Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Universal Clash ❯ Heero's past ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Anubis! Where are you!?"
"Yuli! Where are you!?"
"White Blaze! Here boy!"
Ryo looked at Dais as they walked. "You're sure you looked everywhere in the Nether Realm?"
Dais nodded. "I'm positive. Master Talpa hasn't seem him since he told us our orders. I didn't exactly tell him about our little truce, I just asked him to look for Anubis in the Nether Realm."
Sekhmet yawned as he walked. "Man, where the heck could he be? There's only so many places he likes to go."
Cale shrugged. "Maybe he got lost in his library. Remember, that happened once."
"Anubis got lost in his library?" Cye asked incredulously. "How?"
"It's pretty big," Dais explained. "We lost him in there for a couple weeks a few decades ago. I don't think he'd do it again, especially since he got of those cellular phone things that you Mortals always carry around."
Kento laughed. "Those things never work. Believe me, I've got one, and it never works when I need it to."
Cye glanced around. "But that doesn't explain why we haven't found Yuli and White Blaze. Where could they be?"
"Should we split?" Cale asked. "Maybe the kid thinks we did one of those hypnosis things and you're under our spell or something."
"Hypnosis?" Rowen asked. "Like, swing a watch back and forth to make us sleepy?"
"You're getting sleepy," Dais said to Sekhmet in a soft voice, swinging a watch in front of him. "Very sleepy. Your eyes are getting heavy. You want to sleep."
Sekhmet swayed on his feet and collapsed. He hit the ground and started snoring softly.
Cye, Sage, Kento, Cale, and Rowen started snickering. Ryo looked impressed. "I didn't think you could do that."
Dais looked impressed too. "Neither did I."
"Sekhmet?" Cale asked leaning over him. "Wake up. Nap time's over. Up time."
Sage looked at Sekhmet. "He's out like a light."
"Well, not for long," Dais stated. He lashed out with his foot and gave Sekhmet's side a really hard kick.
"Ugh," Sekhmet grunted and woke up. "Dais? What in Hades was that for!?"
Cale started laughing. "He doesn't remember!"
Sekhmet looked confused. "What?"
"Dais hypnotized you," Ryo explained.
"Okay," Sekhmet said nodding. "I can understand that. But what about that?" He pointed to the sky.
Everyone looked up. The sky had turned a sickly green.
"It looks like the sky is going to puke," Kento observed.
"Maybe we should get umbrellas or something," Sage suggested. "If it does and that barf hits my hair, blood will fly."
"Maybe something is wrong in the other world," Rowen suggested. "What if something is wrong with the pilots?"
Ryo shook his head. "No, they aren't the ones to fail."
"You're right," Cye agreed. "Although . . ."
"Although what?" Dais asked.
Cye looked thoughtful. "Heero is sick. The pilots and Mia split up to help find things to make him well and to attack Orra's base. What if one of the groups failed?"
"You know," Cale said, "all these questions and doubts are getting on my nerves."
"Yeah," Sekhmet agreed. "Maybe we should go looking for Anubis in the other world."
"I don't think Yuli and White Blaze are there," Ryo said, thinking. "He probably would have been transported with the rest of us."
"But we were all split up," Kento reminded. "It took us several minutes to get to the pilots after we heard Relena scream."
Dais groaned. "Oh, for the love of all that's holy, can someone at least give us a clue as to where they could be!?"
The ground beneath the Ronins and Warlords began to glow silver.
"Wasn't the light before white?" Sage asked.
No one was able to answer before they all disappeared.

Anubis walked next to Heero on his left, with Relena on his right. He glanced around as they walked, noticing how things were starting to look different in the dusk.
"Anubis?" Senna asked softly. "Why do shadows and objects look scarier in the dark?" She whimpered quietly.
"I don't know," Anubis answered. "Maybe it's just your imagination."
"No way," Terro said. "It's 'cause all the bad demons come out at night to haunt those who stray from the road."
"Stop that," Alla said. "You're scaring Senna. You know better than that, you ignoramus."
Anubis sighed as Alla and Terro started bickering. "Stop it, please."
Senna took a deep breath. "I'm not scared." She started crying. "I'm just terrified!"
Relena picked her up and rocked her gently. "It's all right, Senna. We'll stop soon. Please don't cry."
"Senna's still just a baby," Alla explained. "Only about four in your years. She's thirty-four in our years."
"I'm a big girl," Senna insisted. "I can do this."
Anubis gently patted her head. "Don't worry. I think you're a big girl."
