Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Dreams are Made of This ❯ part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sweet Dreams are Made of This

By: PanChan

Gee… Relena is really out of character here. But I suppose even the most dim-witted of people can have their jealous moments, eh? And… omg, I'm starting to like Hilde, I mean she isn't that bad, I suppose. She's really cool and I suppose I can like her now, but I still don't think that she belongs with Duo honey… Why am I writing this? … I forgot. BTW, reviews are REALLY appreciated. I'd at least like to know if anyone's reading this. Don't care if they hate it, I just want to know if it's read, k? thankies. >^.^<


"Dude, you smiled," Duo choked, "And you let her _hug_ you. Are you sure you're Heero?"

"Kogji rolled his yes, "Heero Yuy was the name of a Colonial pacifist leader, Duo. A guy whom an old friend of mine assassinated and the guy who's name I _stole_ for _temporary_ use."

"Uh huh, so where did 'Kogji' come from, then?" Relena asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms. It was fairly obvious that she wasn't too terribly happy about this turn of events.

"It's my real one. I've had it since I was about a year old, if you must know. Now, if you'll excuse me," with that, he left.

The others stared at his retreating form for a few moments before turning to look questioningly at one another.

"Well that was fairly odd," Quatre observed, "I thought that he never had a name before."

"That's what he told me, too," Duo muttered, scratching his head, "I had wondered what people meant when they told me that he's been acting really weird lately. Weirder than normal, I mean."

"Who does she think she is?" Relena growled as she glared through the French doors.

The boys turned to look in the safe house living room where Witch was hugging on Kogji while then talked to a few other people that had come in. None of whom the G-pilots recognized.

"Well, I don't see a gun anywhere so apparently whoever-she-is is allowed to do that," Duo commented, "But I'm sure there's no reason for you to be jealous."

"Jealous?" Relena practically shrieked, loosing what bit of composure she had left, "Why would I be jealous of that _flat-chested, crow-faced wench_?"

inside the house, witch glared at the blonde girl outside, "I don't know what that bitch's problem is but I don't like her."

"With good reason." Kogji replied.

"Hmph… how do you know her?" S-6 asked, looking up at her friend.

"She periodically stalks me, tries to get me to kill her, then acts like she doesn't care about me."

"You love her?" Witch asked after a moment, her voice a mere whisper.

"I'm not sure," Was the gruff reply, "Come on, Holly is ready."

The two exited the room behind their friends, the sounds of the G-Boys trying to calm Relena down ringing in their ears.


"I don't know about this…" Witch voiced from the innards of a department store dressing room.

"Oh come on, let us judge! I'm sure it looks great!" Holly piped from outside where she was busy looking through a rack of mixed dress-ensembles.

"I don't know…"

"Witch, it probably looks fine," Dorin reassured his little sister.

"O.K." Came the sighed reply. Steps sounded then she appeared outside the dressing room; Dorin's jaw promptly fell to the floor and Holly's expression changed from skeptical to great approval in mere milliseconds.

Witch was wearing a black, sleeveless number that was cut at her knees and suffered splits on both sides that stopped only five inches below her hips. The neckline was circular and low-cut with thin spaghetti straps.

Holly whistled, "Nice! I wish Kogji and Trint hadn't run off, they woulda loved to see this one!"

Witch blushed. She really didn't want _anyone_ to see her in this, much less Kogji. If he knew, she'd never hear the end of it.

"Hun, close your mouth or you'll catch flies," Holly warned the African boy before coming over to get a close look at Witch, "Yes, yes, it fits you nicely. Although I dare say a push-up bra would help a bit…"

Dorin looked away as Witch's face began to turn an unnatural shade of red.

"Okay, you can change now. This one will do," proclaimed the red-haired woman.

"Are you sure?" Witch asked nervously.

"Of course. Not to sound kinky, but doll, you look hot in that!"


"Trust her, Witch, you look amazing," Dorin piped.The two girls could have almost sworn he was blushing, but it was hard to tell with his dark skin.

"All right," Witch conceded warily.

A while later the trio were outside the shop trying to decide where to go next.

"You totally need some pants, hon. Hell, you still need shirts and shorts too! I swear, you can't find anything but dresses for women nowadays."

"You're wearing pants," Witch observed.

"Yes, but they're custom made," The elder girl replied, "Well, we'll just have to round up the other two and go over to the Attic."

"The Attic?" Dorin and Witch asked as they began to walk.

"Yeah, it's a niftly little clothing store downtown that I found while lost one time. They sell a bunch of remakes from past centuries. Some of it is really nice, and right up your alley, Witch."

"There they are," S-6 replied, pointing at the two males who were about to turn t he corner, "Kogji! Trinton!"

Kogji looked behind him, said something to S-1, and both waited for the others to catch up.

"Y'all ready?" Trinton asked, a little surprised as Holly could normally shop for days- if not weeks.

"Of course not!" S-2 scoffed; Trinton knew had been too good to be true, "We were just about to go to the Attic - a little shop downtown. Coming?"

