Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Standing Outside the Fire ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Playing with old headers.... hehehe weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!

Title: Standing Outside The Fire
Author: Katerina Shinigami, Shi-chan (
Some fics located at:,
http://www.homestead. com/Celerial2/Fanfic_Epilepsy.html,
Otherwise: yes, please tell me.
Category: vidfic
Rating: PG
Pairings: R, 2, 1, 2+1, 1x2
Warnings: shounen ai, sap, fluff, awwwwwwwwe factor, set up like stage directions.
Spoilers: Duo's past, some eps of the series
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. This is for fun and enjoyment, no money is being made. Please don't sue me, as I am poor.
Feedback: Yes please. All flames received will be used to light the fire under my ass and get me to write more fics that are against your liking, so there.

Standing Outside The Fire

[Open on a picture of all the Gundam pilots and Relena, frame centered on the middle three: Heero, Duo, and Relena. Blur.]

We call them cool
Those hearts that have no scars to show

[Resolve into an image of Relena sitting in her pink limo.]

The ones that never do let go
And risk the tables being turned.

[Not a hair is out of place as the Sank Princess goes over her latest proposition for peace. She smiles sweetly as she answers a vidphone call, no black in her soul, heart, or mind to mar the pure sincerity of her expression.

The screen pixilates and reconfigures into Relena giving a speech. Her fist is clenched as she decrees once more her beliefs. Fade out.]

We call them fools

[Camera rises from being shadowed by a box. Zoom to focus on Duo, smiling as he stands beside the prone Gundam DeathScythe.]

Who have to dance within the flame

[Jump to Shinigami in battle. Flames erupt all around the black Gundam as it's pilot sweeps his suit's thermal scythe in a wide arc of destruction. Disaster around him, the Gundam stands proudly, surrounded by the fire. Waver and fade.]

Who chance the sorrow and the shame
That always comes with getting burned.

[Resolve on the burning rubble of Maxwell Church reflected in wavering violet eyes, years before. Camera pulls back and focuses on a small, seven-year-old Duo. The young boy's face is tear streaked and soot covered. Sweep to rest on the barely live body of a young nun. Ashen faced, Duo kneels next to Helen's body clasping the nun's right hand. Weakly she raises her left hand to brush away the tears on Duo's cheeks and whisper to her charge. Camera follows the hand as it falls limp, then jumps to capture the shock and pain on Duo's face and in his eyes. Rise as Duo throws his head back and screams. White out.]

But you've got to be tough when consumed by desire

[Pixilate in on seven-year-old Duo, head and knees tucked against his chest, cap pulled down over his eyes as he huddles in the corner of a prison cell. Camera focuses on his face as he looks up sharply, his eyes hard and determined, fire burning in their depths.]

'Cause it's not enough just to stand outside the fire.

[Zoom out from hard eyes that survey their owner's work, the fire from the battle field reflecting on their mirrored surface. Fade out.]

We call them strong

[Fade in on Heero...]

Those who can face this world alone

[ the cockpit of repaired Wing after stealing parts from Duo's Gundam to do so. He turns his head and the camera remains in place as Wing jets off in bird-mode. Blue sky fills the screen.]

Who seem to get by on their own

[Fall to view Relena standing still, stunned, as Heero walks past her after ripping up her party invitation.]

Those who will never take the fall.

[Camera zooms in on her face and Heero's as he pauses to whisper in her ear 'Omae o korosu.' Pull back and rotate to watch Heero walk away. Fade to black.]

We call them weak

[Pull back from a close up of black fabric. Duo lies slumped over a metal table, a mostly empty bottle of Jose Cuervo*, a small smile curving his lips as he watches the kitchen door.]

Who are unable to resist

[Camera watches from behind Duo's head as the door opens and Heero steps in.]

The slightest chance love might exist

[Rotate to focus on Duo's face as he lifts his head. His eyes waver slight before he sets his resolve. The camera pulls back to a full view as Duo stands up, pushing the chair back.]

And for that forsake it all.

[Duo pauses, then quickly steps close to Heero and, before the other can react, wraps his arms around the Wing pilots neck and presses their lips together.

They stand like that for a time...

Duo pulls away, hiding his eyes as he back away from Heero, but the Wing pilot reaches out and lifts his chin with one hand and holds Duo's arm with the other. Camera zooms as they star into one another's eyes.]

They're so hell-bent on giving, walking a wire

[Heero asks a question and Duo nods, blushing.]

Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire.

[Camera pulls back slightly. Suddenly, Heero jerks Duo toward him, their lips lock. Camera pulls back until all that can be seen is a window and shadows inside. Fade out.]

Standing outside the fire
Standing outside the fire

[Fade in. Duo watches from the doorway as Heero packs for a solo mission. Zoom to view the pain and fear etched on the boy's heart-shaped face. Pull back. Heero straightens and looks over at the braided boy. He sighs and walks over to wrap his arms reassuringly around his lover, promising to return quickly and safely. Camera focuses on them. Heero pulls back and looks into Duo's eyes as the boy nods and kisses him sweetly, hugging the Wing pilot tightly before releasing him to finish packing. Blur.]

Life is not tried, it is merely survived

[Fade in as Heero shoves Relena behind him, his gun ready. He looks back to see if she is alright before he nods decisively to himself.]

If you're standing outside the fire.

[Suddenly, Heero throws himself into the open... Black.]

There's this love that is burning
Deep in my soul

[Fade in to Duo and Heero's bedroom. Duo lays asleep on the bed. Zoom on his face as violet eyes blink open and widen. A grin spreads across his face and he jumps off the bed.]

Constantly yearning to get out of control
Wanting to fly higher and higher

[Camera pans, following as the braided one runs to throw himself at his love. Heero catches him, smiling softly as he pets Duo's hair. Duo asks about the mission and Heero nods. 'Ninmu kanryou', peace is safe.]

I can't abide
Standing outside...

[Fade out as they kiss...]

the fire.

Standing outside the fire
Standing outside the fire
Life is not tried, it is merely survived
If you're standing outside the fire. [x 3]

The end

*Jose Cuervo tequilla... hehehe... yeah.

Please please send me your replies to this fic! Thankies.