"We'll stop soon," Heero stated. "Just one more mile." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Senna.
"Stop that," Alla said. "You're really freaking me out. How do you know all this stuff?"
Heero shrugged. "I just know. And I'm starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together now. I still need some more time to see the entire picture."
"Anubis?" Relena asked. "What are your friends like? The Ronins seem like they're a really tight group of friends."
"The Warlords?" Anubis asked. "Well, they're all right. They know how to pull pranks pretty well. They do it all the time to me. Other than that, we're pretty close."
"Friendship is powerful against evil," Heero stated. "We will need to get everyone together if we want to defeat our foe."
Alla sighed. "How much farther?"
"Five more minutes," Heero answered. "We should see it once we get over the next hill."
Terro ran ahead and stopped at the top of the hill. "Heero, I am not sleeping in that."
Anubis reached the top of the hill and looked down. "No way am I going in that. It looks safer to stay out here."
Relena and Heero followed them. "It looks rather rundown," Relena observed.
"Inside," Heero said and walked in. The others followed him and stayed clustered near the door. Heero looked around the room and went to the old and damaged bookshelf. He looked at shelves and read the titles.
"A Soldier's Guide to Life?" he read. "How to Kill People in Five Shots or Less? What is all this?" He touched a book labeled Emotions: the Ultimate Weakness and the shelves caved in, revealing a staircase spiraling down into darkness.
"I am so not going down there," Terro stated firmly.
"You are such a pansy," Alla sneered at him. "I'm going."
Heero took a hold of the rail and started walking down the stairs. "Come along."
"Whatever is down there has got to be better than up here," Anubis said. "I'd rather sleep somewhere where monsters and demons can't get to me easily." He followed Heero slowly, hanging onto the railing as the staircase wobbled.
Relena tied Heero's jacket around her and made a pouch for Senna. "Alla? Terro? You coming?" she asked as she went down.
"Of course," Alla said. "The wimpy baby can stay here all alone." She followed Relena.
Terro looked around the dark room and puffed out his chest. "I'll be fine all alone. I don't need them."
The sounds of the night seemed to intensify as Terro glanced around. A piercing scream from the wind made him jump.
"Wait for me!" Terro shouted and ran after the others.

"How much longer?" Wufei asked Trowa.
"Shouldn't be too long," Trowa answered. "Ten, maybe fifteen more minutes."
Wufei glanced towards the base. "Are you sure they can't change your program?"
Trowa nodded. "I'm positive. They won't be able to stop the implosion." "If Heero really was trained here, they might be able to change it," Wufei said. "He's a technical genius."
"Well," Trowa stated, "if they can change it, I made it so it will destroy at least half the base if they touch the control panel."
"What will we do after the base is gone?" a soldier asked.
"We will meet with the others," Wufei said. "Many things have probably happened to them."
Trowa nodded. "I agree. We need to find out if Heero's all right."
Another soldier shifted his position. "Who is this friend of yours? He seems to know more about what's going on then he lets on."
"You may be right," Wufei agreed. "It's almost like he knows what going to happen in the future. I don't know why he does. You would think he would tell us when we first arrived here."
"Something's going on," Trowa suddenly said.
The group watched as a band of soldiers walked out of the trees and headed towards grass that was so tall it was clearly visible several hundred yards away. The soldiers walked quickly towards the grass, not hesitating for an instant as the base behind them exploded into the night.
"What's over there in the tall grass?" Trowa asked the Palos soldiers.
"A demon," one said, clearly fearful. "They are going to release the demon in Pandemonium."
Wufei looked towards the grass. "The demon in Pandemonium? How will they release it?"
"Nobody knows," another soldier answered. "There is a legend, that says when the demon rises, darkness will fall and the dimensions will collide."
"Dimensions?" Trowa repeated. "Like ours, yours, and the Ronin's?"
"There are many other dimensions," a soldier said. "More than even we know about. If they all blended together, can you imagine the chaos and destruction that would happen?"
Wufei nodded. "I can. We must stop them. The base is disabled and can't do as much harm. The others soldiers that walked away are far more important."
"I agree," Trowa said. "We have to protect all dimensions and times."
The group stood up, preparing to follow the soldiers, when suddenly Wufei felt extremely odd.
"Trowa? I feel something weird," Wufei said.
Trowa was about to answer when he felt odd too. "What's going on?"
"The wind," a soldier said softly. "The wind has stopped."
"Nothing's moving," Wufei observed. "Everything's frozen."
