Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires call ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own.
Glad people seem to be enjoying this. And yes, there will probably be many times when characters act OOC but hey, they're not Gundam pilots in this world. Please don't kill me for what I've done to everyone's favourite blond.
Chapter 3
Heero watched as the body he'd just released crumpled to the ground, dead long before it came to rest on the cold concrete. In the past three weeks since he had put Duo to sleep all of his nights had been spent hunting and killing those who would prey on people like his mate-to-be. Their kind sickened him almost more than anything else. Leaving the bodies he made his way further into the building, ripping through guards as if they were nothing but never pausing to feed from his victims. He made sure to feed well every night before leaving his home since he had no desire to be tainted by their blood.
Heero's fingers flew across the keyboard, memorising everything that flashed across the screen in the dark. The light of the monitor reflected eerily off of glowing eyes and blood tipped fangs before he put his fist through it. He had what he needed now.
He crouched, easily keeping his footing even in the wet and listened as sirens began coming closer. He did not fear what they would find; the fire would make it impossible to work out what had happened in the warehouse.
Heero made his way silently down the stairs and stopped at a heavy door surrounded by glowing glyphs. He briefly rested a hand against it, stretching his senses out to check on the room's sole occupant. He smiled slightly as he felt Duo's mind respond slightly and instinctively to his mental touch.
“Sleep well my mate, I will protect you.” He whispered before heading for his own room to sleep.
Inside the heavily warded room Duo lay as if dead and that was what he appeared to be, life signs slowed so far as to appear nonexistent to anything other than the most delicate equipment or a vampires impressive senses. But even as his body lay as if in death his mind was still active, locked in dreams of a dark haired, blue eyed teen that loved him.
Dorothy smiled at the well-dressed young man who entered her establishment, a smile that was pure predator. He would pay well, his kind always did.
“Good evening sir. How may we help you tonight?” She purred as a skimpily clad young woman took his coat.
“I am looking for something quite particular milady and was informed that you could cater for my wishes.” He bowed low over her hand, kissing it gently. Her smile widened. Oh yes, this one was a charmer and wealthy to boot.
“I am sure my establishment shall be able to fulfil your every desire.” There was something odd about his answering smile but she chose to ignore it for now.
“Of that I have no doubt.” He followed her into a stunningly decorated room full of low couches and tables where other guests lounged, enjoying varied entertainment or a meal.
“What will be your pleasure tonight?” She presented the room with a dramatic sweep of her jewelled arm.
“Something a little more private if you understand?” He only gave the room a cursory look.
“Of course. Our private rooms are upstairs. Your preference sir?”
“Young, male and completely obedient. Perhaps a blond?” Dorothy smiled in delight.
“I have just the thing. Please follow me sir.” He followed her down a lavish hallway and into an exquisite bedroom. While luxorious it wasn't over the top and certain things were well hidden within the décor.
“You are aware of the rules sir?”
“But of course. Do not worry, my tastes do not run that way my lady.” She nodded; his eyes were the most incredible blue she had ever seen. She smiled flirtatiously at him and he smiled back, gliding across the floor to her side. He tilted her head up and kissed her softly on the lips making her gasp.
“It is a pity. Please bring what I have asked for and then make sure no one enters this room for the rest of the night.” She nodded unable to find her voice to speak and slowly left the room.
Heero sat on the bed and ran a hand through his hair, making it look messier than usual. He hated this act but he had needed a less obvious way into the building and a customer was the best way. He would wait until near dawn to act, exhaustion would only make his victims easier targets. He loosened his tie before removing it completely. The lady was beautiful yes, not as beautiful as his mate but then who was? As he had said, it was a pity she would be dead before noon but it had to be done. She dealt with the slave trade so she would have to deal with the consequences. He had worded his request specifically to get a victim like Duo, hopefully he would be able to do something for them and this would allow him to test that. As for the blond part, he had taken that from her mind. The establishments last acquisition from the man who had taken Duo.
He stood up as the door opened and a young woman entered guiding a small figure. Heero fought down his natural reaction and smiled at the girl.
“What is your name child?” The girl smiled sweetly, caught in his powers.
“Anna sir. Will you help me?”
“Do you wish to leave here?”
“Yes sir.”
“Come here then.” Anna walked dreamily over to him and Heero took her hand.
“Would you like to be one of my pets?” He asked and she nodded.
