Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Flirt ❯ Epilogue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Flirt: Epilogue

The Flirt: Epilogue

Three Weeks Later

Harriet stuffed her backpack alongside the seat of her Gundam and checked some controls before descending to the ground. "Well, RipRock, we're off again," she said quietly, putting her hand on its Gundanium leg. Her father had made a wise choice and left, gone back to Canada, deciding to leave his daughter and nephew alone permanently. Smiling, she headed to the dining hall, where Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, Duo and Heero were sitting at the usual table.
"Hey, not just anyone can sit here," Duo joked, referring to the empty chair across from him.
Harriet suavely replied, "I like to think I'm somebody," and sat down, next to Quatre. "So what's for breakfast?"
"School food," Wufei said, somewhat sickened by the poor excuse for cuisine in front of him. Heero looked like he was going to kill the cook. Duo jammed his spoon into what was supposed to be oatmeal and struggling to remove it from the grey-brown glop. Trowa merely stared at it. Quatre looked like he was going to try to eat it and try to like it.
Harriet laughed at the boys. "Come on," she said, "we're going out."
"What?" Quatre exclaimed.
"For breakfast. My treat. Let's go," she said, standing again. "Come on!"
After dragging them to a restaurant, Harriet led the other pilots towards the hangar for their Gundams.
"What's all this for?" Heero asked.
"I'm leaving," Harriet replied, standing in front of RipRock.
"Leaving?!" was the shocked, unanimous outburst.
"Where will you go?" Quatre inquired.
"Wherever I feel like going," she answered, shrugging. "Or maybe I'll keep flying until I run out of fuel. Who knows?"
"Will you come back?" Duo questioned.
"Maybe, maybe not," she said. "It depends on if I'm welcome back."
"You're always welcome!" Quatre exclaimed. "How could we think otherwise?"
Harriet smiled. "Right. Of course." She accepted a hug from her friend.
"Maybe we'll blow some mobile dolls together sometime soon, huh?" Duo suggested.
"You bet," she agreed, hugging Duo too. "And Chang Wufei…"
"Don't say it," Wufei said.
Harriet shook his hand. "Alright then." She turned to Heero. "I'll practice saying omae o korosu, 'kay?"
Heero tried stifling a laugh as his hand took Harriet's. "Until it's perfect."
Harriet laid her other hand on Heero's shoulder for a moment before going to Trowa. "Well, cousin, I trust you won't be at the next family reunion?" Trowa looked confused. "I know I sure as hell won't."
Trowa smiled a little and embraced his cousin. "Goodbye Harriet," he said quietly.
"Not goodbye," Harriet said, "just see you later." She acknowledged the five pilots again as she got up to the cockpit, and they quickly moved out of RipRock's way.
"Okay RipRock," she said, pushing buttons and setting controls, "say farewell."
As she ascended into the air, Harriet looked down to see five large mobile suits waving. Smiling, she returned the action to Wing Zero, Deathscythe, Heavyarms, Sandrock and Shenlong before putting the thrusters onto full speed and shooting off into the morning sky.

The End