Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Wills of the Gundam Pilots ❯ The Will of Quatre Raberba Winner ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Will of Quatre Raberba Winner

Hey people! Gomen nasai, but I haven't a lot of time to write fanfics now… Blame it on my schoolwork and attempts to get a better anime filled lifestyle… Of course I'll still try to write at least a fanfic per month... maybe even more if time allows it ^^;; Due to a few complaints of the way I manipulated the characters' personalities, I'll warn you at the beginning of this fic: OOCness!!! (For some of the wills at least)… The characters 'writing' the wills will appear out of sorts, to put in lament terms ^^;; LMN was the first author who used the fanfic idea of a will, so thank her (?) for unearthing this marvelous idea if you like this series.
Gundam Wing does not belong to me <sigh>… As much I try to deceive myself that I can at least own a beam saber, let's face it… We wouldn't be here, wasting our lives reading/writing fanfics if we owned even one character. T-T;;
Anyway, on with the fic--will!

The Will of Quatre Raberba Winner
By Kaen-chan ^.~V

As I have passed away and left all my dear companions and fellow pilots, I'm am so apologetic to say that I have gone and shall not be seeing any of you soon. My many cherished worldly possessions are to be given to all my dearest friends and are too be handled with care… Otherwise I'll personally scrounge up the remnants of the Zero-system from where I'm comfortably playing chess and hunt you down if you damage any bit of my property… Arigatou and please read on.

To Heero who has shown me the darker side of life, I leave with you my wardrobe. Since I've let's say… seen Duo's will, somewhere--somehow, I urge you to not take up his Gothic style. Your spandex and tank tops just have to go. If I've learned one thing from those giggling twits I call sisters of mine, it is how to dress fashionably. You know why so many people like me? CAUSE I'M CUTE!…… Sorry!-- Anyway, if you ditch the forever present shorts and green top, I'm sure you'll find many, many more fans other than your stalker.

And you Duo… dear, dear Duo… I leave with you, a pair of shears. Why you ask? Because I'm sick and tired of that freaking braid of yours! Now with those oversized scissors, you can hack them off. I'm sure any of the others will be glad to help. The point of it is, that without the braid, you'll look a lot more like me! Then my brat-like sisters won't be bore-- I mean, sad. To complete the makeover, I also leave you with a $5oo gift certificate towards hair supplies. I've given all the known stores specific instructions to sell you a life's worth platinum hair dye and blue eye contacts. I've also left you with a picture of me pouting so if you need extra supplies, just show it to my business partners and tell them what you need. It's always worked for me. ^.~

Trowa-san… I leave you with a chalk board and a lifetime's supply of chalk. Trust me, the way you speak, I think that you'd be better off writing out your conversations. The rest all know how to read, I hope. I'm also going to hope that you'll take this last piece of advice: Never become a talk show host or a public events announcer. Kami-sama help us all if you decided to pursue that career road. There are also 100 crates of tea in my basement, in storage door # 563. That should perk you up somewhat. ^-^ I thank you thoroughly for helping me cope through my insanity period… *cough, cough* I hope no hard feelings are left when I blasted you ^-^;;

Wufei-- I give you with my heat sorters (sickle like weapons). Do you know how old fashioned you are? Anybody, in your case weakling, can get a sword. How many people do you know have heat sorters? They'll bring you more justice… I'm also leaving you with 20 bottles of Rogaine. No offense 'Fei-kun, but one reason why people in general avoid you is not because of your imposing nature, but because of your hair line. It's *cough* appalling *cough*. I hope you don't mind my rudeness, but I'm dead, so I that's an excuse, right? =3*

*Oh, Wufei? That's my puppy dog face. Just close your eyes and imagine how distraught I'd be if you'd get angry…

To my beloved Sandrock, I leave the rest of my money in the form of Gundanium wax. Enjoy the beautiful coats of polish. Please protect the world's and Colonies' peace after I'm gone. Any method you choose is superb… It doesn't matter. I'm also leaving you with my tea set. Now you can have tea parties with the rest of the gundams!

Dorothy Catalonia… I have one regret in my life and that is… Not having the chance to kill you! This is one fault I have in my once flawless record. You've tarnished my life you witch! You stabbed me and didn't even apologize! You're as bad as Relena!!! I'd give up my pacifist beliefs if I were allowed to kill you. Why did I not do so before, you ask? I was young and foolish. I can't believe that Trowa took upon Duo's part. I HATE YOU!!!! *sigh* All this rage is not good for me. Since you provoked me with your presence, which I know is there somewhere, I leave you with nothing… only a licorice stick.

To my sweet, beloved *cough* yeah right *cough* sisters. If you're expecting something from me, then GO TO H*LL!!!! {Gomen De-chan, couldn't resist ^-^;;} All my life I've suffered under a roof smothered in perfume and have almost had a gender crisis… BECAUSE OF YOU GIRLS' OBSESSIONS WITH BARBIE! I leave you with NOTHING!!!! [Read the above paragraph, if you please] Only to my sister Iria do I give… two sticks of licorice.

With all that said, I wish everybody good luck in their longer and more miserab… happy lives. I'm going to watch over everyone of you (except the following: Dorothy, Relena, and my 29 sisters. Why should I protect you?) Good bye until we all meet again… Hopefully that day is ver, very far off. Domo arigatou mina-san. <thank you very much everybody [formal]>
