Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Key ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

O.o Why is it I come up with more idea's to write but I can never get other ones updated ne? * shrugs* I dunno either. I just do this. And I have no damn clue where in the world this stupid fic came from. Alternate Universe, most or all characters are BIG TIME ooc. *sighs * I'll try and update this and my other fics more. I promise. ^_^ I wanna thank Sirus and Taka for all their encouragement. Tommy and Johnny for their constant prodding. And of course all of my kick ass readers who leave me all those great reviews that I love getting and that make me write more. You guys are THE BEST! ^_^ Ja!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything and if I did own any of the GW boys or anything to do with them I'd be rich and I wouldn't thrive on you peoples reviews.

Anything that has nothing to do with GW is property of Crystal Glacier™. Thanks!


It all started around 3:00 in the morning. Thunder shook the ground while lightning crackled across the pitch black sky, darkened by storm clouds. Duo lay curled under soft blankets, head pressed into his pillow while he slept in his tent, the rain pounding against the water proof sides. Beside him lay an open bag of salt 'n' vinegar chips and an empty can of pop.

Duo stirred slightly as a shadow flashed for a second on the side of the tent as the lighting flashed. The storm was getting worse and the American boy wouldn't be able to sleep through it all for very much longer. From behind closed eyelids Duo could see the shadows that weren't from surrounding trees. Someone…or something…was walking around his tent. He wasn't sleeping any longer. He had heard a branch snap during a break in the thunder but had stayed still in case that someone…or something was looking for life inside his tent.

Duo's eyes snapped open when the zipper on the tent flap started to unzip. What ever was out there had to be human, and it was coming in. With silent hands Duo reached under his pillow, for the knife he kept under it in case he needed it for something.

As soon as the flap fell open Duo sprung forward, knife blade flashing in the lightning as he tackled who ever was coming in onto the muddy ground. He had his knife against the persons throat, eyes narrowed as his slender body pinned the person to the ground. In the darkness it was hard to tell if it was a male or female who had tried to invade his tent, all he knew was that this person would have to do some quick explaining.

"Spit it out," he growled, leaning low. "Why in the hell are you here?" The person groaned and finally stopped struggling under Duo's body. The braided boy had been a lot stronger than the person had guessed.

"I'm only here to give you information…" he rasped out, his voice jagged from the cold of the storm. Duo sighed and stood, dragging the person under his shelter made from some tarps, the rain didn't have a chance of getting in there.

"Now speak," Duo said as he lit his lamp, the soft light filling the enclosed area. Looking at the person, he watched carefully as he/she pushed back to hood covering his/her face. Duo's mouth dropped open.
