Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Black Rose Arc: One: The Black Rose ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter five the black rose

// = Thoughts

"Hey, Wufei, can I have a look at your history notes?" Sally asked, sitting on her usual desk at the back of the class next to Wufei.

"Onna, why mast you insist on copying my noted instead of taking your own?" Wufei sighed, passing his notes to Sally.

"Because" Sally annoyingly replied.

"Because what?!"

"Just because"

"Onna! Because is not an answer-" Wufei ranted.

"Hey, `fei, look. That must be one of the new kids Treize was telling us about" Sally interrupted. " I can see what Treize meant. He IS cutie! Hey, Wufei, lets introduce ourselves!"

Quatre sighed, cautiously looking around the classroom. // Home schooling is rapidly starting to look more and more appealing// Quatre inwardly groaned, noticing that there were two other Goths in his class; a scowling boy about his age, sitting at the back of the room, and a girl, about a year or two older than him. She was walking over towards him, smirking.

"Hey, my names Sally, and the boy glaring at us at the back of the room is Wufei. Come on, you've got to sit with us. We've always have a spare desk or four next to or around us" sally babbled, grabbing Quatre's arm and dragging him back to where Wufei was sitting.

// And I thought Duo talked a lot! This Sally could give him a run for his money certainly. And now I know what Duo would be like if he ever got reincarnated as a girl. Oh, Allah! I hope that that never happens! //

"Here, you can sit between me and Wufei. Your name is?"

" Onna, you mean you dragged him all the way over here, babbling at him non-stop, and you didn't even pause long enough to find out what his name is?! Onna, you are even more stupid than I thought!"

" Don't mind him, he just likes ranting. It's his third favourite thing, next to insulting woman and fu- " " WOMAN! DON'T YOU DARE!" "-cking Treize and Zechs!"

" WOMAN!!!!" Wufei blushed furiously, making Quatre giggle.

"Wow, it can talk! Sorry about that. You can really tell that we are such good friends cant you? Your name is?" Sally asked, finally calming down.

Quatre paused, looking slightly nervous. " I'm Quatre."

"Nice to meet ya Quatre. My name is Sally Po. I already said that, didn't I? Oh well! This is Chang Wufei. Have you been assigned a history partner or group yet?"

" Woman, calm down. Your are scaring him." Wufei ordered, looking expectantly at the nervous blond.

" Um I-I don't think so…" Quatre stammered.

" You can join us then. We've got just over three weeks to prepare a presentation and write a report on any historical period or aspect f that period we want" Wufei began.

" WE haven't decided what to do it on yet, though. I think we should do it on Gothic history, or period clothing. But Chang here thinks we should do it on ancient China. What do you think? Do you want to go to the library to do some research later? Oh, and what's your friends name?"

"Onna, you're doing it again!"

"Come on, Quatre, you've got to come meet our friends. And Wufei's boyfriends-"

" Onna, must you blab my preferences to the whole school?!"

"Calm down, Wu. Quatre, I'll introduce you to the other guys in The Black Rose." Sally told him.

"The Black Rose?"

"Oh, yea, you're new here, so you don't know about The Black Rose yet. The Black Rose is run by Treize. Heero and Zechs are sort of his joint second in commands. The Black Rose is, sorta…like the local gang. They're in charge around here." Sally explained to the now interested looking blond.

"Really? And you're both in this gang?" Quatre asked.

"Yea, we are. The gang's not really that big, `cause it's a Goth only gang" Sally replied, as they reached the library.

"Hey Sally, Wufei, who's your new friend?"

"Hi, Trowa, Heero. This is Quatre. He's on of the guys Treize was telling us about this morning. Quatre, the tall guy with the weird hair is Trowa. The other guy with him is Heero." Sally introduced them.

Turning to Heero, Wufei asked, " Where are Treize and Zechs? I thought they were meant to be meeting us here."

"Dragon, I knew you cared!" Treize purred, hugging Wufei from behind, Zechs smirking over his shoulder.

"Kushrenada, Marquise! You-you! You are both impossible!" Wufei sighed, leaning back onto Treize.

"Nice to meet you again. I'm Treize, and this is Milliado" "I'm Zechs! Treize, I swear if you don't stop using the name, you won't be getting any for the next six months!"

" You're no fun!" Treize pouted. "Your name is?"

"I'm Quatre. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Trowa raised an eyebrow. "How polite."

"Where's your little…friend? He seemed a bit…."

"Rude, up himself, a complete and utter bas-" Zechs was cut off mid sentence by Treize fiercely kissing him.

"Oh, yea. He was just worried" Quatre said, timidly.

"Dose your friend have a name?" Treize prompted.


"Well, what is it?"

"If he wants you to know, he'll tell you himself. And if YOU want to know so much, why don't you ask him yourself?" Quatre replied.

"Touché, little one. You're ok." Treize decided, ruffling the short blonds hair.

"Quatre, get away from them!" Duo shouted, running over to them, quickly placing himself between Quatre and the others.

"Leave him alone! Quatre, come on. I knew I should have stayed with you, or better yet, kept you back at the apartment" Duo said, trying to distance Quatre from the others.

"I'm sorry, Duo." Quatre quietly apologised, looking down. "But Duo, they seem nice. They're not…"

"What's wrong with you, kid! How can you treat your friend here like that! He was just starting to relax and look happy!" Sally shouted at Duo, momentarily shocking him.

"That's none of your business! You have no idea what he's been through! Come on, Q, I'm taking you home, now!" Duo grabbed Quatre's arm, dragging him towards the door.

Quatre looked apologetically back at Sally the others, before allowing Duo to drag him behind him, again.

"What's wrong with him?!" Sally burst out, turning to face the others.

"I can see what you meant. He is rude." Trowa commented.

"And he's hot" Heero muttered, staring after Duo, eyes sparkling.

"So, do you still want them in the Black Rose, Treize?" Zechs asked.

"Oh, yes, defiantly" Treize smirked, walking away.

End chapter five