Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Sugar Doughnuts ❯ One-Shot

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Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. Shame... ^_^

Title: Sugar doughnuts
Author: Koko Kitty
Archive: Just ask, and it's yours.
Category: Shonen-ai fluff
Pairings: 1+2+1
Warnings: Shonen-ai...
Feedback: Is much appreciated!

Sugar Doughnuts
A GW fanfiction by Koko Kitty

Heero glanced up from where he was sat in the kitchen. Raising an eyebrow at the exuberant, excited ball of energy, he steadily regarded his lover.

"Hee-chan! I got food! And *doughnuts*!"

Heero didn't know what to say. He raised an eyebrow again.


"We have to do the sugar thing!"


"You know!"

"No, Duo... It would seem that I don't."

He returned the quick peck on the mouth that Duo gave him before the longhaired boy went to dig about in the hoards of shopping bags he'd plonked on the table.

Calmly folding the newspaper he'd been reading, Heero amusedly watched his lover pull out a small bag with a grin.

Heero blinked before taking the ring doughnut that was pushed at him. It was caked in fine sugar, which encrusted its soft surface. He was just about to take a bite out of the baked product when Duo suddenly stopped him with a reprimanding squawk.

"NO!" Heero immediately stopped, feeling as though he'd done something wrong. He looked at Duo enquiringly.

"You haven't heard the rules yet!"

"... There's /rules/ to eating a doughnuts?"

Duo shook his head. "It's a little game. I just wanna play it."

Heero exhaled, resigned. "Ok. What are the rules then?" His fingers where covered in sugar...

"You have to eat the doughnut, without licking your lips. Not even once. You're not allowed to lick the sugar off your lips until you've finished the whole doughnut. ' k?"

Heero smirked both at the challenge, and the peculiarity of it.



Both former pilots bit into the sugary doughnut, watching eat other to make sure that neither would lick their lips. As Heero finished chewing his first bite, he was suddenly overcome to lick his lips free of the sugar that was smeared all over them. He remembered the rules with a start and barely stopped himself from darting his tongue out to remove the sweet substance. Duo had obviously noticed and was suppressing a smirk.

Heero was more cautious from then on, and continued to eat the doughnuts, mentally telling himself over and over again not to lick his lips clean. But the encrusted sugar fully covering his lips was so... *irritating*! Snickering to himself at the hard time Duo seemed to also be having, he finally finished the doughnut. His forefinger and thumb were covered in the white sprinkle of sugar, and he resisted licking them, in case that was also against the rules. He darted his indigo gaze to Duo's mouth, lips fully lost under layer of sugar. He smirked at the sight.

"Can I lick them now?"

Duo grinned before shaking his head. Heero watched as his lover leaned over the table with his sugar free hand, slowly inching his face closer to his own.

"*I* get to lick your lips..."

With that, Duo caught his bottom lip in his mouth, slowing running his tongue over it and licking it clean of sugar. Heero moaned, returning the favour and removing the sweetness from Duo's mouth with soft, wet kisses that left the taste of the fine sugar melting over his tongue. Sugar smeared further between their mouths, and as the couple eagerly went to remove it, the task of licking sugar clean was over too soon, a fact which was soon forgotten their mouths melted into a slow, sensual kiss. Heero peppered kisses along Duo's sweet little mouth, licking a short trail over them, which he placed more kisses on top of. He broke the kiss briefly to reach for Duo's hand; fingers on which he knew were covered in sugar. He pulled the dirtied fingers into his mouth, slowly sucking them clean of the offending whiteness and sliding his tongue along the slender length of the long digits. Duo sighed appreciatively before crawling over the table into Heero's lap and enthusiastically continuing the broken kiss.

A few moments later, the kiss came to soft end, Duo breaking away with lust glittering in his eyes. Heero licked his lips, tightening his arms from where they'd snaked around Duo's slight but firm frame.

"Mm... what else did you get?"

Duo grinned. "I bought cherries... you ever learnt how to tie the stalk in a knot?"


21 /07/2002