Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Matchmaker ❯ Okay, What the Hell Happened to Me? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Matchmaker
Author: Makoto Sagara
Series: Gundam Wing
Archive: The usual suspects; anywhere else, please ask first.
Category: Supernatural, Angst, Romance, Sap
Pairings: Eventual 2x5x2, 3x4x3, and 1xRx1
Rating: T
Warnings: Shonen ai, language, angst, sap, het, supernatural dealings
Disclaimers: Yeah, like I own Gundam Wing. (Goes off to cry, but not before turning out pockets) I am poor as well. Flames will be used to amuse my muses. They are easily entertained, but highly obnoxious.

A/N: After nearly two years of having custody of this wonderful plot bunny, my muses finally decided to bite. It might just be the fact that they've recently awaken from a hiatus, or it could be the fact that I finally finished A Child's Love. I'm not sure which one it is, but I'm glad nonetheless.

Chapter Two: Okay, What the Hell Happened to Me?

The four other ex-pilots exchanged worried glances as Duo glared at them, his face a mixture of righteous indignation and utter bewilderment. Silently communicating with one another, they moved to the other end of the room to speak amongst themselves.

"What is his problem? No one has said any of the things he's claiming," Heero said, shooting small looks at his best friend without turning his head. His training as a Gundam pilot, and current Preventer/body guard, was kicking in and he was starting to feel tense after the brief period of relief at Duo's awakening.

"Well, I didn't say that he looked like crap. I just thought it," Quatre admitted, his voice low.

"I'll admit that I thought to myself that he might be hearing things," Wufei added.

They were all quietly lost in their thoughts, trying to figure out what to do.

'Maybe Relena will know someone we can have him talk to about his accident,' Heero thought.

'I just thought that he looked bad, but he still heard me...'

'Perhaps the accident did something to one of the parts of his brain that humans don't use,' Trowa mused, a slight smile gracing his features. 'Well, I suppose that this means that Quatre is no longer the only one of us five with an extra-sensory condition.'

'No matter what has happened, once he is well enough to leave this hospital, he is moving back with me,' Wufei thought stubbornly.

Duo could hear their thoughts as loudly as if they'd shouted directly into his ear. 'Heero thinks I'm crazy. Quatre's just focusing on what he thought. Trowa thinks I'm some sort of psychic. And Wufei, he doesn't care...' Suddenly, a light bulb clicked on in the back of Duo's abused head. 'I... I can hear their thoughts! Oh my god, what happened to me after that truck hit me?!!!!!'

"Alright, I think Mr. Maxwell's had enough excitement tonight," the nurse said as she popped through the private room's door. "You may return in the afternoon," she glared at the four men at the other end of the room, "during normal visiting hours."

"I'll be okay alone, guys," Duo said, trying to sound cheerful. "Just bring me lots of books and stuff to do when you come back."

'You don't have to force yourself for us, Duo,' Wufei thought sadly. "We will return when we can." He walked over to the American and grabbed his hand. "It is nice to see you awake finally." A slight smile twitched the corners of the Chinese man's mouth. 'I was started to get really worried that you'd never wake up.'

The Arab and Japanese men joined Wufei and Quatre took his other free hand. "Yes, it is great that you're back here with us. We'll be back later with something for you to entertain yourself with." The blond's smile dropped a bit. 'Just don't do anything rash, Duo.'

Heero stood there uncomfortably, a pensive look taking over his strong features. 'Right now, he'd be trying to hug me. I don't know if that's acceptable in this situation though....'

Duo sighed as he heard what he recognized as his friends' thoughts. "Don't worry about me, guys. I'll stay in the hospital and I promise not to torture the staff here too much. I don't really have much else to do right now, so see you in the afternoon." The four nodded as one and left the room.

"Is there anything I can get for you, Mr. Maxwell?" the nurse, Cindy was the name on her tag, asked. She came over and fluffed his pillows and took his vital signs quickly.

"No, I'm just going to go back to sleep. I'm kinda tired." As soon as the door clicked shut, Duo was asleep.


"Are you sure that he's ready to do what the Master entrusted him to do?" Maximus asked his white-clad counterpart.

"You ask as if he had a choice," Thaddeus countered.

"I know he has no choice, but humans are so unpredictable. He may try something violent. Or one of the others may decide that he is mentally unstable and try to commit him."

"The Master trusts that he can do this. So, our only choice is to sit back and watch."