"The dimensions must be colliding," a soldier said. "But, the demon has not yet been released. Its power must be reawakening, and time is frozen."
"Time itself?" Trowa asked.
A soldier nodded. "The demon has the power to control time. It can freeze it and kill you in an instant. It can speed it up and make you older. It can even turn it back and make you younger."
"How many years ago was this demon released?" Wufei asked.
"Only one in our years," a soldier replied. "Around eight in your years."
"Eight years ago?" Trowa repeated.
Wufei looked at him. "If Heero ever was here, he would remember, since he would be eight."
Trowa nodded. "At any rate, we need to get going. If this demon is really in control of time, we will have to stop it as soon as possible."
Wufei nodded. "I just have to get used to this odd feeling. We should split up. I want you soldiers to go to the temple in the mountains. Tell everybody what is going on. Trowa and I will follow the troops."
The soldiers nodded. "All right then," one said. "Farewell." The entire band of soldiers got up and ran towards the mountains, leaving Trowa and Wufei alone.
"Let's go," Trowa said.
Wufei nodded, and they ran off after Orra's henchmen.

"I-I-I-I'm-m-m f-f-r-r-e-e-z-z-z-z-z . . ."
"Duo, if you can't spit it out, don't talk," Kell said.
"I'm cold!!" Duo shouted and continued to shiver, his teeth chattering loudly.
Mia blew on her hands to warm them. "This is colder than I expected. I was only expecting thirty degrees or something. Not thirty below."
Quatre pulled his jacket closer against him. "I know what you mean. We will either have to find some shelter or turn back. Our bodies can't take this kind of abuse."
Duo gritted his teeth together and continued walking. "Heero's gonna pay for this," he said to himself, his teeth chattering and the wind blew cold air against them. "He so owes me. Can't think of anything right now, but . . ."
Mia took a chilling deep breath and rubbed her hands together. "There was only a chance that someone was up here. We should turn around and go back to get better prepared for when we come back up."
Duo had continued walking and didn't hear her well. "What did you say!?" he called back as he turned around.
"Who's out there!?" a voice shouted from behind him.
Duo froze, which wasn't too hard, due to the fact that he was already frozen from the cold and because he heard the sound of a gun clicking behind him. "Sounds like an ordinary rifle," he thought to himself. "Oh, well. Might as well humor the guy."
"I asked you a question!" the voice repeated.
"My name is Duo Maxwell," Duo said, slowly turning around with his hands in the air. He stopped and stared at who he saw.
It was a girl. She had wraps around her face, making her voice muffled and deeper. She had eyes that were Prussian blue, staring suspiciously at him. Finally, she lowered her gun. "You will freeze," she said bluntly.
"No kidding," Duo said as he put his hands down. "My friends and I are looking for some stuff up here. We didn't think it would be so cold."
"Whenever you think like that, prepare for ten times worse," she said.
Duo nodded. "Yeah, I know. That what I was taught."
"Duo? Who are you talking to?" Quatre asked as he came up to them. "Oh."
The girl looked suspicious as Mia and Kell also came to them. She didn't raise her gun again, Duo noticed. He was relieved. He could only imagine what Mia would do if she had a gun pointed towards her again.
"Who are you?" Quatre asked.
"Come with me," she said and turned. "If you stay out here much longer you will die from the cold."
Duo followed her as they walked up the mountain. Quatre stayed with Mia and Kell a few feet behind them.
"I wonder who she is," Kell said softly. "She looks human, but the only humans that are here besides you guys are bad. She doesn't seem too bad."
"Other humans?" Quatre repeated. "Where?"
"Orra has human henchmen," Kell said. "He mutated DNA and stuff and created perfect soldiers. We do the same thing with animals to help us in the fields. That's the only thing I know of, I swear."
Quatre looked disturbed. "So, when Wufei and Trowa went to destroy the enemy base, they must have killed humans."
"Who knows how many were injured and killed," Mia said softly.
Duo looked over his shoulder at them. "Hey, they weren't told that there are humans here. You kind of left out that small detail."
Kell looked away. "We didn't think you would help us if you knew there were humans in the enemy base. In a way, it wasn't a lie. They kill for no reason, only to destroy. How can you call a creature human when they feel no emotions, have no regret?"
Quatre didn't answer. The girl suddenly started laughing.
"What's so funny?" Mia asked.
The girl turned around and walked backwards. "You are so wrong to think like that. You can't group people in the same category like that. Yes, we kill. But we do what we are ordered to do. That's all."
