Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Accident ❯ The Accident ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Anou, I know that the concept of the pilots switching bodies has already been used, but I was bored and desperate to do something

Anou, I know that the concept of the pilots switching bodies has already been used, but I was bored and desperate to do something. Usually these kind of fanfics always start with Duo messing up an experiment or activating some kind of machinery that would warp everybody up… Let's pick the former ^-^ ~ Um… Duo was bored <blah, blah, blah…> and he found the insane scientists' most recent project. <Etc. etc. etc…> He played with it, the others caught him, they fought, and that messed up the experiment… somehow… ~ <Sweatdrop> I'm really losing my touch ^^;; Gundam Wing is owned by a bunch of wealthy misers, < ><;; cowers> and flames will be stomped on until they look like a quivering mass of pulp ^-^

The Accident
By Kaen-chan

<After the 'smoke' clears up>

Duo coughed and shook his head, trying to clear away the nauseous feeling. //How strange… my head feels --lighter//, he though absently, struggling to get up. Suddenly he noticed something quite different… "Where are my bangs?" he wondered aloud. With a sinking feeling, he twisted his head around to struggle to look at his back. "AAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Heero got up slowly and went over to the screaming… Wufei?!? "What in the world happened to you?" he murmured, amusement creeping up in his voice.
'Wufei' gasped and desperately felt the small black ponytail at the back of his head. "My hair," Duo sobbed. "My beautiful hair! Gone!" he collapsed with a wail.
"…" Heero glanced around for Duo body. "Hn… It's right there," he said, gesturing to the still unconscious body of the American pilot.
Duo leapt forward to his body and grabbed at his braid possessively. "Oh, kami-sama. Arigato, arigato, arigato!!!" He suddenly stopped when the body stirred.
"Unnn," Quatre's voice came through the chestnut haired pilot's lips.
Duo backed away and bumped into… Quatre… "Nani!? What the h*ll is going on here?"
"Your mistake, weakling Maxwell," 'Trowa' grated through clenched teeth.
Quatre opened his eyes and shook his head. My head feels way heavier than it should in the morning… He yawned. Suddenly he caught sight of himself. "GAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the Arabian yelled in horror.
"Urusai," Heero muttered, looking distastefully at the pink shirt he was in. "Pink," he said with disgust. "I'm wearing pink…"
Trowa stood in Heero's body unperturbed… just slightly irritated. "I'm blind," he stated monotonously, crossing his arms.
'Quatre' glared at the 'Perfect Soldier'. "Hn, at least you aren't expected to smile. If anybody comes in here and asks me to smile, I'm going to blow them to h*ll," Heero said murderously.
"I'm blind in one eye!" Wufei wailed then looked down. "Woah, talk about tall."
Duo sighed. "Well we can't go outside."
Wufei glared at him, a very unusual facial expression from the pilot of 03… then again, all facial expressions were alien to Trowa. "This is _your_ fault Maxwell!" However, instead of lunging at his own body, he lunged at Quatre.
"AHHHH!!!!" 'Duo' screamed.
Wufei smirked and began to pulverize poor Quatre. {Gomen Quatre-fans… I have nothing against Quatre, just bear with me ^-^}
"Itai! It hurts!"
Duo tried to restrain the vengeful Chinese pilot with an indignant look on his face. "Oi, stop beating up my body!"
Quatre whimpered. "They're worried about bodies? Ne, what about me?"
Duo managed to pry 'Trowa' off his body and prevent any more bloodshed.
Heero smirked, however a smirk from Quatre looked… evil… "This might be interesting," he murmured.
Duo looked at Quatre who was trying to get up without tripping on his braid. "Can we at least get out of this lab? I want to try something…"
'Trowa' glared murderously at him. "Do anything to my body and I'll kill yours."
'Duo's' eyes widened, and tried to edge his way to the nearest exit.
Heero sighed. "We'll have to go to the respective rooms though," he said a little regretfully.
"Rats," Duo muttered. "I wanted to polish Deathscythe Hell today," he pouted, making Wufei look almost nicer than he used to.
Trowa shrugged. "Maybe we'll all find something amusing to do."
Quatre sighed, then looked thoughtfully at the long braid down 'his' back. //This could prove interesting//, he thought.

<After five minutes after they retired to 'their' separate rooms…>

"Gomen Wuffie, but I have to braid this skimpy thing!" Duo's voice called from the Chinese pilot's room.
"KISAMA! Don't you dare!" Wufei screamed and ran down the hallway… only Trowa's unibang was also pulled into a ponytail.
The rest of the pilots all poked their heads to watch the scene. 'Heero's' eyes widened when he saw Wufei streaking down the hall with a ponytail.
"Kuso! D*mn you Chang!" he muttered and reached into Hammer Space absently. Immediately a shot gun came to his hand. "Good supply of weapons Heero," he murmured and ran off to 'kill' himself.
Heero sat staring at Quatre's richly furnished room, ignoring the various screams and curses. "I hate this," he muttered, then peaked out the hall. Smirking slightly, he crept back to his own room and stealthily ran back out.