“Very well.” He bent his head to her neck and licked at the skin before gently biting her and beginning to drink. He wrapped his arms around her as she gasped and half collapsed. He withdrew from her neck after sealing the wound and allowed some of his blood to drip into her mouth. It proved too much for her and Anna passed out. Heero caught her easily and moved into the adjoining room, laying her down on the provided couch. She would make a nice addition to his household. Leaving her with the command to sleep he went back into the bedroom to study the blond that had been brought for him. The boy hadn't moved the whole time.
Heero walked right up to him and gently tilted his head up to stare into wide unseeing aquamarine eyes. The blond was swaying on his feet slightly, exactly like Duo had been. He focused his powers, trying to find the boys mind but it was even worse than Duo's had been.
“Come little one.” He gently took the boys hand and guided him to the bed. The blond followed obediently. Heero gently lay him down on the bed and sat beside him, searching his body. He almost snarled as he found the slight scars from the needles used to inject the drugs, scars all but invisible to mortal senses. He gently pulled a silver chain from underneath the boy's shirt to find a small tag on the end of it.
“Quatre. Is that your name?” But there was no response, not that he'd expected one. There was nothing he could but try to remove the drugs from Quatre's system and hope that with time his mind would recover. Heero stood from the bed and entered the ensuite. Not finding anything with a blade he used his own fangs to cut open the vein in his wrist and hold the wound open. He simply had too much blood in his body already to take what needed to be taken from the blond.
“Quatre look at me.” The blond head moved so that their eyes met and Heero knew his were glowing with power.
“There is no pain.” He stated simply before bending to the teen's neck and beginning to drink. The drug taint was stronger in his blood than it had been in Duo's but he forced himself to ignore it, focusing instead on Quatre's vitals. Just like Duo had been Quatre was unconscious and deathly pale when he finally pulled away. Heero hesitated for a few seconds before feeding his own blood to the blond; hopefully his strength would help the boy to heal.
“Sleep Quatre, sleep until I tell you to wake.” He brushed silken hair from the pale teens face and then lifted him gently, pulling the covers back with one hand and placing the teen under them to keep him warm. Heero kicked off his shoes and climbed in next to him, curling his body around him to share what little warmth his body had. He allowed himself to fall into a half sleep as he waited for the house to begin to still.
Heero walked into his house, Quatre cradled in his arms and Anna following obediently behind, the dreamy look of a pet on her face. He sent a mental call for the head of his household and was happy to see the man appear a few seconds later.
“Master?” Thomas asked respectfully.
“This is Anna, she is a new pet. See that she is looked after.”
“Of course Master.” The mortal bowed and then took Anna gently by the arm, leading her towards the servant's quarters. Heero headed for the hidden staircase to the underground portion of his home, Quatre still cradled, asleep in his arms. He paused outside Duo's room to give him a quick check before heading past his own room and to one of the unused guestrooms. He pushed the door open and gently lay the blond down on the large bed.
“Quatre, wake up little one. It's okay, you are safe here.” He watched as aquamarine eyes slowly blinked open, no longer unseeing but still disturbingly blank.
“Can you understand me Quatre?” There was no answer to his question so he probed the boys mind with his powers. There was very little left, leaving him the mental equivalent of a baby. His memories were completely gone, far beyond even Heero's powers to retrieve. Then again, considering what he had probably been through that may actually be a blessing. It would take a long time to help him rebuild his personality, everything. He would have to be taught from scratch as if he were a baby. Heero sighed, he should leave the boy at a hospital and wash his hands of him but something was stopping him. A hospital would simply commit him to a mental ward for life. And when the plan went into effect? In all likelihood the boy would die or be taken as a pet or slave and for some reason he did not want to see that happen. Heero suddenly looked down at where his hand was resting on the bed. Small, pale fingers had briefly touched his. Smiling slightly he picked the hand up and entwined their fingers, watching the blank eyes carefully. There! A brief flash of something.
“So there is something left of you Quatre. Guess that settles it. Welcome to your new home little one.”
“Been a while Yuy.” Heero didn't even look at the other vampire.
“Is there a reason you are doing this?” Still he didn't answer.
“Fine! Be an insufferable bastard. See if I care!” With that Wufei was gone. Heero tolerated the Chinese vampires presence most of the time but he didn't want anyone to know of his sleeping mate or the mortal boy he was teaching. He smirked coldly; to all of his kind he was cold and silent. It appeared that only to Duo and Quatre could he be anything else. He watched for a few more minutes as the building continued to burn before walking away. To his surprise he found himself in Duo's old area. Not much had changed in the six months since he'd last been here. He passed one of the many homeless kitchens and was surprised to see a poster with his mate's likeness on it in the window asking for information. He smirked, the mortals may as well give up, they would never see Duo again. Before he could decide against it he walked inside.