"You're one of them!?" Mia exclaimed.
"I was," she replied. "My name is Aria. I am with a group of soldiers that don't believe in what we fight for. We have been exiled here to train our minds. We were not ordered to do it, so we don't do it. We are fine living here without being ordered around."
"So, you won't shoot us on sight?" Kell asked.
"If I wanted you dead, I would have done it when I first saw you," Aria said. "You said you were helping a friend, so you seem to be virtuous. I might change my mind, though."
Duo looked around at the snow covered mountains. "You live here? Where?"
"All around," Aria replied. "Mostly we live in buildings that we have built our own. Here we are."
Everyone looked around as they saw buildings with lights that shone brightly, even with the darkness and snow all around them.
"Wow," Duo admired. "Not too shabby."
Aria didn't respond as she led them all down the mountain and into one of the larger buildings. As they entered the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them.
"Aria?" a man asked as he came up to them. "What are they doing here? Are the here to take us back to Orra?"
"I don't know, Marrak," Aria said.
"Orra is dead," Duo said bluntly. "Didn't you know?"
Everyone suddenly started talking at once. "What!?" Aria exclaimed. "Orra is dead!?"
"Yes," Quatre confirmed. "Our friend Heero killed him when he attacked the village we were in."
"Who is this 'Heero'?" Marrak asked. "He must be an extraordinary Palos to be able to do that."
Kell shook his head. "Heero isn't Palos. He is a human."
Marrak suddenly started. "What? A human beat Orra?"
"Heero?" Aria repeated. "You don't mean Heero Yuy?"
Duo stared at her. "You know him?"
Aria and Marrak looked at each other. "If that mad doctor let him come back, then the agreement has been infringed. How do you know him?"
"He is a fellow Gundam pilot," Quatre explained. "Duo and I are two of the pilots that battled alongside him."
"Of course," Marrak said. "His companions would have to be with him. Well, the demon will be released soon, and we must be prepared. Time has already shifted, and we must stop the forces of evil before they can create it."
"What do you know?" Quatre asked. "Do you know about our world?"
Aria sighed. "This 'Heero' you know is one of our soldiers. Several years ago, the dimension collided. A mad doctor appeared in our world. He called himself Dr. J. He told us of his world, and how he needed pilots, warriors. Orra consented. We were told he was leaving with the mad scientist to another world. Dr. J was rather, excited, at the fact that he could have one of Orra's perfect soldiers. He told us of the plans they were going to do, and about how he thought that some of the people he worked with changed their intentions, their beliefs. He wanted a soldier to train himself in the art of war. He could perfect him even farther using technology. He even told us the name he was going to change his to. Heero Yuy."
Kell looked stunned. "So, Heero is from here? That explains some of the things Alla was going on about. She said that he kept pointing out buildings in the distance and other things he shouldn't have been able to know."
Marrak nodded. "We did erase his memories of actually being here. We kept the memories of the lessons he learned intact."
"What happens after everything is corrected?" Quatre asked. "Are you going to keep Heero here?"
"That is for him to decide," Aria said curtly. "Right now, we have to go down the mountain and into the grass of beasts. Orra's soldiers must have already arrived there."
"You are right," Marrak said. "I'll gather the soldiers." He nodded to them and left swiftly.
Aria turned to Duo. "Do you remember if Dr. J ever told you a prophecy?"
Duo shook his head. "I wasn't with Dr. J. I received my Gundam by a different guy. An accomplice of Dr. J."
"I remember one," Quatre said. "It said something about hopes and dreams merging together, and that no matter how far people can be, love will never be apart."
Aria nodded. "Then let's get going. If you truly are fighters for peace, you will battle the demons of Hell with us."
Mia raised her hand. "I don't fight. Besides, we came here looking for Alphas, remember?"
"Alphas?" Aria asked. "Why didn't you say so? We have some in the back."
"We need the feathers to make a potion for Heero," Kell explained. "He was hit by a specter and injured."
Aria nodded. "All right then, Palos. You and the woman can stay here. The pilots will come with us and prepare for battle. Demons don't wait for anything. We must hurry."
Duo and Quatre ran off into the snowy winds with Aria, while Mia and Kell got everything they needed to make the potion for Heero.

Author's note: Ooh, what's gonna happen next? In case you didn't read one of my other stories (shame on you), I have somehow lost the rest of this story. My computer must have ate it, 'cause I have searched everywhere. So, I'm writing everything again, and please be patient for the next chapter.