Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Children of Peace ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Children of Peace

Author: Shinigami195

Summary: Duo disappeared 11 years ago. Now a new enemy is about to attack the Earth but the Gundam Pilots are nowhere to be found and it's up to their children to save them.

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: angst, death, occ,

Pairings: 1+2, 3+4, 5+S, 6+9, R+oc, oc+2, oc+oc

Disclaimer: I don't own the Gundam Wing characters, but I do own the original characters.

Author Notes: This is mainly about the gundam pilots's children but the gundam pilots do have a very large part to play in this fic. Please review if you read, thank you ^_^

The Children of Peace,


It was the way she tilted her head to the side,

The way her long brown hair fell over her shoulder and back,

The way her right hand trailed up his arm, stroking.

The way he bent into kiss her and she raised up to met him,

The way she charmed him, her grace and beauty captivated him,

The way she smiled,

The way she laughed…

He spun from the window and into the hallway. He walked down the corridor and jerked open the front door.

"Young Lady, you are ten minutes late!" He yelled at the couple standing on the pavement by the road.

She glanced over her shoulder and whispered something to the guy.

He bent to kiss her again but she stepped back, apologising and he glared at the man in the doorway watching them.

"Good night." She smiled before turning and walked indoors.

It was the way she explained herself,

The way she talked herself out of trouble,

The way she calmed him down,

The way her bright blue eyes smiled at him as she toed off her shoes and pulled off her socks,

The way her lips brushed his cheek as she said goodnight to him,

The way she wore her hair,

It was the way she was, and the way she was reminded him of him.


"Where are you taking me? I can't see anything."

"That's the idea of the blindfold."

Strong hands held him and guided him forward.

"This is your wedding present from me."

Behind the newly wed couple, 8 friends stood by a line of cars, none of them wanting to miss the look of the "brides" face when he discovered what his husband had gotten him.

The man behind him pushed some papers into his hands.


"You can take the blindfold off." Heero said and he removed the blindfold for his love.

Duo Maxwell-Yuy's eyes widen as he saw what the papers were.

"Oh Hee-Koi." He breathed as he read the adoption papers. "Are you sure?" He turned round and searched Heero's eyes to make sure there was not a trace of doubt in them.

"I'm sure."

Duo smiled and hugged his husband.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Duo had to stand up on tiptoes in order to kiss Heero, a kiss which left Heero weak at the knees.

"Can we have a girl?"

~End Flashback~

That day, 11 years ago, Duo had chosen to adopt a young girl, just five years old.

She called herself Shinko.

Duo had loved her the moment he saw her.

It was a pity he had only gotten to be with her for a year.


"Heero, I have some bad news."

Heero glared at Lady Une and she paled.

"What is it?"

"It's Duo."

The world stopped for Heero then. He barely heard Une explain about the mission and what had gone wrong.

He fell to the floor and sat there, kneeling in pray.

Duo was dead.

There was no body, but for six months the Preventers had worked long and hard to find the missing ex gundam pilot.

There had been no luck.

Shinko was only six, she didn't truly understand.

It was at that moment when Heero and all the other gundam pilots made a promise.

Their children would never know who they were.

Heero left the Preventers.

There was a funeral, there was a grave.

Heero held his daughter's hand as they said a final goodbye.

~End Flashback~

Heero sat down on the stairs.

The grave was empty, Heero hoped, someday that it would be filled. While it was empty, Heero believed, Duo could never truly rest in peace.



That's a little confusing right? Sorry about that. Anyone wanna read more? If you do put one hand on your head, stick the other hand in the air and um… DANCE!!!!!

How many of you are doing that?

Sorry, I'm a little hyper, I heard something this morning which made me cry from laughing so much (it was a inside joke) but still.

Please, if you liked, review!!!!! And I'll post more.

If you didn't like, then screw off!!!!

Aren't I nice?

I'm just joking, tell me your views, I want to know what you think.

Thank You ::bows::