“Excuse me, who should I see about the missing poster in the window?” The young woman froze.
“You've seen Duo? Where is he? Is he okay?”
“Can we please speak in private?” She nodded and led him into the back.
“My name's Hilde, Duo's my best friend.” Heero nodded absently, making sure they were alone. She looked at him and gasped before relaxing, body slumping slightly and eyes glazing over.
“You will cease your search for Duo. He is dead. You will grieve and then you will forget him as mortals do. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” She said slowly.
“Good. You will forget about me. All you know is a man came and showed you proof that Duo is dead. You will stay here until I am gone and then you will wake.” Heero turned and walked away, leaving Hilde behind. Once he was gone she blinked before bursting into tears.
Heero smiled as he watched Quatre play on the floor of his room. He'd eventually managed to find out who Quatre was through missing person's ads. Quatre Winner, sole heir of a fairly wealthy family, had disappeared two years ago. The blond looked far younger than his seventeen years, two years younger than Duo was now and what he had been before being turned. The process was slow but he hoped that eventually Quatre would be able to function on his own. As it was he was currently at the level of a young toddler, a very exhausting stage for Heero since he let only Anna near the boy.
“Quatre, it's time to eat little one.” He couldn't help but smile as the blonds face lit up in innocent delight at his presence.
“Papa.” Heero froze and then moved to Quatre's side, kneeling so that they were eye to eye.
“What did you say little one.”
“Papa.” Quatre moved to tug on Heero's sleeve and the vampire smiled softly.
“Yes Quatre, Papa's here.” He kissed the top of Quatre's head gently earning him a giggle before easily lifting the teen into his arms. Quatre had difficulty walking. The muscles were there but he didn't seem to understand how to do it. So Heero tended to carry him most places, although he was beginning to get the hang of crawling at least. Quatre clung to him trustingly, Heero and Anna were all he knew and he was happy. He knew Papa would never let anything hurt him.
“Love what you've done to the place Heero.” Heero forced himself not to tear Alex's throat out. The younger vampire was an annoyance but he had to put up with him for now as he was acting as a Council envoy. Heero led him downstairs to the rooms outfitted for their kind, praying he would not notice the two heavily warded rooms. He had put Quatre to sleep that evening in preparation for Alex's arrival, not wanting to expose the child to the other vampire.
“A stasis glyph? Got yourself a mate, hey? About time, you're too broody.” Heero growled as they passed Duo's room and all but held his breath, as they past Quatre's but Alex said nothing. Had he not noticed the more subtle protections or hadn't he? Heero had chosen the room farthest from Quatre's and his own for Alex and opened the door for the other vampire.
“It'll do. I am tired from the trip. We can talk business tomorrow.” Heero nodded and left the room. Making sure Alex was still in his room he slipped into Quatre's, watching the mortal sleep trusting his Papa to keep him safe. He ran a hand through lengthening blond silk and smiled as Quatre murmured sleepily at the contact. He would not let Alex or the Council hurt his son.
Heero was nearly back to his house when a blood-curdling scream of terror had him all but flying the remaining distance. Quatre was screaming. He burst inside to see Alex holding the small blond by the collar of his shirt, eyes glowing and fangs fully extended. Anna lay on the floor, obviously dead from the unnatural angle of her neck.
“Papa!” Quatre screamed, eyes wide with fear.
“Awe, isn't that sweet. The little mortal thinks you're his daddy.” Alex sneered.
“I always knew you were weak Yuy but this? Really old man.”
“Let him go and your death will be relatively swift.” Heero growled. Quatre was whimpering in terror.
“Look at Papa little one.” Quatre looked at Heero and then slumped, unconscious in Alex's arms.
“And I was so enjoying his fear.”
“You have no business here anymore Alex, why did you return?”
“Why?” He shook Quatre.
“This is why. You are one of the oldest of us and yet look at you! Putting a mortal in stasis instead of just taking him and claiming him. Caring for a mortal with the mind of a child? It's sickening.”
“You killed my pet and have threatened the safety of my mate. By our laws I am within my rights to rip you to shreds.”