'Wufei' ran out of his room with a ridiculously tiny braid waving at the tip of his head. 'Trowa' chased after him, creaming various expletives that should not be repeated, waving a katana over his head. The real Trowa stalked out, fully armed with what was in Heero's HS… Which would include a couple of flame throwers, knives, firearms, bazookas, beam cannon, and a handful of bombs.
"You shouldn't have messed with my bangs Chang," he muttered and began to meticulously plant bombs along the hallway.
Quatre sat on a stool in Duo's over sized bath room, humming softly to himself the theme song to the Japanese version of SM. "Gomen Duo," he giggled and began to sort out the arrangement of hair accessories…
Heero walked out of Quatre's room… clothed in a tank top and spandex. "Much better," he smirked and went to call up Doctor J.

<After another thirty minutes of screaming and absolute insaneness>

BOOM!!! The west wing of the Winner mansion detonated, spraying debris and chunks of smoldering wreckage everywhere.
"My house!" Quatre wailed, running out of Duo's room, haired tied into… *Odangos*?! {Think of that Usagi-baka ><;;}
Duo stopped running and stared at the suddenly sheepish Quatre in horror. "… WHAT THE H*LL DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?!!!!" he yelled.
Wufei stopped and also stared at 'Duo'. " HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" he suddenly collapsed onto the rubble strewn carpet, clutching at his sides helplessly. Trowa walked up angrily and glared at the rolling Wufei.
"You're messing me up!" he growled, pointing a gun at 'Wufei's' head.
'Sailor' Quatre {heh heh ^-^} lunged forward, odangos streaming down his back. "Dame Trowa-kun! You'll just be blowing yourself up!"
Trowa stopped with a disgusted glare at Wufei. "Kuso," he muttered.
'Wufei' was still staring at Quatre's new hairstyle. "!!!"
'Duo' chuckled nervously. "Eh heh… Just something I wanted to try out in a long time Duo-kun," he said in a small voice.
"Shine Temae!!!" Duo snarled, lunging at his own neck.
Suddenly 'Quatre' stepped in and tried to haul the vengeful Shinigami off… unsuccessfully. "D*mn this weak body," Heero growled, ignoring Quatre's indignant "Hey!" He walked up to Trowa who was still holding an extra gun. "…" he took the gun.
Bang! The door to the linen closet suddenly disappeared.
"…" the two struggling pilots blinked in unison.
"I just talked to Doctor J," Heero said, ignoring yet again, Quatre's unbelieving stare at his attire. "Stop gaping Quatre," he muttered. "This should end in about another hour or so," he told them.
Duo sighed. "Fine, I'll just go feed myself." He paused. "Get rid of those freaking odangos Quatre," he muttered.

<After fifty-five minutes> {Yes, I'm trying to kill time ^.~}

"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Duo's voice rang shrilly through what remained of Quatre's house. The other four pilots ran to the kitchen where a mess of sugar products and a -- chibi 'Wufei' sat. {The chibis return! ::evil laugh:: I'll call the hopefully nicer version of Wufei… Um… Ryuu-kun ^-^ Meaning: Dragon}
'Trowa' leapt forward with a strangled cry. "Kisama! What did you do with my body?" he stared horrified at 'Ryuu-kun'.
{Anou, this is getting confusing, even for me ^^;;} Shinigami-kun grinned. "I just ate a lot of sugar," he said proudly, gesturing to Quatre's all but destroyed kitchen.
{Read my Xmas one and my Orchestra for more info on Shinigami-kun}
'Duo' sighed, shoulders slumped in defeat and odangos hanging dejectedly . "I hate you," he muttered to 'Ryuu-kun.' {Quatre likes to play with his hair too much ^-^}
"Thank you," Shinigami-kun chirped cutely.
Heero looked at the expensive watch on his wrist. "Almost time," he said with almost visible relief.

<After the 'smoke' clears again ^^;;>

"Yay!" Duo yelled, releasing his hair and swiftly re-braiding it.
Trowa stared balefully at a chibi Wufei who was trying to undo the tightly braided 'thing' at the base of his head. With a glare, he pulled out the elastic band and rang a hand through his bangs to get the back to their normal state "///-^."
Quatre, after regaining conscious, took one look at what he was wearing and immediately ran to his room. "Curse you Yuy!" he muttered, after effects of personality switch somewhat lingering. However, after changing back to his own clothes, he looked much happier… Or at least as happy as a person can look after half his house was blown up.
Heero however, was the only extremely unhappy pilot…
"D*MN YOU TROWA!!!" he yelled. "You just HAD to use up my whole supply didn't you?!!!"

~ Owari ~

Kaen: Heh. As you can see, I was really bored ^-^;; Oh well, listening to Wild Wing lessened the ennui.
Ryuu-kun: Onnako! When can I get out of this ridiculous state?
Kaen: <Sweatdrop> Oh well, I tried. He isn't nicer x.x;;
Ryuu-kun: Well?
Kaen: <Getting up> Let me get back to you on it… <Quickly runs out the door. Door slams shut>
Ryuu-kun: <Waits> Kaen? Onnako? Anybody? <Crickets chirping> … INJUSTICE!!!