Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Celtic Series ❯ Tir na n'Og: Ene ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. I'm writing this for fun, I'm not making any money for it. However, the original characters are mine ^__^ YAY! Tethra rulezzz!

: 2+1/1+2, no other pairings in this series (but in the next, Az Gwir a eveb d'ar Bed, will be other, slightly uh... unconventional pairings).

: AU, OC's, shonen-ai, evil relatives ahead!

Author's notes
: Uhm... I really didn't feel like doing my Latin-homework... so I wrote another part of The Celtic Series: Tir na n'Og. This time I'll explain the chapter title here at the begin of the text: Ene (soul) is the part that keeps the Spered (spirit) and Korf (physical body) together. This chapter connects parts one and three, just as Ene connects Spered and Korf.

'blah' thinking

"blah" speaking

I know, I know, short chappie. But I don't think I would've done the story any good by writing more to this. After all, it *is* just a connecting part between Korf and Spered… Evil relatives ahead! YAY! Please review! You'll get a virtual cookie if you do!



That evening, Duo took me to the castle of the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Lugh the Shining. There we would have dinner. I have to admit that behind my facade of indifference, I was kinda curious about what I'd find there. Lugh was the one who had defeated Balor with the Ominous Eye, so I figured he must be very powerful. He was partly Fomoiri, just as Duo was; that fact made me even more curious.

Also, I would meet Duo's brother Bres. I didn't really look forward to that, after all I'd heard about him. He had almost caused Erin's downfall by his greediness! In spite of Duo's statement that he was 'much less jerky' now, I still didn't think he would have changed. But, as a druid, I had to look at things objectively and not form an opinion about people I didn't know.

However my intuition proved to be right, as I discovered at the dinner table.

Duo had introduced me to those present, and eventually also to his brother Bres. As his nickname 'the Beautiful' suggested, he was really handsome, though in my opinion, Duo surpassed him by far. 'Not again…' I mentally slapped myself for thinking about Duo in that terms again.

"So you are my little brother's soul mate?" a voice, dripping with sarcasm and barely concealed amusement, lisped. At that moment, when he spoke to me, I first realised that somehow I had ended up on the chair opposite to Bres's, giving me a clear view of his long, black hair and his blazing green eyes.

It took me a while to grasp the meaning of what he had just said. I had been too busy with other things, like my antipathy towards the black-haired half-Fomoiri, to immediately hear what he was saying. But now my brain provided me with the information needed. *Soul mate*?!? It took me a lot of will power not to give in to physical reactions like gaping at him or raising an eyebrow, but in spite of my training it seemed like I hadn't completely succeeded in hiding my thoughts, for Bres seemed even more amused then before.

He directed his next words to his brother, who looked somehow a lot paler after his brothers previous words. "So you haven't told him?"

Duo now turned an interesting shade of red, his eyes narrowing as he looked at his brother. "Mind your own business, Bres! Never heard of 'taking things slow'?"

"I'd never have thought you were one of the slow approach," Bres sneered.

"He just arrived here today!" Duo was now getting really agitated, his voice getting louder. I noticed that most people around the table were now looking at us, or listening and pretending not to be looking.

Actually, I was getting kinda pissed too; they were talking about me as if I wasn't there! I cleared my throat, wanting to demand that they'd tell me what was going on, but as soon as I opened my mouth to speak, two braided half-Fomoiris glared at me, warning me not to interfere.

I wouldn't have given in this easily, if it weren't for the fact that I was a total stranger here, and that this was the castle of the king of the Tuatha Dé Danann. But for now, there was nothing I could do except sit back and wait.

The two brothers were now glaring at each other, violet eyes locked with green. This was really getting out of hand.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought so. Just when it seemed like Duo and Bres would fly at each other's throat, a calm, yet authoritative voice sounded: "That's enough. Both of you, stop it." I turned around to see who had spoken, and saw that it was no one less than Lugh himself.

After one last hateful look, Duo sat down again, as did Bres; they didn't deign to look at the other. The remaining part of the evening was spent in silence.

When dinner was finished, and Duo showed me my room - we would spend the night at the castle -, I asked him what Bres had been talking about. "Soul mates?" I said on a tone that didn't fail to express my dislike of the situation.