"Hai," they replied.

As the group walked back to Holly's car - a black convertible- Kogji slung his arm across Witch's shoulders, allowing her to slip her arm around his waist before he whispered, "She driving you insane, yet?"

"Hai" Came the soft reply.

"I heard that," Holly growled from in front of them. The two chuckled.

"By the way, I got something for you," Kogji told his friend.

"What? Oh, Kogji-chan you really shou-"

"Hey now, none of that. I wanted to, okay?" He told her gently, understanding how uncomfortable she was with this, "It had your name written all over it."

"Thank you, Kogji-chan," She whispered back.

"Don't say that till you see it."


Dorin cast a glance back at the pair; Those two sure are close… Wouldn't it be cute if they got together? From the looks on Trinton and Holly's faces, they were obviously thinking along the same lines. He resolved to talk to them later.


Quatre stared at his office computer screen. Nothing. He yawned. For the past five hours, the teenager had been searching through old files taken from the lab trying to find some clue as to what Mulich was up to.

For the fifth time that night, his mind strayed back to the subject of Relena and Heero- or should he say, Kogji. For the past few years he had begun to believe that there was something there; he had believed in it enough to give Relena hope that Kogji would one day be 'hers'.

But now with this 'Witch' girl in the picture, he wasn't quite sure that's the way it was going to be. Witch… she seems nice enough, but that name! Oh well, I'm sure she is a really good person. And since we're going to be working together…Well, might be working together, it's probably best just to give her the benefit of doubt.

It was then that the special news bulletin sprang onto his computer screen.


"What the… Lady Une!!" Sally shouted across the room to the brunette, " Lady Une! Hurry, we've got trouble!"

"What's the matter?" The woman in question asked as she rushed over to the terminal her blonde friend was at.

"We have an MS attack at Victoria Base! It began approximately two hours ago!"

"Why the hell weren't we informed sooner?" The commander demanded of no one in particular, "And what kind of Mobile Suits are those?"

The MS on screen were strange, like no others they had ever seen but arguably were Mobile Suits, or more appropriately, Mobile Dolls. Their colours ranged from dune, to a deep maroon and they seemed to pulse faintly at raised points of the body armor, almost as if they had veins. The things weren't metallic, but instead looked rough, like sand. And the weapons… no one had ever seen any weapons that looked like these. You couldn't see where the bullets would come from next. Every so often the barrel opening would close- melting together so that the break was invisible- and a new one would open facing whatever direction the new target stood to.

The two officers gawked in horror as, out of the darkness surrounding the blazing inferno that was the late Victoria Base, a red machine came. The face of the Gundam was all too familiar. It was the demon itself; the very project that Trieze dedicated a good deal of time to: Epyon.

"No way," Sally whispered.

"No!" Lady Une banged her fist on the terminal, "No! This can't be happening!" (Dude, I think that might be Noin in disguise…)

Both women ignored the voice of the reporter who, as her title indicates, was reporting on the circumstances, and instead watched with sicken fascination as the Epyon watched the gory scene of destruction, like a slave owner standing sentinel over his plantation. (Sorry, but it was the only analogy I could think of. Gomen!)

Suddenly, the broadcast changed. An elderly, though formidable looking, man appeared on the screen. The man was tall and haggard with a mop of white hair covering the crown of his head. Through the spectacles perched on the end of his beak-like nose, he gazed disdainfully down at the camera, and thus at everyone on the planet. The look on his face suggested that he thought of this as being extremely below him, as if he were addressing ants.

"Good evening. I am Dr. J. R. Mulich. I am sure that you are all wondering why there are Mobile Suits attacking your precious Victoria Base. Good. Exactly what I wanted you to do. The reason behind this is: there is no reason. At least none that I am willing to give you. However, let us say that this is a warning; a warning that if you do not cooperate the senseless violence will not stop. I shall give you two hours for Lady Une, whom I believe is still the leader of the Preventors, to contact me in hopes to stop the war. I'm sending her contact coordinates so that she might do so. Have a nice day."

Sally turned off the monitor and then turned to look at her superior, "Your orders, ma'am?"

Lady Une half sat on a clear bit of countertop, "I…" for a few moments, she didn't know what to do. She had never suspected that something like this would come up, not after Mariemia. A few seconds later she managed to collect herself, "Gather the pilots… and the Survivors, I haven't had my meeting with S-6, what was her name? Witch. Yes, anyway, I suppose that should be moved forward. Have her in my office in a half-hour, if you can."

"Yes Ma'am." Sally then turned and walked out.

After she was gone the brunette slumped into a seat, burying her face in her hands, "Why must this happen now?"


PC: ::sighs:: short; for me anyway. Sorry it took so long. It's been a bit since I've been able to get to a computer. I hope I'm not changing things too terribly much but… oh the hell with that, I hope I'm changing it! Don't know why I'm writing these notes… I'm gonna go now. Bai.