Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The True Victor ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Five
Preventer work was easy. Although Andy had heard rumors that training was harsh and the work difficult, he whizzed by through it. Maybe it was because of his already enhanced training, or maybe it was because he was used to work like this. He didn't know about Kitsune, since she was in a different department, but whenever she came to visit her brother, she seemed just fine. Happy-go-lucky as usual.
There were only two people who worked in the department that Andy worked in: him and Wufei. All of the other departments were too easy for Andy, and going into Kitsune's didn't fit his style. Kitsune was in the information department, and since being the youngest, she was helped out by Sally. Wufei had asked Andy to join him which was special affairs.
Although partners, the two rarely talked to one another. They only had a mutual understanding and respect. Right now, the Preventers had focused entirely on a small rebellion that was rising down on Earth.
"It's small for now," he tuned into the meeting as Lady Une continued with debriefing. "But we've had a couple of uprisings in this area for the past couple of years. Some of them we've had to use force to put them down. This rebellion's different from the others, though. Some of our spies haven't returned nor can we contact them."
"Probably because someone from that group has discovered them," Andy said.
Everyone turned to look at him, including his sister, but Andy was lost in thought again. Lady Une nodded in agreement. "That's a possibility."
After a half an hour, the meeting was dismissed. Andy and Kitsune were the last to leave.
"Andy, Kitsune, can I talk to you two for a moment?" Lady Une asked.
Andy closed the door behind him. Kitsune quickly took a seat. She sat backwards, resting her chin on the top of the chair.
"What is it, Une-san?" Kitsune asked.
"I've told Wufei and Sally this already," Lady Une began. "Prime Minister Dorlain is going to make a visit to the Alberta prefecture to discuss the building of launching a station there and also about the uprisings. I'm worried about her safety and possible assassination attempts..."
"So you would like us to act as bodyguards?" Andy asked.
The young man's smart, Lady Une thought as she nodded. "I know that you two are still new, but you've been doing an outstanding job, especially for only starting out for a couple of weeks. Would you like to help them out?"
Andy and Kitsune shared a look. If they took the job, then Relena would recognize them, and if they didn't take it, the two would be hearing from their guardian for years on end if anything happened to her.
"It's fine with us, demo, can we bring another person along with us?" Andy replied.
"Do you mean your grandfather?" Lady Une asked.
", anno....our uncle..." Kitsune stammered.
"Is he going to the Alberta prefecture, too?"
The two slowly nodded.
Do you think Hee-chan will wanna go? Kitsune asked her brother.
We'll just ask him and see. Besides, if we mention it's Relena-san, he'll probably want to go. her brother answered.
Lady Une looked at the two strangely for a moment. It was as if they were hiding something from her. "Maa....if that's it, then it's fine."
<Dorlain Mansion ~ Earth>
"Huh? I never invited anyone by the name Odin Lowe," Quatre answered after Relena's curiousity got the better of her and called Quatre about the invitation list.
"Are you sure, Quatre?" Relena asked again, anxious inside. "That's what those two told me."
"I'm sure, Relena-san. I didn't invite anyone by the name of Odin Lowe," then he realized something. "Heero didn't come, did he?"
Relena blinked. Why in the world would he... "No, as always. Why do you ask?"
"Because someone checked off his name."
<to someplace else>
He sneezed. And sneezed again.
"Mou, Yuy-san!" a waitress complained.
"Aa, sumanu," Heero apologized, finished the last couple bits of his sandwich. He looked out of the window, staring absentmidedly into the blanket of artificial blue. Somebody must be talking about me.
<to Andy and Kitsune...on their way to colony L1>
"Oniichan, how're we supposed to tell Hee-chan?" Keitusne asked her brother. "Better yet, what about Relena-san? Isn't she going to recognize us?"
"Do I look like a mind reader to you?" Andy asked his sister back as they walked through the streets of L1. "We'll just have to tell him straight out."
"You'll just have to tell me what?" Heero asked from behind.
Kitsune wrapped her arms around Heero's waist, since that was as high as she could reach. He hugged her back, patting her on the head.
"Oi, you two are back early," Heero said as they continued walking. "So? What did you want to tell me?"
" did you know? Besides eavesdropping," Andy replied.
Heero smiled slyly. "Being with you two for so long, it's easy to read you like a book."
"Huh, figures," Andy simply said. Then after a moment, "I guess we'll tell you once we're back home."
"No means no," Heero said again after being explained the entire situation.
"Demo, Hee-chan...," Kitsune pleaded.
"If I went with you guys, they would find out," Heero explained.
"You know, what's so wrong about revealing yourself?" Andy asked. "You're only going to tell them that you're still alive."
"If I tell them where I am then the Red Hawks will know where you are," Heero pointed out.
Kitsune observed her two elder relatives quietly. She sat backwards in her chair, resting her chin on the top bar as her eyes tiredly looked back and forth during the minor arguement. Usually, it was Andy that didn't say much. It was only when he had good reason or when with her and Heero that Andy acted like a normal person. And it was Kitsune who talked the most.
"You two can go, but I'm staying here," she tuned back into Heero.
She frowned. Her Hee-chan ALWAYS stayed back.
"Demo, Hee-chan, Relena-san's coming to visit there," Kitsune finished what she was about to say earlier.
That was when Heero froze in mid thought. Relena... They hadn't said anything about here earlier.
"" he hesitated.
I knew it! Kitsune thought happily. She nodded. "Uh-huh. That's why Une-san asked us to accompany her. She said she wanted the best to go and protect Relena-san."
Andy sighed, grateful that his little sister was able to knock some sense into their guardian to help them.
To protect his angel again. To watch over her, this was the choice that Heero Yuy had wanted to do again. This was possibly the only choice he had...
( Chichiri )
[ Tasuki ]
/ Taka-neko \
** TrowaPlushie **
~Ayame-chan and her muses see a rampaging Godzilla Relena~
Aaahhh!!! Godzilla Relena!! ::runs away:: ~They run into a knife-wielding HeeroPlushie~ Ahhh!!! HeeroPlushie!! ::runs away:: Tasuki, this is all your fault!
[Oi, what the hell did I do?!?]
**She needs somebody to blame. Besides, Tasuki, you came up with the ending.**
/Mreow, mreow\
They're catching up! Chichiri, teleport us!
(Wakkata, no da!) ::teleports::
Whew...don't kill me please!! ::glares at two particular authoresses:: I promise I'll make it up! Relena and Heero will be together for all you H&R fans! ::nods:: At least...I think so ^_^ R&R!