Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ When you can't fight, Teach ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: When you can't fight, Teach

Author: Skeren Dreamera


Category: Umm... Not sure yet.

Pairings: none yet

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, so please, don't sue me.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: EW, the series.

Warnings: None really


Notes: I'm sorry for the long long long long long wait. Forgive me! I about died here... okay, I didn't, but I got really sick, and I got a job, so it's the same thing!


Wufei was, to put it lightly, in shock. Thus why he didn't think before speaking. "You let him teach students?"

Duo crossed his arms with an exaggerated sigh. "Doro! You didn't tell him I was here did you? Do you have to do this with all the new people?"

Dorothy laughed, moving to one of the chairs set in around the table in the room. "You have to admit it's amusing."

"Well... Yeah." Duo spun a chair around and straddled it. Now that Wufei was over his shock of the who, he was stunned by the what. That being what Duo was wearing. The long haired man had his hair up in it's normal braid, but where he used to be perpetually in black he was now wearing a red T-shirt, blue jeans, and a plaid overshirt. In short, he didn't look like a teacher, but he failed to meet the appearance that Wufei would have expected of Duo as well.

Wufei finally managed to compose himself when he heard more steps in the doorway. Quite a few actually. He never even got a chance to think about the difference before he saw the rest of the people who were coming into the room. "My god, is this a reunion?"

Duo looked off towards the doorway with a smirk. "Kinda looks like that huh? I was the first one to the party, and you're the last one here Wu."

The other occupants of the room didn't answer, well aware of what their employer was doing to the newest person within their ranks. Dorothy spoke for them. "Judging by the look on your face, none of them told you where they'd gone after the last war. This is the rest of the staff Wufei. Understand why they can handle the science teacher?"

Wufei nodded, looking around the table as the last occupant of the room settled into his seat. "Who teaches what?"

Dorothy grinned widely, holding up a hand to signal that she wanted them to let her do all the introductions. More than one smirk met her gesture. "I already introduced the science teacher, who also covers the drama classes." Duo grinned widely, then waved at Wufei. "Now, in order from him to the right, I'll be matching names to faces here." Dorothy looked to the stunned Wufei and raised an eyebrow. "Right?" Receiving her nod, she looked around the room. "Heero doesn't go by the same name anymore, he goes by Heero Lowe now, and he teaches the computer and art classes." Heero tilted his head to Wufei with a small smile. "Then we have our Biology and Music teacher who goes by the name Trowa Barton." Trowa lifted his hand, taking in with amusement Wufei's response to this declaration. "Then one Quatre Raberba Winner, he's the Math teacher here at the school and also deals with the debate club." Quatre waved pleasantly at Wufei, who looked like he was heading into shock. "Our multiple named blonde there finally settled on the name of Miri Merquise, and he has the PE and Creative writing courses." Merquise, as he'd been dubbed, inclined his head slightly, lips quirking as he heard how he was introduced. "Lucretia Noin is the general English teacher. She refuses to even take on a club with that class." Said woman huffed in indignation but said nothing. "She has a long line of excuses for that one you can hear later, I'm sure. Next in line is Sally Po, who teaches health while taking care of basketball and football teams." Sally waved, well aware Wufei was wondering when she left the Preventers. "And the last person on the current staff, Howard, is covering the Sex Ed, and Technology." Dorothy finally turned back to Wufei as Howard grinned at him. "So what do you say, willing to cover the History and Philosophy classes?"

Wufei continued to look at the faces surrounding the table for a long, long moment before he took option B. He fainted.

Duo leaned out of his chair, peering over at the new member of the staff that was sprawled out over the floor. "He took that better than I thought he would."

Heero looked over at Duo before snorting and shook his head, only then rising to his feet to move to Wufei's side. "Baka! Help me get him up off the floor."

"Don't you 'Baka' me! He fell out of his chair all on his own!" Duo did as told though, causing Miri and Quatre to laugh quietly. "It's true! Sure I didn't warn him, but this was just classic!" Duo slipped his arms under Wufei's and pushed him up to a sitting position so Heero could lift him off the floor. "Besides, none of the rest of you got any warning, why give him special treatment?"

There was an extended moment of silence after the three left the room. "Think we should warn him about the students?" Quatre leaned on his elbows as he waited for a reply to his question.

Merquise looked to the shorter blond before he firmly shook his head. "No, I think he should learn just like the rest of us did... The hard way."

To be continued.