Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes ❯ Wishes ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Duo finished climbing up the large mountain side and turned to look at the base he'd just blown up. Now, several hours later, it looked peaceful. The ashes has settled down on the buildings like a grey snow. Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound. Nothing lived. All save for him, the God of Death. The bringer of death to all those close to him. Staring at the beautiful vision he wondered if he could ever bring peace without killing. He wondered, even if he could bring peace, if he would live to see it. He only had hope, wishes for a future so far off.
The wish that his lover, Heero Yuy, would live to see the end of the war and peace.
The wish that his best friend, Quatre Winner, and his lover, Trowa Barton, would live to see the end of the war and peace.
The wish that his honor bound friend, Wufei Chang, would liveto see the end of the war and peace.
The wish that no mor children would die from such conflicts ever again.
the wish that people would never have to see the horrible beauty of the ruins of buildings like the one that lay before him now ever again.

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