Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Guides to Life ❯ Relena Peacecraft's Guide to Life ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kaen: Warning, I don't like Relena… I was nicer to Wufei because a lot more of the reviewers liked him… Nobody really said anything about Relena so don't expect any apologies from me if you get offended

Kaen: Warning, I don't like Relena… I was nicer to Wufei because a lot more of the reviewers liked him… Nobody really said anything about Relena so don't expect any apologies from me if you get offended. You have been warned.
Dekiru: ^^;; She's really taking the 'Heero is my Role Model' thing seriously.
Kaen: Glare What's wrong with that?
Dekiru: Shrugs Nothing… turns to the readers And to think I have to put up with her every five days of the week!

Relena Peacecraft's Guide to Life
By Kaen-chan ^-^v

Self motivation phrase-

Naïve voice: I'm the Queen of the World

What to say everyday-

To you destructive stalking interest:
Come and kill me Heero!
And my name is Relena…
::Pitifully tearful voice:: But why? (First Operation)
Kill my brother Heero!
::Bunch of mindless drivel::
::Peace stuff:: {>< yuck}

To Zechs/Milliardo:
I don't care whether or not you are my brother… You stole my bangs! {Heh… The ones that she has when her hair is in that ponytail… Have you noticed the immediate difference?}
Hey oniisan… Can I borrow your shampoo?
Oi, if I'm the queen… Then… BOW DOWN BEFORE ME YOU WORTHLESS WORM!!! (Resulting in Zechs holding a gun to her head…)

To your dead father:
::Anything about Heero::

To Duo:
God of Death? HA! I'm the Queen of the World! Beat that!
::Glares at braid:: Plagiarist! You stole my hair style! ::Duo:: o.O;;

To Quatre:
You got any tea?

What to do everyday-

To you destructive stalking interest:
Stalk him
Shout for him to come and kill you on far away cliffs when you personally know that he can't hear you
Tell him your name when he doesn't even care
Follow him half way around the world to blotch up another one of his mission
Stand in the way of Wing's shield and not even move… Hopefully people will think of the act as bravery and not stupidity… {I think of the latter. What about you?}

To Zechs/Milliardo:
Steal his shampoo
Pull rank on him whenever you can
Denounce him

To your dead father:
Bore him in his grave about Heero problems
Ask for advice when you know that he's dead

To Duo:
Try to cut off his braid
Spread rumors about his eating habits and watch as Hirde/Hilde goes insane
Give him laundry lessons…
Laugh with maniacal amusement and Hirde's clothes turn pink

To Quatre:
Jump him if he holds back the tea
Start competing with him on who has the most money

What to do in case-

The teddy Heero gave you is missing:
Sob like the weak idiot you are and start accusing everybody in sight
Steal either Wufei's, Duo's or Quatre's
Badger Heero to buy you a new one
Slowly back away when his eyebrows start to twitch…

Duo comes over to your house:
Hide all valuables and breakables
Hide all the food

You run out of Johnson's Watermelon flavor shampoo:
Steal the kid's next door…
Make do with your brother's

Wufei calls you an onna:
Scream at him until you grow hoarse
Take steroids and challenge him to a fight… {People who have read another one of my fics… See where this is leading? ^^;;}

A strange girl with twin eyebrows offer you a ride:
TAKE IT!!! Her ride should look ordinary, but in reality, you know it's made of Gundanium ^-^

You find Heero's firearm:
Try to figure out how it works
Accidentally shoot somebody
Try to dispose of it
Hide when Heero comes demanding for his weapon


Kaen: I know, I know, that one sucked and was utterly pointless… But then again what do you expect from someone who's trying to finish ::counts her files::, 10 fanfics, this one included, at the same time?
Dekiru: I'm finished with the second Anime Apparel!
Kaen: Post it then!
Dekiru: ::Shakes head, still smiling:: Can't.
Kaen: Why not?
Dekiru: I don't have a thing that converts documents into HTML remember?
Kaen: Oh yeah… So you'll post it up on Monday?
Dekiru: Of course ^-^
Heero: ::Comes in and looks at the two girls suspiciously:: What's going on?
Kaen and Dekiru: ::Try to look inconspicuous, whistles::
Heero: ::Glare::
Kaen: ::Glare::
Dekiru: ::Sweatdrop::
Duo: ::Walks in and sees the two glaring:: Oi, I thought Kaen-chan liked Heero!
Dekiru: ::Shrugs:: I have no idea…
Quatre: ::Walks in with a Relena tagging him:: Eh, Ka-chan?
Kaen: ::Blinks:: Nani?
Quatre: I have a slight problem here…
Kaen: ::Glances:: Ara… ::Takes out a tea bag and waves in front of Relena then chucks it:: Go get it! Go girl! Go get the flying tea bag girl! ::Watches with cruel amusement while Relena runs off::
Dekiru: Flying tea bag? ^^;;
Kaen: If you can come up with a better metaphor, I'd like to hear it…
Trowa: ///_-…
Quatre: Arigatou ^-^
Kaen: Ja ne min-san and thank you for reading! I need to know, who should I do next? All the main pilots are done. Give me you opinions!