A little boy with long chestnut hair flowing around him stepped out from behind his rock. "Who are you two?!"

The winged beings turned to face the boy and laughed. "Well, if it isn't the human himself?" Maximus asked, still laughing.

"My name is Duo, not the human!"

"Is your name really Duo, human? Do you know what your real name is?" Thaddeus asked, his white wings shrugging up and down, stirring up a slight wind.

Duo refrained from answering.

"I'll take that as a no. Poor human doesn't even know his own name, Thad..."

"That is no reason to tease him, Maxi. The Master wouldn't approve."

The black clad being pulled his wings in behind him and moved until he was kneeling in front of the boy. "You will do as you are supposed to, human."

"And just what am I supposed to be doing?!" Duo crossed his arms against his chest stubbornly.

"You'll find out, human," Thaddeus said, stirring his wings again. "I believe it's time for us to leave now, Maxi."

"I agree." With that, they both took off, leaving the boy in the clearing, a bewildered look on his face.


"What do you want from me?!" Duo yelled, bolting straight up from his bed and wincing in pain. "Ow, note to self, don't do that again."

"You really shouldn't be moving much, Maxwell. The doctor said it was best not to jar anything until it's completely healed," Wufei said, closing the door behind him as he entered.

"Fei, where is everybody else?" A grin flashed across the injured American's face before he grimaced in pain while trying to sit back comfortably.

"Relena Peacecraft arrived a few hours ago. Quatre, Heero and Trowa are talking to her right now. She is anxious to see you conscious again, but they sent me ahead to let you know that you haven't been abandoned." Wufei gave his friend a small smile as he sat down in the chair next to the other's bed, putting a rather large shopping bag on the floor next to him. 'Not that I had to be sent. I would have come anyway.'

"Thanks, 'Fei. Means a lot to me." Duo looked down at the bag near the Chinese man's feet and smiled again. "Whatcha bring me?"

"These are books from Winner and me for you. To keep you from trying to run away from the hospital before your release." He hefted up the bag onto the bed, careful to avoid any body parts that may have gotten squished.

"Kinda heavy."

"Yes, well, Winner believed that he should get you a variety so you wouldn't be bored and terrorize the hospital staff."

"Good ol' Q, he's always thinking ahead." He started scrounging around the bag, looking at the different books. There were books on history, politics, modern fiction, a few romance novels, and even some comic books. "What? No books on foreign languages?"

"That is for next time," Wufei said calmly.

"Ah, so, um, 'Fei, has anyone talked to the doctor yet?"

"No, not as of yet, and seeing as how you're awake and fully capable of speaking for yourself, no one has a right to speak to him before you."

"So, my doctor's a guy, huh?" Duo sighed. "So much for seducing my doctor to get released early."

Wufei scowled, a pang of jealousy hitting him. 'You would, wouldn't you?'

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything." Wufei stood up and looked at his friend closely. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Duo blinked, wondering why he was feeling nervous around the man that he'd known for years and become good friends with after both wars. In fact, he was feeling so nervous that he could feel the heat rise to his cheeks, a detail that was not lost on Wufei.

"Are you ill? Do you have a fever?" Wufei was placing a hand against Duo's forehead, which increased the American's discomfort and, in turn, made him blush more. "You're flushed! Maybe I should call a nurse for you."

"No, 'Fei, I'm okay..." Duo croaked, yanking his head away from the warm and calloused hand that was touching him so intimately. "I... I just need a few moments, and I'll be right as rain." He swallowed and could feel his nervousness abate a bit. "So, when are the others coming?"

'I'm not so sure that I'm convinced that he is telling me the truth. But, Duo doesn't lie. But, he may be omitting something, which is close to lying. Why?' Wufei shook his head. "They should be here soon, with Relena as well."

"Hello, honey, we're here!" A familiar female voice was drifting in through the door, and soon the woman herself was joining them, the other pilots in tow. "Oh, Duo, I was so worried! But, it was wonderful to get a call from Heero telling me you were awake and coherent!"

"So, Lena, how do I look?" Duo asked with a smile.

'Like shit, but you'll live.' The woman's brilliant smile dimmed a bit. "You've looked better, Duo, but I think you'll be better once you're back on your feet!"

'Finally! Someone who's honest! I knew that I liked Relena for a reason!'

"So, Mr. Maxwell, what do you say we hunt down your doctor and torture some answers out of him?"

"Relena, I think I love you," Duo retorted.

'WHAT???!!!' Heero's mind screamed.
