Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Vactaion Time ❯ Vacation Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We all finally got to go on a vacation everything was going good until…. "…Kuso…" Wufei muttered as the Van's engine made a grinding noise. "What was that?" Heero asked looking at Wufei who was driving the Van.

"Yeah Wu-man" Duo said leaning in between the seats in the front.

"We need to find a place to stop, the engine needs to be looked at" Wufei said as he pulled into a dirt road.

"Great Wu-man broke the Van" Duo sighed.

"I checked the Van at the last gas station it was fine" Heero muttered crossing his arms.

"I did not break the Van Maxwell!" Wufei growled.

"Yeah sure" Duo mumbled sitting back down in his seat.

"We should find a place to stay for the night it is getting dark out," Trowa said looking down at Quatre who is asleep next to him using his lap for a pillow.

"Yeah your right" Duo said and looked at Barb asleep next to him.

"Well you're in luck there's a house up ahead" Wufei said pulling into a driveway and parking next to the house.

"It looks like it hasn't been used for a long time," Heero said getting out of the car.

Duo sighed and nudged Barb "Hey Barb".

"…Mm…?" Barb mumbled asleep.

"Maxwell don't wake her up she finally fell asleep an hour ago after her and Winner we're on a sugar high" Wufei said as he gotten out of the Van.

Heero opens up the side door to the Van and picked Barb up "Yeah Duo let her sleep" and then walks over to the house.

"Yeah Duo let her sleep…Geez" Duo muttered getting out of the Van with Trowa behind him carrying Quatre who is still fast asleep.

Wufei opens the Van's hood as the rest went to the house "Ah Kuso!!" Wufei said angrily as smoke came out of the engine.

Heero opens the door to the house "…it'll do for the night".

"Holy shit look at all the spider webs," Duo said as he looked around the house.

"I hope Quatre don't wake up now he'll freak out he hates bugs…" Trowa said.

"…Well come on the rooms are upstairs" Heero said walking up the stairs.

"We prolly have to clean the rooms up from the spider webs then" Duo said following Heero up the stairs.

Trowa followed.

They get up stairs to see it is all-clean "Well looks like we don't after all" Duo grinned.

"Lets find our rooms then" Heero said.

"Hummm…Oh!" Duo said running over to a room and opened it "Hey two beds" Duo opened the door next to that door "One bed" Duo then went across the hall to the other room "One bed".

"Quatre and I will take the one here," Trowa said going to the room Duo stopped at.

"Ok be quiet you two" Duo snickered.

Trowa said nothing and closed the door.

"Barb gets this room," Heero said walking into the room with the one bed.

"Oh then I stay here with Barb" Duo grinned following Heero into the room.

"No you Baka" Heero said as he put Barb down on the bed "We take the room next door".

"What?" Duo blinked.

"Come on…" Heero said dragging Duo out by his braid.

"OW!" Duo yelled as he was dragged out of the room.

"Shut up or you'll wake Barb up" Heero growled.

"The let go of my Braid!" Duo yelled.

That night after everyone went to bed… well except Wufei who is sleeping out in the van.


Barb woke up to the sound and sat up in her bed "What the hell was that?" she looked around the room "Where the hell… Oh we musta stopped for the night" Barb yawned laying back down in the bed.

She was about to fall asleep when she the blankets were pulled off her "…Duo mess off…" Barb mumbled reaching for the blanket but couldn't find it she opened her eyes and sighed "Duo if you don't give me that blanket back…" She sits up in the bed "I will kick your… ass…" Barb blinked and seen not Duo but a ghost "…uh…" She gulped the ghost smiled and went over to Barb who tried to scream but nothing came out //Duh sped you can't scream //. When the ghost got a few feet from her she ran out of the room like a bat outta hell.

Barb ran into the next room and jumped into the first bed she seen which was Heero's.

"…Duo fuck off…" Heero muttered rolling over.

"Heero! Wake up!" Barb said in a panic.

"What?" Heero sat up and seen Barb sitting on his bed "Barb?"

"Heero there's a ghost in my room!" Barb said still freaking out.

"A ghost?" Heero said raising an eyebrow.

"Yes a ghost!" Barb almost yelled.

"Barb there is no such things as ghosts Duo was probably pulling a prank on you" Heero said.

"Nu-huh! I seen it and believe me it was not Duo" Barb said shacking her head no.

"Barb just go back to your room and go back to sleep" Heero said laying back down on the bed.

"Heero! I'm not joking! There is a ghost in my friggin room! And I'm not going back in there!" Barb yelled.

