusiastically. To my horror, he pushes a button on his desk and a small tele-screen slides up and out. A smiling woman's face appears on it.

"Yes, sir? You need something?" she asks cheerfully, tilting her blonde-haired head slightly to one side.

Mik smiles. "Yes, I do. Can you have someone find Duo Maxwell and send him up to my office?"

"Of course, sir. In fact, he went by here only a few seconds ago. I'll have someone get him right away. Is that all, sir?"

"Yes, that's all for now, Natasha. Thank you." He pushes the button again and the tele-screen goes blank and slides back into place.

"Don't worry, Miriardo. I'll take care of everything." He says, smiling and leaning back in his chair. He already looks proud of himself, as if he's just pulled off the perfect scheme.

I can't help but feel incredibly nervous already.

* * * *

I tense slightly as I hear quick footsteps getting closer to me from behind; someone is running in my direction.

"Maxwell-sama!" a feminine voice calls out. I turn to face the woman that hailed me.

"Yes?" I ask. I don't know many of the people working in the office, and certainly not this young woman; I'd have remembered her long black hair. It doesn't make sense that she would know me… So why was she running down the hall to catch up with me?

"I regret causing you any inconvenience, Maxwell-sama, but Natasha-sama, Boss's personal secretary, asked me to go after you. You're to report to the Boss's office immediately." She smiles after delivering her message. I smile back and wave her on, letting her go back to her job.

So, Boss wants to talk to me? Well. That didn't take long. I wonder if Zechs is still in there with him? I go up the steps two at a time, hurrying as quickly as I can. I don't want to keep Boss waiting.

A minute or two later, I'm walking into his office.