Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Rise of the Golden Phoenix ❯ It was said ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I love Gundam Wing. Oh I do not own the G boys or the names I use in my fic they belong to whoever made them. I sorry I dont know who you are.
What is in a name
I dont play the sue me game
If it is me you want to blame
Remember I dont have money cus I'm lame

AU, fantasy, and action - Heero, Duo, Trowa, and Wufei, are all warriors in a mythical world full of danger, monsters, and gods. They embark on a journey to capture the Golden Phoenix and rescue the Prince of Sandrock. 3x4 and 1x2

The rise of the Golden Phoenix

by Markanovanlink

Heat swells the desert sands as four creatures make their way through the sun scorched Earth. Powerful creatures tamed by the most talented warriors on earth, run their way single file through the desert with ease.

The first creature was a radiating white horse with matching feather wings. The horse had three horns running up its head that curved towards her rider. The rider was a tanned youth with messy black hair and cobalt eyes. The tanned youth’s only weapon was a double edge battle axe which was firmly strapped to his back. It is said that this warrior went to the land of the gods and stole one of the daughters of Pegasus, the father of all winged horses. It is also said that this warrior could command the rains and thunder while riding her.

The second creature was a pitch black two-headed dog the size of a horse. The evil two headed beast had long bat wings that were folded under its rider. Its rider was a handsome youth with violet eyes and long brown hair adorned in a braid that flowed in the wind as if it were the tail of the beast. It is said that this warrior is the son of the god of death and was given one of Cerberus’s sons as a gift. Cerberus is the three-headed dog with a snake for a tail that guards the gate to Hell. It is also said that this warrior could steal and capture souls with his scythe.

The third beast was a lion with the face and wings of an eagle. Its green eyed rider was a tall youth with hair that covered half his face even in the wind. It is said that this warrior is able to communicate with all animals, beasts and monsters. While on a journey, the youth came across a griffin having trouble given birth. He tried all he could to save her and her baby but the mother died. After burying her, he took care the baby griffin and rise him as his own. It is also said that he was a great marksman with a bow and arrow and once he killed a hundred men with daggers that are always concealed in his cloak.

The last monster slithered behind the other creatures. A raven haired youth rode on a huge snake like dragon with two wings being its only other limbs. It is said that this warrior carried a sword made from dragon bones and teeth. He was the slayer of dragons until he killed a dragon that was only trying to protect her egg. Feeling the injustice of the slaying he decided to care for the egg. Vowing never to kill another dragon the youth raise the baby dragon as his own. It is also said that he could seal away lost souls into golden gundamium medallions.

These four warriors united by war swore to keep the innocent safe from creatures of mass destruction.

The Sandrock Palace was their destination. A kingdom that was plagued by a legend. Not just any legend a great legend of a Arabian Prince taken from his palace by the Golden Phoenix. It was said that after the Sultan died that his son would take his throne and peace would reign for 40 years. After the Sultan’s death, the Golden Phoenix attached the kingdom and scorched the palace. The Prince was taken prisoner by the Phoenix. The Golden Phoenix attacks the kingdom every four days on the fourth hour of that day.

The riders came to a halt at the gates of the Kingdom. “So do you think the legend is true?” The warrior of the dog-headed beast asked the others.

“I don’t know, but if it is I cant wait to defeat it.” Answered the youth with cobalt eyes.

“Is that all you think about Heero, is defeating this and destroying that? Shinigami I am glad you not that old beast cus Heero would try to beat you up, yes he would. I would never let anything happen to my special guardian of hell, no I wouldn’t…”

“Duo!” Heero yelled at the other boy to get his attention. Duo would often talk to his two-headed friend when the others ignored him or when he wanted to get on the other’s nerves. “The mission, we were given a job to eliminate this creature.” With that said Heero jumped down off his horse holding a golden medallion in his hand and yelled, “Wing return.” The winged horse jumped into the air and seem to shrink into a beam of light coming from the medallion until it vanished into the surface of the jewelry. The golden medallion now had a embossed impression of Wing on it.