"Barb…" Heero sighed and sat up "I didn't want to do this but…" Heero got up out of bed and pulled Barb out of the room and dragged her to the room.

"No Heero! Not in there!!!!" Barb yelled trying to get away.

"Barb come on you're a Gundam Pilot you should know there is no such things as ghosts" Heero said pushing Barb into her room and then leaving.

"Heero!" Barb yelled.

Something taps Barb on the shoulder.

"…." Barb sweat drops and turns around to see the ghost staring at her "…er…"

The ghost goes to grab Barb by her neck.

Barb runs out of the room like a bat out of hell again.

Barb runs into the first room she seen and runs in and closes the door behind her.

"Barb…?" Quatre said.

Barb turned around to see Quatre and Trowa sitting in there bed "…er…I didn't mean to interrupt anything…but…there's a ghost in my room!" Barb said.

"A ghost?" Quatre blinked.

Trowa sighed.

"Yes I'm not joking! It tried to kill me just now!" Barb almost yelled.

"Barb calm down it's alright" Quatre said.

"Barb stop playing jokes" Trowa said.

"I'm not!!" Barb whined.

"Trowa she's scared" Quatre said looking at Trowa.

Trowa sighed and got up.

Barb covered her eyes "…very bad timing I have… very bad…" Barb muttered.

"Trowa?" Quatre said.

Trowa went over to Barb and kicked her out of the room.

"OW!" Barb yelled as she landed on her butt.

Trowa locked the door and went over to Quatre.

"Trowa that wasn't very nice" Quatre said.

"Lemme in!!" Barb whined trying to open the door but then heard no response "…uh…" Barb backs away from the door and bumps into something. Barb looks up to see the ghost again that grabs her by the neck "ack…" was the only thing Barb could say.

"You will die!!" The ghost said grinning.

Barb tried to yell anything to get away from this psycho ghost. Somehow she trips on something and falls over onto the floor getting away from the ghost.

The ghost grabs Barb again by the neck, but not before…

Barb somehow gets out of the grip and runs like a Bat outta hell yet again down the stairs, but trips and falls down the stairs.

A loud THUD! Was heard when she hit bottom.

Everyone ran out of there rooms (Thank goodness Q and Tro has boxers on now V~_^W).

"What was that?" Quatre asked worried.

"I don't know it sounded like it came from the stairs," Trowa said.

"More like fell" Duo said.

Heero went over to the stairs "Barb!" he yelled.

"What?" the other three yelled and an over to the stairs.

Heero ran down to Barb who was out cold on the floor "Barb! Come on wake up" Heero said.

"Heero is she ok?' Quatre asked worried.

"Yeah Heero" Duo said.

Heero checked Barb over "she has no broken bones that I can see…" He then checked her pulse.

"Heero come on is she ok?" Duo asked.

Heero said nothing.

Quatre's eyes filled up with tears.

Trowa looked down at Quatre and hugged him.

Duo blinked "…she…she can't be…she can't!" Duo yelled.

Barb coughed.

"She just got the wind knocked out of her," Heero said.

Duo sighed with relief "Why didn't you tell us that in the first place?"

"S-so she's going to be ok?" Quatre asked.

"Yeah…" Heero said and picked Barb up who whimpered. Heero looks down at Barb and sees red marks on her neck "what the?" he said.

"What is it Heero?" Duo asked.

"Nothing…. come on we better go back to bed" Heero said walking up the stairs.

"So… Where is Barb gonna go?" Quatre asked.

"I'll stay with her" Heero said and walked off to the room.

`What?! Heero!" Duo yelled following after.

Trowa sighed "Well come on Quatre".

"Coming Trowa!" Quatre smiled.

"Duo get out," Heero growled at Duo as he put Barb down on the bed.

"No way! I'm making sure Barb is alright," Duo said.

"That's why I'm here Duo you can stay in the room," Heero said.

"Hell no I'm staying here if you like it or not Heero" Duo said crossing his arms.

Heero sighed "Fine…"

Duo grinned and got onto the bed and laid down next to Barb "Night Heero" he smiled more.

Heero sighed and turned off the light and lay down on the other side of the bed so Barb was in the middle. //What are those red marks on her neck? Is she telling the truth about a ghost? //.

They were all sleeping when…

Barb woke up "…ugh…" she looked to see Heero asleep on one side of her and Duo on the other side "…wha?" Barb mumbled half-asleep.

Then something grabs Barbs foot.

Barb looks and sees the ghost again.

Before Barb could yell or anything the ghost pulled her off the bed and she landed on the floor and the ghost grabbed Barb's neck again.

Barb tried to yell or anything then she finally kicked the bed, which didn't really make a sound, but it moved the bed.