The violet-eyed half-Fomoiri cast down his eyes, he seemed almost… ashamed of something…

"Well, you see… I really would've told you but… I just thought… I'd give you some time to get used to the fact that you're partly Tuatha Dé and stuff and…" He hesitated.

I leaned against the wall, my arms crossed. "And?" I didn't want to sound this hateful, Duo probably had wanted to do what he thought was best for me, but I was so pissed at the way that they had downright ignored me, spoken about me as if I wasn't there. And if there were one thing I couldn't stand, it was that.

Duo cast a quick glance at me. "I'm sorry… I should've known Bres would pull a stunt like this… Ever since he heard you were my destined soul mate, he's been pestering me about it… I'm so sorry…"

I just couldn't be mad at him anymore; my anger ebbed away. I asked, more nicely now: "So it is true? You being my soul mate I mean."

He nodded. "Yeah." He swallowed, then continued: "You probably hate me now, and I can't blame you for that. But please, give me a chance?"

Shit. This was not good… Not only I was - although I'd like to deny it - physically attracted to him, but now he turned out to be my soul mate? I sighed. This was getting *really* complicated… One part of me was leaping with joy now 'Oh my oh my o my! This cutie is all mine!', but my other, rational part told me that it wasn't natural to get into a relationship with someone of the same gender, that would run counter to everything I'd learned about the Holy Trinity! [1]

He seemed to have sensed my confusion, for he didn't push me for an answer. Instead he said: "Think about it. I'll go to my own quarters to give you time to rethink everything and make your decision."

I nodded, gratefully. If he had wanted an answer right away, I really didn't know what I would've said. My mind was in turmoil, my common sense and another, unfamiliar, part of me were arguing.

I didn't think I would fall asleep easily, not after all the things happened on just one day: I had left the druids and had gone to a, for me unknown world, I'd met many Tuatha Dé and other persons, who had had an important role in Erin's history. But the long day had tired me, and relatively soon I was sound asleep…


The next day I was awoken by someone knocking on my door. "Who's there?" I asked sleepily, getting out of the bed and putting on my white druid robe. Unnecessary question; I already knew it was Duo. He had a very… specific aura, one I could easily recognise. Not to mention the fact that I the connection I had felt after our first meeting only had got stronger since my arrival in the Under-world.

"It's me, Duo. Can I come in?"

I walked towards the door and opened it. Duo looked like he hadn't got much sleep. This immediately reminded me of the fact that I had to tell him my decision. I swallowed. This was really hard, but then again, if he *was* my destined soul mate, who was I to question that? Even if it *was* against the Holy Trinity?

I sighed, then said: "Good morning, muirn beatha dan. [2]"

Now there was no way back; I had to resign to my fate. But somehow… life with Duo didn't seem too bad…

End of part 2

Thanks to CuriousDreamWeaver and Zmajgoddes for reviewing chappie one! Here are your cookies! *throws a bunch of chocolate chip cookies*

[1] The Holy Trinity: (I quote from my book, I translated it from Dutch, so some words might be wrong) "Three things originally assembled (?) and from each of them can, from their nature, exist only one: God, the light or truth and a point of freedom (?) where all opposites end in harmony."

Every trinity has a dynamic part, a static part and a part that keeps the other two in harmony. The trinity I mean in this text isn't really the Holy Trinity, but the trinity of a family: father-mother-child. Although I personally don't agree with this (I mean, it is downright insulting for women! Well… kinda…) it *does* have a point. In this trinity, the father is the thinking (static?) element, the child the dynamic element (I won't quote this piece, it's just too long and I doubt anyone would be interested anyway ^^) and the mother is the one who keeps the other two in harmony. Though I read somewhere else (in the same book) something different: there they compare a trinity with a radio: a transmitting element, a connecting element and a receiving element. In which case the man is the transmitting element, the woman the receiving element (I quote: "and because women are the ones to give life, they shouldn't take lives and thus not be soldiers" that's discrimination!), and the child the connecting element. But from the previous, you'd think the *mother* is the connecting element… I'm confused…

Next chapter will be explained why Heero and Duo *don't* go against the Holy Trinity (those who've read the original chapter 3 already know).

[2] Muirn beatha dan: soul mate. (Thanks Ev! You're great!)