“Nataku, return.” The winged dragon did the same as Wing as just done into his master’s medallion. The raven haired warrior placed his medallion under his white tunic and turned towards Duo. “Please put that dog of yours away.”

“Wufei, he likes you. Why are you so mean to my baby. Shinigami, return. I don’t see you rushing Trowa to put his pet away.” At the mention of his name, Trowa jumped down from his griffin.

“Nanashi, return.” Was all the tall youth said as he made his way next to Heero.

“So lets go, I am really hungry and sleepy and tired and my butt hurts and no one is listening to me cause you all are walking away. Hey wait up.” With that our warriors walk into the Kingdom of Sandrock.

“The common folk seem spooked about something.” Duo noticed how all the people were rushing to put up all their belongings inside. As the four walked through the city they saw no carts, vendors, barrels or any type of clutter in the streets at all. “Neat town.”

“Well, if the Golden Phoenix attacks every four days I guess there would be nothing to leave outside due to the fear of losing it in a fire.” Wufei chimed in as the noise of the kingdom died down with vacancy. “The palace is straight ahead maybe the Sultan can tell us more before that creature arrives.” The other warriors nodded and made their way to the palace.

The palace would have been beautiful it weren’t for the burnt parts of it. The four warriors walked up to the guards and introduced themselves and waited for their audience with the Sultan. The guards lead the young men down many corridors until they reached the throne room where the Sultan was. The Sultan was a short and round dark skinned man with a small black goatee. His chubby chest was exposed through his golden and white vest. His voice was very deep and husky. “So you are the warriors I have sent for. My kingdom has been under attack ever since the passing of my brother, the former Sultan. This fiery creature has killed our prince and burnt our lands. We have no defense against its onslaught. Are you capable of handling such a beast.”

“Your majesty, we are more than capable. When was the last time the beast attacked?” Heero spoke while on one knee as he took a mental note that the Sultan believed the Prince was dead.

“Three sunrises ago. The beast attacks every four sunrises. Since you have came from afar we expect you to rest and prepare yourselves for his attack in the morning. You will see what my people have been enduring in the last four months. Take these warriors to their rooms and let them rest and continue your preparations for the sunrise attack. Good evening to you all.” With that the Sultan was gone. The four boys were rushed into a huge room filled with flush pillows and four beds with colorful curtains draping from them. The four youths exhausted from their trip went to sleep in order to wake for the sunrise show.

The green eyed warrior leaned against the only window in the room as he stared at the star fading sky. Trowa was always the first one up and about. He could never truly sleep. He was haunted by a past of killing and torture. He had no emotions towards taking lives but it bothered him when his eyes were closed. Just as Trowa noticed the first rays of the sun, the palace shook with a tremendous force that woke all the warriors in the room. All rushed to the side of Trowa to see the commotion. It was beautiful, the golden and orange streaks that illumined the sky. The beast was magnificent. A mountain size ball of fire shaped like a bird headed towards the castle, towards the window. Someone yelled get down as all but one warrior hit the deck. Trowa was drawn towards the beast in a strong trance that cause him to look and reach further out the window.

“Tro what in the name of Hell are you doing?” Duo went to get up to grab Trowa but Heero held him back. “Let me go, he will get hurt.”

“No, he knows what he is doing. He always does.” Heero shouted back as the palace continued to shake with an earthquake like force.

“Who are you?” Trowa whispered to himself as the creature approached. The Phoenix stopped dead in its tracks and screeched so loud that all the glass in the room shattered. All the warriors covered their ears except Trowa. After the screeching stopped, the Phoenix simply vanished. The boys got up from their positions on the floor and noticed a unconscious Trowa on the floor.


So tell me what you guys think. If you don’t like it that’s cool, but if you do please review and I will put up the other parts.