Heero opens an eye "…hn…."

Barb made a whimpering noise trying to get away from the ghost that wants to kill her.

Heero sits up "Barb?" he sees Barb sitting on the floor trying to get away from something but he couldn't see what it was.

Barb looks at Heero and tries to say help but nothing comes out.

Heero goes over to Barb "Barb what's going on?" he asked.

Barb points to the ghost trying to breath.

Heero looks and sees nothing "Barb nothing is there" he looks back at Barb and the red marks on her neck are darker.

Duo sits up in bed "What's going on?"

Heero tries to help Barb breath by moving something which he can't see holding Barb's neck.

Duo looks from the bed "What are you doing!! Are you trying to kill Barb!" Duo yelled jumping off the bed.

"NO! I'm trying to help her something has her by the neck and I don't know what it is!" Heero yelled annoyed at Duo.

Barb starts to feel dizzy and her eyes start to close //can't…. fall asleep…//.

Duo grabs a metal bar that was lying down on the floor "What ever you are leave Barb alone!!!" Duo yelled hitting the air in front of Barb.


Duo looks at the metal bar that is now bent, and sweat drops.

Heero looks "What the hell?" and then sees a ghost standing there.

Barb whimpers from the ghosts grip that gotten tighter.

"AHH shit ghost!" Duo yells jumping away.

"Duo you Baka!!" Heero yells angrily "it's chocking Barb!" he yells again trying to get the ghost to let go of Barb.

Duo goes over to the ghost "Let Barb go now!" he yells.

The ghost looks at Duo.

"…well?" Duo said trying not to sound scared.

"She will die" The ghost said not letting go of Barb's neck.

"I won't let you kill Barb!!" Heero yelled pissed off at the ghost.

"Me either she's my friend!" Duo yelled also pissed off at the ghost. Duo picked the metal bar back up off the floor and hit the ghost again.

The ghost let go of Barb's neck and fell over onto the floor.

Barb started to cough trying to breath.

"Barb you alright?" Heero asked holding Barb up so she doesn't fall over.

"Oh my Gawd! It's Relena!!!" Duo yelled looking at the so-called ghost on the floor.

Relena gets up and looks at Heero "Heero your going to be with me if it's the last thing I do!" she yelled taking out a knife and goes to get Barb with it.

Heero grabs Relena's arm and twists it so the knife falls out of her hand "leave Barb alone" Heero growled at Relena.

"But Heero!" Relena whined.

"Get out of here or I'll beet you with this bar" Duo grinned tapping the bar on his hand.

"Yeah Onna out..." Barb managed to say.

"Out before we kill you" Heero said.

Relena looks at Heero "…. b-but…." She looks at Barb then Heero again. "You will be mine not hers". She then runs out of the room.

"About time she left Geez." Duo said.

Heero looks at Barb "You going to be ok?"

"…I'll live if that's what you mean…" Barb said.

"How did she know we were here?" Duo asked putting the bar down on the floor.

"Hell knows" Heero said annoyed.

"…Well she's gone now…right?" Barb asked lifting her head.

"Yeah…" Heero said.

"Well I'll be able to sleep better now that I know she's not here" Duo said laying down on the bed "Well good night" Duo said and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Night Duo…" Barb said.

"I'll help you onto the bed" Heero said.

"Thanks Heero" Barb smiled.

Heero helps Barb up onto the bed.

"Ugh… my neck hurts like hell…" Barb whined.

"It'll get better don't worry" Heero smiled.

Barb looked at Heero for a second // did Heero just…smile? // "Yeah… I guess your right" Barb said.

"Now we better get some sleep it's going to be a long day tomorrow" Heero said.

Barb sighs "Oh yeah…" she sighed and lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.

Heero lay down on the bed next to Barb // I should tell her how I feel…but…I can't //.

The next morning Wufei had fixed the Van…

"Yay! The Van is fixed" Barb said happily.

"Yes its fixed" Wufei said.

"Now we can get to the resort" Quatre smiled.

"Yes actual relaxation" Trowa smiled.

"Yes and a pool! Like you told us Q" Duo grinned.

"Well that means you'll be out of my hair then" Heero said with a grin.

"I wanna go to the pool too!" Barb smiled.

"Good you'll be out of my hair" Wufei smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for lets GO!" Quatre smiled and got into the Van.

Trowa followed Quatre.

"Yes!!!!" Duo grinned and got into the van.

Barb giggles and followed after Duo.

Wufei and Heero get in the Van.

Wufei starts the Van and drives off.

A figure watches the Van leave and smiles….

The End…………or is it?