Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tank Police Division 195 ❯ Nassau Chop Suey ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tank Police Division 195
Chapter Twenty-Five: Nassau Chop Suey

Can you see what ' s going on in there? Captain Scot asked.

Not a thing, sir. Officer Noin sighed.

Then get off my shoulders, yer heavy!

It would appear that Noin and Scot had different ideas on what surveillance meant. Noin had thought that they would watch the building from a roof or something; the captain felt that peeping into windows was the way to go. However, the occupants of the building hadn ' t seen fit to have them cleaned and, to make matters worse, they were tinted.

Sir, maybe we should conduct our observations from a less conspicuous position? Noin suggested.

What do you mean? Captain Scot countered, already looking for a window they hadn ' t tried to peek through yet.

It ' s just that, we are in our civilian clothing and all. Someone might see us peeping in windows, think we were up to no good, call the police, get us hauled to a police station where we ' ll surely be recognized by somebody. Then they ' ll call Chief Une...

I see where you ' re going with this. The captain nodded. Noin sighed in relief. It just means we ' ll have to get inside. Relief turned to horror.

Elsewhere, Mr. Evans and Dr. Simms were riding in a black sedan(1) through the downtown area.

Everything is in place for the launch. Dr. Simms said to someone over the phone. We ' ll launch the bomb as soon as we have an open window. A pause. Tseratopolis is being taken care of as we speak. Another pause. Yes sir. Goodbye sir. He placed the phone back in his pocket.

Our watchdog I take it. Evans remarked dryly.

Yes, he wanted a status report. Simms acknowledged, flippantly. I ' ll be happy when this whole business is over. I intend to take the money I get from this and retire early. Maybe in Portugal.

Portugal? Why there? Why not in the islands?

Wine and women my friend. Portugal happens to have the varieties I like.

You are an interesting man, doctor.

Really? Good. This world has enough boring individuals. I was worried I had become one of them. At any rate, what do you plan to do once you get your money?

Well, there ' s this girl I ' ve been dating for about a year now. I think I ' ll ask her to marry me. We ' ll have a really big wedding and live the good life somewhere in the Caribbean.

Hmmm. She won ' t mind that she ' ll be married to, for all intents and purposes, a terrorist?

She ' s your cousin. You tell me. Dr. Simms laughed at that.

Sir, I would just like to say that I object to this. Noin hissed.

We ' re not on duty or in uniform; there ' s no reason for you to follow me.

I couldn ' t let you come in here without backup! Lord only knows what you ' ll get up to.

At the moment this conversation is taking place, the two off-duty officers were crawling through the air ducts of the DBO Fireworks Company, Domino branch. Milliardo was waiting for them in his car with a radio; if they weren ' t back in an hour he was to contact Quatre and Trowa and get additional backup.

Well if you insist on being here quit yer bitchin ' and keep your ears open. Captain Scot whispered harshly. Noin grunted in reply.

Elsewhere in the building, a harried old man with shaggy white hair was being led through the corridors by two men in black suits. Absently, he wondered why it was always the men in black suits that come to get you. Come to think of it, he couldn ' t remember a time in his career when he hadn ' t been escorted by men in black suits. Of course, in those days the men in the black suits weren ' t interested in killing me.

Walk faster. One of the suits ordered, giving him a slight shove.

Why are you in such a hurry? the older man grunted. Are you that anxious to kill me?

Let him walk at his own pace, Sanderson. The other suit said. It doesn ' t matter what time we off him.

Whatever, Carter. Sanderson snorted.

The three soon stopped at a steel door. Carter unlocked it while Sanderson kept his hand firmly gripped onto the old man ' s shoulder. Once the door was opened Sanderson roughly shoved the captive inside.

Get in there, old fart. He said.

Inside the room was split into two sections. The first was an observation area that was separated from the rest of the room by a wall. There was a large control panel situated in front of a wide, glass pane; there were four chairs next to the panel. On the far end of the room was another steel door.

Looking through the window, the old man could see a stark, white room with a metal flo or. The only thing occupying it was a menacing-looking robot.

What is that? the old man demanded.

That is the prototype model of combat robot that the company is developing. Sanderson replied easily. Before we start mass producing them though, it has to be tested. He grinned wickedly. You ' ll do nicely.

Back with Noin and the captain, the two were still crawling in the ventilation system.

It ' s a maze in here! How are we supposed to find anything? Noin whispered harshly.

What did I say earlier about the bitching? Captain Scot replied.

I ' m not bitching I ' m stating a fact.

What are you suggesting? That we get out of the vent and look around the place?

Yes. Was the exasperated reply.

Fine. We ' ll get out at the next grate.

Damn. He runs pretty damn fast for such an old man. Sanderson noted from where he sat behind the control panel. Carter was standing just to his right.

Do you hear something? he asked.

Carter you ' ve been hearing things for the last twenty minutes. It ' s just your imagination. Now relax and enjoy the show.

There was a loud bang and the grate in the ceiling fell to the floor right next to Carter.

What the hell?! Carter exclaimed and Officer Noin suddenly came crashing down on top of him, knocking him unconscious. Sanderson immediately whipped out his gun and trained it on her.

Um... watch out below? Noin tried. Two gunshots rang out and Sanderson fell over dead. The female tank officer looked up to see the captain hanging upside-down from the vent with his gun trained on Carter.

Don ' t just sit there gawking at me, tie that one up with something before he comes around.

Once that chore was accomplished the two got down to the task of rescuing the old man who was still dodging the robot but showing signs of tiring.

How do we shut this thing off?! Noin cried, looking at the console in a

The same way we always do. Captain Scot said placidly, taking out his gun and shooting the console. It fizzled and then burst into flame. Unfortunately...

Oh no! Sir! It ' s coming this way!

Well shit. Time to make a run for it.

What about that old guy. We can ' t just leave him here!

You know, I hate when you ' re right.

The robot crashed through the glass and began shooting at the captain and Noin. They dodged the lasers while trying to reach the old man who was also heading towards them. The three met up in a corner of the room.

Crap. We ' re cornered! Captain Scot moaned.

How are we going to get out of this mess? Noin wondered. Her answer came when the wall next to them exploded in a shower of concrete followed by the unmistakable sound of lasers hitting metal.

When the trio opened their eyes they saw the robot had been blown to bits. Looking to their immediate left, they saw Milliardo was there along with Wufei, Heero, and a spider tank.

It ' s been more than an hour. Milliardo quipped, smirking.

1) Yes folks, it ' s the clichéd black sedan from all the old gangster movies.