Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Trowa Gets A Haircut ❯ One frightened individual... ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Standard Disclaimer: Just so we get this straight, I own nothing, I want nothing (except Trowa and Treize naked on a bed together), and I have nothing to give you if you think I stole this stuff. So there. : p //_~

Pairings: None really. I think it's slight 4x2, 5x3 and 1x13, but I might be wrong. Who knows? Hehehe…*cackles ominously*


* blah *=obvious exaggeration

Heero: Is she finally gonna get on with this story?

Trowa: I sure hope not! She's gonna cut my hair!

Duo: Really? About time! *holds scissors really close to Trowa's head*

Trowa: Eep! *runs away*

Heero: Anyhoo. Are you gonna write this thing or not?

Shinigamiduo: Of course I am! I can see some bishounen who aren't gonna get any lemons from now on if they keep bothering me…

All: O.o We'll be good!

Shinigamiduo: Good then. *holds up sign that says "And now on with the show!"

It was a quiet evening in the Winner household, when a loud shriek broke the silence.

"What the Hell is in my hair?!"

The other Gundam pilots went to see what the commotion was and saw a very strange sight indeed. Trowa had something in his hair. It was bright pink and sticky. It could be nothing else but…

"Bubble gum!! Who put bubble gum in my hair?!" The irate Heavyarms pilot looked around accusingly. He spotted Duo chewing on something. "It was you! Get over here!"

Duo jumped and ran downstairs. "I don't have any gum! Honest!" He yelled. Trowa was hot on his heels when Duo stopped dead in his tracks. He turned around, reached into his mouth and pulled out something. Turning around, he showed it to Trowa.

"Here." Said Duo, unafraid now. "See this?"

Trowa looked at Duo's hand. "That's not gum!"

"I told you. Why would I put gum in your hair?" Smirking, Duo whistled and walked away.

"Well then who could it have been?" He stuck his hands in his hair again, and screamed. "It has to come out right now! It's ruining my style! Look!" He pointed out his problem to Wufei. "What can I do about this?"

"You have to cut it out." Fei said matter-of-factly. "Otherwise it'll just get worse and then you'll have to shave it out."

"Trowa's eyes started to water. "Shave it out? You mean shave the hair off of my head right?" Wufei nodded. "Oh, no. I can't do that. My hair is my image. It's everything to me. Maybe Heero will know what to do."

Heero, oblivious to Duo's near death experience with Trowa, was on the phone.

"Yes. 1:45? That'll be fine. Thank you. Bai bai." He hung the phone up and truned to face Trowa, who's eyes were filled with tears.

"I have made an appointment for you at Lowered Ears. It's that new hair salon downtown. You're to be there today at 1:45. Don't be late or they'll shave it all off as punishment."

Trowa promptly fainted.

About an hour later, Trowa regained consciousness and found himself tied down to a rather comfortable chair. There was a large mirror in front of him. Hair care products lined the shelf below the mirror. He realised with a heavy stomach just where he was.

"Let me out of this chair!" He yelled. "This is not right. If the hair goes then I go too. Just kill me now." He sighed and looked around. The entire staff and customers were looking right at him. Heero spoke up on Trowa's behalf.

"It's his first haircut in quite a while." The people nodded agreement and went about their business again. "Trowa?" Asked Heero. "Are you alright?"

Through clenched teeth, Trowa spoke his dislike of the situation. "I hate it here. It smells like shampoo and being here means that my hair's gonna disappear soon!" He started to cry and Heero wiped it away. "It's really not that scary. How often do you think I cut my hair? It's been months. Maybe years for you and Duo as well, but it's not bad. It grows back in about two weeks anyways."

"Really? Two weeks?"


"Alright. Maybe I can do this. As long as it's fast and doesn't make me look dumb."

"Of course not" Said a new voice. "My name is Natasha. I will be cutting your hair today Mr..


"Wow. Nice name. Um, Mr. Trowa. How would you like me to do this?"

Trowa thought long and hard about her question.

"Well, I would actually like you to not do this, but if I have to, then I would like my friends to be right here to see if anything looks weird. Is that alright?"

"That's fine. Would you guys come over here please? Mr. Trowa would like you to be here in case of emergencies. Now. Time to begin."

Natasha started by wetting Trowa's hair lightly, and combing it through. She then grabbed her scissors and lifted them high to get Trowa's top hairs. See, this gum not only stuck to his hair, it BONDED to it. This was gonna take a while. She got really close and cut one section. Trowa let out the breath he didn't know he was holding and looked into the mirror.