“But you won't, not as long as I have your precious `son'.” Alex ran a hand through the blond hair.
“I will admit, he is kind of cute. Pity he has to die.” Heero didn't have time to react as Alex ripped Quatre's throat open. But the distraction cost Alex dearly as a sword suddenly emerged from his chest, piercing straight through his heart. Heero stared at the sight of Thomas, bloody and battered, leaning against the wall and still holding the sword.
“Forgive me Master, I could not stop him.” Heero went to help his servant but the man shook his head.
“Save your son. It has been an honour to serve you.”
“Thank you Thomas.” The aging servant smiled and then his eyes closed in death. Heero pulled Quatre away from Alex's body and pressed his hands onto the wound. He'd already lost too much blood.
“Quatre, wake up please son.” Eyes glazed with blood loss and pain flickered open.
“Shh, don't try to talk. You're going to be okay, I promise. Do you want to stay with Papa forever?” He couldn't exactly ask if Quatre wanted to be a vampire, he wouldn't understand. The blond nodded slightly.
“Relax Quatre, there is no pain.” He smiled sadly as the pain left Quatre's pale face.
“Trust me, I will not hurt you.” With that he plunged his fangs into Quatre's neck and began to drink, keeping careful watch on Quatre's heartbeat. He felt it slow almost to a stop and pulled back. Quatre was barely conscious, eyes unfocused and hands trying to grip at his Papa. Heero pulled him further into his arms, hugging him tightly.
“You have to drink little one, as much as you can.” He whispered before ripping the vein in his wrist open and placing it over Quatre's mouth. It took a few heart wrenching seconds but slowly Quatre began to drink.
“That's it, good boy. Keep drinking, Papa's here.” Heero slowly began rocking them and stroking Quatre's hair as the blond drank. Finally he stopped, eyes closing and laying completely limp in Heero's arms. He stood, swaying dizzily for a few seconds before heading for the stairs and to his room. He sent a mental summons but no one answered, Alex had killed them all. He needed blood to replace what he had given Quatre and the blond would need to feed after waking. He couldn't wake Duo, not like this so that left only one other option. One other mortal who he had let live after touching their mind. He stretched his powers out into the nearby city and then settled to wait.
Two hours later the door opened and Hilde walked slowly in, face blank and eyes half closed. Heero felt a twinge of guilt, he had not meant for this to happen to Duo's friend but he had no other choice.
“Come here Hilde.” The girl walked over to the bed and he pulled her the rest of the way down. He quickly numbed the skin and then bit, drinking deeply. Once he was done he gave her some blood, binding her more deeply than Anna, turning her not into a pet but a slave, with no will or mind of her own. It was kinder to do that when she would not survive the next few nights.
“Sleep Hilde, until I need you.” He watched as her eyes closed and her breathing evened out.
“I'm sorry.” He whispered before wrapping himself around his Childe and preparing to sleep.
Heero pulled Quatre closer as he began to whimper in his sleep. The blond had yet to wake from his death but at leat he was no longer in the transformation stage. Knowing his Childe would need it Heero gently guided the blonds mouth to his neck and smiled slightly as he felt small fangs pierce the skin as Quatre began to almost suckle at his blood.
“That's it little one, take what you need. Papa's here.” He whispered soothingly. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, Quatre feeding on and off with Heero occasionally feeding from Hilde to keep his strength up. The mortal was pale but she would last for a while longer, she had to since he could not leave Quatre to hunt.
“Papa?” Heero jerked awake at Quatre's panicked call. He quickly wrapped his arms around the child and began rocking him soothingly.
“It's okay Quatre, I'm here.” The blond was shivering in his arms and Heero wished Alex was still alive just so he could die again, only much, much more slowly.
“Bad man.”
“The bad man's gone, he can't hurt you anymore.”
“Hurts.” The blond whimpered and Heero hugged him closer.
“Papa will make it better, I promise.” He loosened his hold a little and made Quatre sit up more.
“Hilde come here.” The girl woke and obediently moved closer. He watched as Quatre tried to shrink back from her but he could see his Childe's growing hunger. Quatre whimpered again, confused.
“It's okay Quatre, you need to eat.” Heero gently guided Quatre to her throat. The blond resisted slightly before instinct kicked in and he bit down.
Heero stood, leaning against the wall as he watched the fire burn, removing all traces of Alex, Thomas, Anna, Hilde and the rest of his people. He had made sure that Quatre was busy with toys before beginning the grizzly job but now it was done and he had to go into the city. He needed to find people to replace those who had died and fast.
