Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Heero Does On His Day off ❯ #1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi. This is a short sweet humor fic by me Deragonmaji,. ME NO OWNEE GW!!!!!! Relena bashing. Sorry to all Relena fans. DON'T HURT ME!!!! *runs and hides*
Heero finished setting up the life-sized Relena plushy in the huge backyard of one of Quarter's mansions. He backed up a few steps and admired his work. Heero jumped behind a turned over pick nick table and looked at the doll through a large hole in the wood. He smiled the same goofy smile as when he first tried the zero system. He reached into his spandex shorts pockets and fished around. After a few minutes, he pulled out a small, hand held, shiny, silver detonator. He smiled again and looked at the doll. “Mission accomplished.” Heero then pushed the button on the detonator. The Relena plushy exploded into a million pieces. Heero started laughing maniacally. Duo Maxwell poked his head out of a bush. “Heero, Q-man said lunch is ready.” He looked around at the wreckage and at Heero. “What's the matter with you?” Heero noticed Duo and his face turned into its regular emotionless state. “Nothing.” He got up off the ground and followed Duo back to the mansion.
Well that's it. You go bye bye now.