"What happened? Is my hair OK? How much did she take off? WHY IS THERE SO MUCH OF IT LYING ON THE FLOOR?!" He took a breath and looked around. "Well? I can't see the back of me!"

"Um, Tro-chan?" Duo asked. "She's only cut like, three hairs. She's really trying to be careful, but when you turn around and be fidgety, she can't do a good job! So hold still!" He punctuated his sentence by shoving down on Trowa's shoulders and holding him steady.

"Alright. Shall we begin again?" Asked Nat. Trowa looked perplexed. "Ugh. I guess so."

Twenty minutes go by and Trowa has still stayed where he was supposed to. The others thought he'd fallen asleep. Nat went right for the last chunk of hair and snipped with her scissors. Her eyes went wide after cutting and Trowa freaked out.

"What happened?! Why did you look at my head like that?! What have you done?!" He was frantic. The other pilots stood back and giggled. Quatre gasped and stepped farther away. Nat finally spoke again. "Oops." That was all she said.

"OOPS?! What the hell is `oops'?! What did you do?"Trowa tried to look at the back of his head and only succeeded in tangling himself up in the cover they put over him. He sat still for a second and laughed. "You guys are scaring me on purpose right? Right?! Guys?!"

"Um, Tro?" Again, Duo. "Do you want a mirror to look at the back of your head? It is a little different then you're used to, heh."


"Trowa! Calm down!" It was Wufei. "It isn't bad at all. She just cut it shorter than the rest. Here. Let me get you a mirror. Look into the mirror on your wall there and look from there into this little mirror OK?" He moved the smaller mirror so Trowa could see into it, and Trowa sighed. It's not bad at all! You can't even see where the gum used to be! Sweet!" At least he felt better. He went to get up but Duo shoved him down again. "You're not done. Nat has to restyle your hair to make it look natural again. Then you can leave. You want your uni-bang back right?" Trowa looked up and noticed he could see through both eyes. "Well, I guess so."

Natasha tried her hardest, and when she was done, Trowa looked well, different. The only difference was, that Nat had not given Trowa back his whole bang. There was only half, but he could use both eyes while piloting now. It increased his peripheral vision, and made him look older. He was happy to have the gum out of his hair, but not happy that he wasn't as mysterious anymore. It was a lonely quiet ride home.

"Heero, I'm happy you made that appointment for me, just to get the gum out, but look at my head! You can see both eyes! How embarassing. It's like going outside nude. People are seeing a side of me never before seen. This sucks." He grumbled some more and went downstairs in search of something to eat. Heero went into Wufei's room where he was alone with Quatre playing a card game.

"Hey guys?" Asked Heero. "Should we tell him?"

Duo chimed in. "Tell who what?"

"Tell Trowa that the stuff Nat found and cut out of his hair was just leftover shampoo. He didn't rinse it out properly this morning and it got dry and sticky. He uses that strawberry stuff right?" Duo nodded, dumbfounded. "Well, that's why it was pink. He sure was scared of having his hair cut."

Duo almost wet his pants. "You mean that we had to go through all that trouble with him even though she knew it was only shampoo? Why?"

"Because Trowa had no peripheral vision. If he looked to one side he saw fine, but the other was covered. That's why he had so many bumps and bruises when he fought. If he'd cut it years ago, he wouldn't have so many scars." Quatre finally said. The truth be told! "Maybe he'll keep it this way from now on. It kinda looks cute on him. He has nice eyes." Wufei shifted uncomfortably in his jeans and thumped Quatre on the shoulder. "Time to go Quat."

"Sorry guys. We have to go to see Sally about Wufei's measles shots. He hasn't had them since he was a kid. Bai!"

"Measles shots?!!" Yelled Wufei. "You're not getting me to have shots! No way! Kill me first or knock me out before the pain co…" There was a loud thump and Quatre poked his head back in again. "Um, guys? Could you help me carry him to the car. He's heavy."

A yell from downstairs got them running.

"Guys!! There's something on my shoe! I think it's gum, but gum doesn't smell like this. Help!"

Heero and Duo looked at each other and groaned. "It's gonna be a long night." Said Duo.

"I agree."


A/N~Damn that gum! Taking away his hair like that. I mean it wasn't gum, but it was still stuck in his hair. Anyhoo, ja ne! Reviews are very welcome! //_~