Heero stood in a corner doing what he did best when amongst his kind, brooding. These gatherings were bad enough but to be forced to have one within his own home was horrible.
“Just the man I was looking for.” Heero turned and bowed respectfully to the head of the Council. Trieze was one of the few who were older then Heero and he did respect the older vampire.
“You have the Councils apologies for what Alex did, he acted alone.” Heero just nodded.
“You need to present your Childe Heero.” He looked away; he didn't want the blond exposed to the others. It had been twenty years since he had been forced to turn him and the blond had made progress but he was still mentally a child. What he had done was not forbidden, especially since the Councils brilliant plan had been successfully put into action but it would be regarded as odd. Ten years ago today they had acted, using pets, slaves and their own powers to subdue the more numerous mortals. Now they ruled in place of mortal governments. Humans lived in fear of vanishing one night never to be seen again but other than that there lives weren't too bad. Sure they were forced to live in almost medieval conditions but it was better than it could have been. Few vampires had liked their technology so most of it had simply been destroyed.
“As the Council wishes.” Heero said quietly. He sent a mental summons to his Childe and waited. Silence slowly fell as the small blond made his way towards his Sire. Quatre had become even more stunning after his turning and all noticed it. Every eye was on him as he approached Heero.
“Papa?” Heero held his hand out and Quatre went willingly to his side, snuggling against him and hiding his face from all the strangers.
“Quatre, I want you to meet someone. It's okay little one.” The blond slowly looked up and Trieze smiled at him. Quatre smiled hesitantly back.
“This is Trieze Quatre, he is an old friend of Papa's.” Quatre studied him openly, head tilted childishly to the side.
“Hello Quatre. Do you like living with your Papa?” Heero stiffened slightly, he knew the questions were necessary but that didn't mean he liked it. When someone like Quatre was turned the Council was careful to ensure they weren't exploited or being harmed. After all Childer were as close as they came to having children of their own. Heero smiled slightly as Quatre nodded shyly.
“He won't bite Quatre, you can talk to him.” Heero encouraged.
“I love Papa. He made the bad man go away.” Trieze arched an eyebrow and Heero mouthed `Alex' over Quatre's shoulder.
“He gives me lots of toys and plays with me all the time.”
“Quatre's been learning to read lately. He's quite good for a beginner.” Heero added and Quatre beamed at his Papa's praise.
“What's your favourite story Quatre?” Trieze asked.
“I love them all!” The two older vampires chuckled slightly at that. They followed the blond's gaze when they noticed they had lost his attention.
“Wufei's latest pet, Trowa I think his name is.”
“Sad.” Quatre whispered. Trieze looked at Heero.
“Quatre's mental powers have manifested as a type of Empathy. He can read emotions but he can't control mortals.” Heero explained.
“Part of that is my doing, with his mental state it would be too dangerous for him and others if he could.” Trieze nodded in agreement.
“Is Trowa sad little one?” Quatre nodded and then moved towards the mortal. Heero tensed as Wufei stared at the young vampire. Sensing this Wufei turned to him and Heero's look made it clear what would happen if Wufei even thought of touching his Childe. Trieze chuckled at the exchange.
“Sad.” Quatre said, gently touching Trowa's face but the other didn't react.
“Why do you think my pet is sad Childe?” Quatre looked up at Wufei, suddenly nervous. He looked around for his Papa and calmed as he felt him come up behind him.
“I see you've met my Childe. Quatre, this is Wufei and his pet Trowa?” Wufei nodded to indicate that Heero had gotten the mortals name correct.
“Trowa sad.” Quatre repeated.
“Wufei would you have Trowa take Quatre to his room and stay with him. Maybe read a story to him?” Wufei stared at Heero for a few seconds before nodding.
“Trowa.” The pet stood and approached his master.
“This is Quatre. You will go with him to his room and stay there. Read him a story or something. You will protect him no matter what. You may wake once in the room.” Towa nodded slowly.
“Quatre take Trowa to your room. Ask him to read you a story okay?”
“Okay Papa. Come on Trowa!” Quatre gently pulled on the tall teens arm, careful of his strength. That had been one of the first things Heero had taught him, he didn't want the blond accidentally hurting someone.
Trowa blinked slowly and looked around what appeared to be a child's bedroom. His Masters last orders swirling around his mind as he watched the blond pull a book down from a shelf.
