Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Repast Series ❯ Unsociable/Sociable ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters.

Genres/Warnings: Shounen ai, 1+2, Heero POV, waff, sap (I guess so at least)

Beta-reader: sailor c. ryoko


The Repast Series - Unsociable/Sociable by Maaya


The reason I remember this special moment with Duo, is probably because it was so normal, and still I felt so unbelievably happy.

Back then, I didn't think about the happiness, but now when I think about it, I feel so incredibly, wonderfully happy.

Ever felt that way; so strongly that it feels like there is a balloon inside your chest - and that balloon is continuously swelling and swelling, though you have no real reason for feeling so?

I hadn't - at least until I met Duo.



My mind was suddenly ripped away from the earlier subject it had been focused on and I looked into a pair of bluish violet eyes. They looked back, questioning, and I guessed that I had been very far away in my thoughts, so far that I had spaced out for a while.

"What?" I asked, sounding harsher than intended and it seemed to annoy Duo too. He frowned, the pair of eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he looked right back at me.

"Excuse me." You didn't have to be overly smart to hear the clear sarcasm in his voice. "I wondered if you had eaten anything yet."

I had to think for a while before responding. "No."

"Well, do I have the honor of accompanying you for a mere lunch then?"

I forced my bad mood out of my head as I answered with a very slight smile. "Sure."

"Then, are you ready? Come on!" He grabbed my arm and hauled me up from my chair with a strong tug. All of his earlier irritation was blown away in a strong wind in the same instant as I forced that smile upon my lips. I couldn't help but compare him with our neighbor and her old dog.

It was like a habit of Duo's and mines - to look out of the window every morning at seven o'clock and watch as the old lady with her dog walked by. It was always amusing to see what kind of mood they were in. If the lady was happy, the dog wagged its tail and skidded around whilst if she was grumpy, the dog was growling and barking at everyone who had the misfortune to pass them. It was like they were connected somehow, in kind of the same way as Duo and I are.

If one of us is grumpy, the other one is too. I guess that is why they call it `soul mates'.

We walked down the road, shivering and snuggling as deep down as possible in our coats as we strolled ahead. It had certainly gotten colder the past few days. It hadn't come any snow yet, but white frost covered the thin branches of the trees that were planted along the street, making it look like it had snowed at least a little.

"Where are we going?" I asked my companion, glancing at his face. His nose was growing red as a reaction of the cold.

"McDonalds." Was the reply, and he shoved his hand deep down into one of my pockets. I glared at lump in my pocket as it moved - fighting my own hand for space enough to settle down.

"Why did you do that?" I asked when I lost the fight and gave him as much space as he wanted.

"It's warmer in your pocket."

I grabbed his hand in the depths of my pocket. True, it was ice cold. I held it in a firm grip to warm it up, but when that was done I still didn't let go.

We walked for a while in silence, at least until realization dawned upon me. I peered at him.

"Did you say McDonalds?"



"I knew you'd say that."

"Duo, it's junk food." I paused for a while to give more effect to the continuation. "Disgusting junk food."

He just grinned at me. "Hey, you said yourself that their salad was eatable."

"Eatable and tasty are different things."

We arrived to McDonalds and I held up the door for Duo to enter first, but as I stood there, our neighbor and her dog walked past - in a seemingly good mood I might add.

Duo stiffened as he saw me looking at something behind of him and he turned around to see what.

From the angle I was in, I couldn't see his face, but I could hear in his voice that he was grinning when he spoke.

"Good day Mrs. Peters." He reached down to pat the dog. It seemed to like it, because the tail started wagging so much that it had trouble standing properly. If I had been I young girl I'd probably squealed `kawaii!' in a high pitched voice, but as it now was, I remained quiet, watching as my boyfriend communicated with the dog and laughed.

Still, I felt mildly shocked, because I had no idea that Duo knew the old lady and her dog.

I stood, feeling strangely left out as I watched them talk to each other for a while, until I managed to drag Duo inside.

As the door closed behind us and we took place in the line, I looked at Duo questioning. He was still grinning, the way he used to do it as a fifteen-year-old boy during the war. The grin that used to annoy me as much as it cheered me up.

Lost in old memories, I once again missed how he tried to talk to me.

"..Heero? Why didn't you say anything to them?"


"What's with you today, why didn't you greet them?"

I looked up. "I don't know them."

He watched me in disbelief as I ordered for us both. "Seriously? We've lived beside each other for over a year and it has never occurred for you that you should maybe speak to her? I mean, exchange a word or something?"

I grunted and took our tray as the girl behind the counter arrived with it, before stalking away to find an empty table somewhere. It wasn't all that hard since the lunch rush was over for a long time ago.

We settled down and Duo stuck a straw in his coke before looking up at me again. "What kind of social life do you actually have, Heero?"

I was chewing on a lettuce leaf when he asked me that, so I continued to chew four more times before answering. Four times. No more, no less. Four times. "I don't need a social life."

"Oh, how so?"

"I have you."

My oh-so-romantic lover swallowed a large mouthful of hamburger (loudly) before replying. "Was that supposed to be romantic, Heero Yuy?"

"It's the best I can manage."

"Oh." He muttered and sipped on his coke. "Guess that'll be enough for me."

I grunted, only to show him that I wanted to change the subject. For once, he took the hint.

"So what were you thinking about earlier?"



I was clueless, and he must have noticed it because he sighed and clarified.

"Office. Me. Asking. You. Spaced."

I snorted and took another lettuce with the light plastic fork I had gotten with the tray. I stared at it for a moment. "Nothing special." I took the piece into my mouth and chewed.

"Everything about you is special." He retorted.

I couldn't help but grin and mimic his earlier question. "Was that supposed to be romantic, Duo Maxwell?"

My braided lover chewed thoughtfully on the hamburger. "No, it was the truth."

I raised one of my eyebrows slowly, almost elegantly. "And the truth is not romantic?"

"Not always. But in this case, maybe. It wasn't supposed to be, though."

"That's what makes it romantic. When it's not supposed to be, I mean."

Duo shrugged with a small smile on his face. "Guess it is. Still, you didn't answer my question."

I thought we had left that subject, but unwilling as I was to cause a big argument, I gave in. "The meeting I was on last night."

He choked. "The one about the Preventers' budget?"

"That's the one."

Duo stared at me for a long moment. "Heero, you're in serious need of a more exciting life."

I shrugged and listened as he continued.

"That meeting was the most boring one of the year, and you are still thinking about it? Was it really that interesting for you?"

"Do you know that the last speaker is related to Lady Une?" I changed the subject.

He coughed as he choked on his coke, his eyes bugging out of his head.. "Seriously?"

"Yes, I asked him."

"You *spoke* to him? Christ Heero, that man was crazy! His ideas were nothing short of insane!"

I couldn't help it, but I snorted. "Guess it's in the family then."

He laughed, until he spotted my wrist watch.

"Jesus, we're late!"

After a hurried scramble of trying to put our coats on at the same time as we left our tray, we were finally out on the road again, running as fast as we could towards the Preventers HQ.


The End


Yup, it's a PWP, but it was still fun to write! ^___^