Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Take this heart of mine... ❯ The Ball ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own the characters, or anything related to Gundam Wing. Just, the plot.


"Yes, Relena what is it?" Heero Yuy said coming around the corner.

"Well...I-was-just-wondering, if you might be able to go to the dance with me..."
She said quickly covering her face with her hands.

"Sure, why not I don't have anything else to do, so I'd love to."

Relena took her hands off her face and looked at him in disbelief. "Really????"

"Yeah, why not? He said looking at her curiously.

Well, I thought you might have a date already. She stated blushing.

He laughed at her. No way, no girls even like me Lena, nonetheless ask me out to the dance.

Oh, well you know I just thought maybe

He bent over to whisper in her ear. I'd rather you than any of those girls at school Lena. And he strolled off leaving Relena to blush her way to the dormitory.

She sighed into the deep setting night.

Two says later Relena Peacecraft was trying on every dress she owned.

No not that one, Hilde it's to purple

Relena what color's Heero's tux?

Hmmm??? Oh, it's blue.

Then wear this. Hilde said pulling out a satin and lace baby blue dress.

Relena's eyes got big. Hilde it's perfect!

How do I do this kinda thing?

I know Hil you're great.

Hilde smiled and told Relena she better go to her room wouldn't be ready when her date Duo got there.

Back at Heero and Duo's apartment they were fighting over what girl would look best with their date.

Oh, please Heero you always go with Relena why not try Lady Une or even Dorothy??? Duo Maxwell fairly yelled.

Because, Lady Une is with His Highness Treiz and Dorothy is with Quatre!

Oh. Duo said mindlessly straitening his tie.

Now do you see why I only take Lady Peacecraft? Heero said looking at Duo in the mirror.

Uh, huh I sure do. Nodded Duo, heading for the closet...

Now what do you need? Heero said spinning around and looking at Duo.

Hmm??? Oh, just some-darn-shoes. Duo said flinging things over his shoulder in the process.

Duo your shoes are right here. Heero said pulling Duo up by his two-foot long braid.

Oh, uh sorry bout' that. He said as Heero glared at the pile of clothing on the floor.

Don't do it again. Heero stated huffily.


Ready for the ball the foursome head to the Alreia Ballroom.

Once there Heero automatically spotted Relena, and noted that she always wore something close to or the same color of what he was wearing.

Relena? Came a voice Relena didn't want to hear, Milliardo Peacecraft's.
She sighed, of all people that were to show up her brother had to!

Yes Milliardo, what did I do now?

Nothing my darling sister, nothing. Except, bringing Heero as your date. He added silently.

Then what do you want. She stated coldly.

Why do you insist that I'm still on the bad side when you infact, have gone through MY room and seen no signs that I am still on their side?

Because I hate who you were, you left me alone when Daddy died.

Good enough.

See that's just the problem.


You're always saying I'm only good enough.

Lena, you've always made me proud to be your brother, handling the Sanc Kingdom as well as you do. He said hugging her.

Zechs leave her alone, and go pick on someone else, I think Lieutenant Noin was calling you to dance. He said pointing at the girl.
Fine, Relena I wish to talk to you before you go to your room.

I don't wish to talk to you again tonight. Relena said walking off with Heero.


What do you want Zechs? He said flipping around.

You touch her in anyway except to dance you're dead.

I'll remember that. He stated laughing.

Heero? Relena said once they were on the dance floor.

Yes, Relena?

I I think I'm in love with you

Heero stopped. What?

You heard me.

But, that's not is it? He said to himself.

It is possible Heero, I should know I am in love with you.

But, what about your brother?

Forget him.

I hate to interrupt you two but the dance is over Relena needs to say her goodbyes. Said Duo coming up with Hilde.

I've already told them I wouldn't say a public goodbye.

Relena, I told you I needed to talk to you. Milliardo said.

No, I'm going to go home and sleep.

Night Zechs. Heero said laughing at the expression on his face.


Yes, captain!

Are you really going to listen to him? Relena asked as they said goodnight to the others and stepped into her limousine.

Not a chance. He said giving her a kiss.

Heero, you know Zechs was serious, right?

I know Lena, but dang it when are you going to leave his command and live your own life.

I already have, Heero. She said moving over to perch precariously on his lap.

Relena, I never thought you'd leave his eagle eyes. He kissed her with a little more passion this time.

Same here Heero. She said teasingly.

Mmm Hmm. He said nuzzling her neck.

We're here Ms. Peacecraft. Announced the driver.

Would you come in Heero? She said beckoning him towards the front door.

I'd love to.

Good because I wasn't going to give you a choice.

I don't know if I can get home tonight Lena. Heero said even though they both knew he had a car waiting outside.

James call off Mr. Yuy's ride home. She said to the butler.

Yes, Miss.

You Mr. Yuy, can come with me. She said enticingly.

Where to?

My quarters of course. She said looking him in the eye.

Whatever you say. He said starting up the stairs.

RELENA PEACECRAFT! Came a very unfriendly voice.

Oh, crap he followed us. Heero fussed.

I can take care of it Heero. She whispered to him.

Guards remove Milliardo now, and don't let him back in.

Shall, we Heero?

Yes, we have to finish our business upstairs.

No one quite knows what happened upstairs that night all information I have on it comes from maids that were in the house that night.

Here is the note that Relena found the next morning.

My beloved Relena,
I wish I could explain what I felt last night, but I'm afraid I find myself hoping that it wasn't the last time I'll feel it.
I hope none of the maids find this before you do.
I'll come again tonight; please don't throw this away, for Zech's might be watching the trash.
I will always be yours.

Love, Your one and only Heero

No one knows if Heero did come to her that night, but I hope he did.

How was it so far guys??? Should I write more?