“Papa's reading this to me. You can read it too.” Trowa felt sick as he watched the small vampire. What had been done to the boy? He looked like a teenager and acted like a small child. He hated vampires with a passion for what they had done to the world and his sister and this just increased that hatred. He stared in shock as the blond began clutching at his chest in pain, staring at Trowa with wide scared eyes.
“Please. Sorry.” The blond gasped out and Trowa looked at him in confusion. It suddenly hit him, the child had picked up on his hatred and it had physically hurt him. He forcefully pushed those emotions aside, clearing his mind and watched as the blond slowly relaxed. He took a slow step forward but the blond didn't run. He held his hand out and Quatre gently put the book in it.
“Story now?” He looked into innocent eyes and nodded. This boy was as much a victim as he was, he couldn't hate him. Trowa let himself be pulled over to the bed and sat against the headboard, opening the book to the bookmark. He looked down in surprise as the vampire cuddled up to him and smiled. He let a small smile emerge and then turned to the book.
Heero and Wufei watched from the doorway as Quatre slept peacefully in Trowa's lap, the mortal holding him protectively even while asleep himself. They slipped silently from the room and into Heero's.
“Incredible.” Heero looked at Wufei.
“Trowa hates all vampires, he blames us for the death of his older sister. I captured him when he took to hunting us and bound him as a pet. I keep him under and unaware nearly all of the time because of it. But it appears your Childe has managed to find his heart. Quatre was right, he is not happy with me but maybe he could learn to be happy here.”
“You want to give me your pet?” Heero raised an eyebrow, that was something that was rarely done.
“As long as you swear you will not part them. Trowa needs to learn to live and it looks like Quatre may be able to teach him that.” Heero thought about it. He had scanned the teens mind briefly and found that he held no ill will towards his Childe but the hate he held towards other of their kind was not something he wanted his son exposed to.
“Agreed.” They waited and a few minutes later Trowa entered the room, eyes once more half closed and face blank. He stood motionlessly waiting for orders.
“Come here Trowa.” He walked to his Masters side.
“Wake.” Heero watched, as the teen became tense, eyes angry.
“You will be happy to learn that you will no longer be my pet Trowa. I know you hate me but I did what I did to save your life. As a pet you are considered controllable and therefore not a threat. Had I not bound you then you would have been killed. As it is Heero will be your new Master.” Green eyes flickered to the silent vampire.
“You will find him a fair Master.” Wufei said as he stepped forward, increasing his influence just enough that Trowa would feel no pain. He bit gently into Trowa's neck, taking only a sip before releasing him.
“He is yours Yuy.” Heero nodded and Wufei left the room even as Heero carefully caught Trowa's gaze, holding him still.
“You blame me for Quatre's condition, don't you?”
“Yes.” Under Heero's control Trowa had no choice but to answer, not that he cared at the moment. He felt wonderful; he was peaceful and so sleepy. He was distantly aware of a cold hand on his face and a voice speaking.
“Know this Trowa, I did not do this to Quatre. Mortals, like you, drugged him and took away his mind. I found him and did what I could to heal his mind. It has taken over twenty years to get him this far. I never intended to turn him but the choice was taken from me. I would never hurt him Trowa. What is your full name?”
“Trowa Barton.”
“What happened to your sister?”
“Vampires killed her.”
“And that is why you hate us?”
“Understand Trowa, I will not have Quatre exposed to such emotions. He likes you or I would have left you with Wufei.” Heero sighed, studying the tall mortal teenager as he stood there staring blankly back at him. His hairstyle was certainly odd. He was dressed as a typical pet, loose grey pants and top and a silver collar with a ring for a leash.
“You will forget you ever had a sister, she is nothing to you. I have removed those memories from you permanently. Your name is simply Trowa; you have no need for any other name. You have been a pet all your life and you would wish for no other life. The mortals outside mean nothing to you. You will protect Quatre even if it means your death. The feelings of caring you feel for him will increase so that you want to protect him from all harm. Now, sleep Trowa. Sleep and forget your old life.” Trowa's eyes closed and he collapsed into Heero's arms. He lifted him and then moved to the couch, laying Trowa on it before leaning down to drink. After feeding him some of his own blood to create a bond he left to put Quatre to bed properly. He smiled slightly as he tucked his son in. Who would have thought that seeing Duo one night would have led to all of this? If not for Duo he would not have his son or his new pet. He only hope Duo learned to accept his new life quickly when he was woken.