Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Quest for Nagifar ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
+ Title: The Quest for Nagifar - Part 4
+ Author: Vinyl Koneko (Emily),
+ Rating: PG-13
+ Couplings: 1x2, 3x4, 11+13
+ Warnings: action, adventure, language, angst, yaoi
+ Archive: Want it? Take it. Just give me credit, please.
+ Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. Don't own Indiana Jones, either. Both belong to something bigger than I could ever comprehend. ^_^
+ Comments: //Lyrics// and *emphasis* and 'thought' and [flashback], some may not be used in this's just a heads-up. Sequel to "Heero Yuy and the Eye of Horus". Starts up maybe two or three months after its epilogue. You don't need to have read "HYatEoH" in order to understand this fic, but it would be nice.

Vienna, Austria-Hungary

The moment General Treize Khushrenada was killed didn't signify the end of OZ to the world. It was true that OZ as a unified political power was gone, but several factions branched off from the main group, each fighting the other while claiming to be carrying out the late general's dreams. Lady Ann Une, formerly Treize's second-in-command, was in power of the main OZ faction, holding up the fort in Vienna, trying to bring back together those who wanted to keep OZ together for what it stood for. Power.

"Lady Une!" called Lieutenant Otto, the officer currently in charge of overseeing any OZ military movement. "I'm receiving reports stating that a small aircraft with the same markings as the one Doctor Yuy often uses was shot down over Norway after destroying one of our own fighters and damagings two others."

Her eyes were closed, head lowered, and expression somewhat serene. 'Mister Treize, if the reports are true, you did not die in vain. I'm sorry I couldn't prolong Yuy's suffering as he did yours, but I wasn't notified.' Her expression hardened. 'I will bring in the commander who obstructed justice.'

"Otto, I want to know who was in command of the vessel and have him brought in for not requesting my authorization of the attack. They will pay for taking their own initiative."

The lieutenant saluted sharply, hurrying out a, "Yes, ma'am," before returning to his post to carry out his orders.

"You're too kind to me, my Lady; carrying out my will when you are now free to carry your own."

Brown eyes softened at the sound of the voice. Une turned to find its source, but as in the past couple months, it eluded her. "My will is your will, Mister Treize."

She could feel Treize's smile, even if she couldn't see it. The memory of the soft curve his lips would form was enough for her. When she joined OZ, she had pledged to serve General Khushrenada and his cause. Treize wouldn't let his people down. Especially not after they've accomplished so much.

Lady Une stood from her seat, moving to stand next to the window. Even though the air was cool, she pushed open the window to let in some fresh air. It wasn't a cool breeze that her mind's eye saw brushing her hair away from the nape of her neck, but her beloved general. His hands were cool, much like his gaze, and he held her in a way that was supportive and lent his strength. Une couldn't see how the other OZ soldiers had struggled without Treize's direct leadership since the accident in Egypt. OZ was a part of them all and Treize, as its head, should be as well.

"Yuy won't be dead, despite what the reports say. We couldn't kill him before, so I doubt the imbecile commander and his fleet would have succeeded so easily. Barton will be with him in Norway, and maybe even Maxwell."

Lady Une couldn't help but smile at the tone of voice in which Treize spoke the longhaired man's name. She would be lying if she said that she hadn't been jealous of the attention General Khushrenada lavished on the young man. She hated him for the attention he received, and hated him even more for the fact that he had whole-heartedly rejected being embraced by a man as wonderful as Treize. Une was happy to hear the contempt in her general's voice, and it filled her with hope that maybe he would finally notice her undying devotion.

"Do you want me to take care of it, sir?" she asked, mentally reviewing the various toture she could put on the archaeologist and his friends.

"No, dear Lady," Treize replied. She could feel his breath on her face. "You need to stay safe away from harm's way. OZ would certainly collapse without your support, so you must stay hidden. Sent someone you trust will get the job done, and make sure your orders are explicit so they know exactly what they need to do. Soldiers are no better than animals, at times, and you need to make sure to treat them that way."

There was a knock at the door. Lady Une looked at the direction the sound came from, glaring at whoever was intruding her time with General Khushrenada. "Who is it?"

"Lieutenant Otto, ma'am, with news."

She could feel that Treize had hidden himself, which was good because she didn't want to have to share him with anyone else. "You may enter."

Otto saluted with his usual formality before beginning his report. "The captain said that they searched the wreckage and there were no bodies found, ma'am. There is no way the bodies could have disintegrated since the explosion wouldn't have been hot enough, so they either survived or evacuated the aircraft before it crashed. I sent out a fleet to retrieve the captain as well as a man to take over his command. He will be here shortly to receive your reprimand."

"There will be no reprimand from myself. He'll get the message when he is delivered directly to Colditz[1]. He will stay there until I can come up with someplace better for him to be sent. You're dismissed, Lieutenant." Sensing that his presence was no longer necessary, Otto left as quickly as he had entered.

"Lieutenant Otto seems like a good soldier, Lady, why don't you have him carry out your word?"

"If you feel that Otto is the man for the job, General, I can only believe you. I'll notify the lieutenant the next chance I get that it will be his job to track down Doctor Heero Yuy and his friends and take vengeance for your death."

"Good, my Lady, but now you must rest for trying times are soon to be upon us."

Une felt overwhelming exhaustion as Treize's presence lead her towards her sleeping chamber. She lie down in the bed, feeling his hand caress her face and hair. 'I promise to you, Mister Treize, that I will accomplish your dream.'


End Part 4

[1] From what I can tell (the page was in German and the Babelfish translation is all screwed up) Colditz was a castle used in WWII as a military prison. I'm 90% certain it is in Germany. SOURCE: