Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Worlds Apart ❯ Worlds Apart ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Gundam Wing is copyright Sotsu, Sunrise, etc, etc, I wish I owned these bishounen, but I don't, so don't sue me, okay?

Shi-chan: How about a nice shounen-ai fic?
Duo: Isn't that all you're capable of writing?
Trowa: We saw your last attempt at a humor story...
Wufei: SHUT UP!!!!
Shi-chan: *grins devilishly* Worry not, Wu-chan, you're not in this one at all. It's gonna be 1x2!
Duo: Oh joy.
Heero: .....

Worlds Apart
~By Shimegami-chan
This is an alternate universe fic. There is most definitely shounen-ai, watch out!

Duo held the binoculars tightly and watched the beautiful young man disappear into his apartment. "Damn..."

The young American sighed in resolution and put his binoculars away, hoping he'd be back from work before the mysterious boy left again.

Duo had been watching the brown-haired teen from his window for a week or so, since he had moved into the Tokyo apartment. The other boy had striking colbalt eyes and brown hair--unusual for those of Japanese descent, but he was almost certainly Japanese--and seemed to be always wearing a green tank top and black spandex shorts. He never smiled, not once since Duo had first spotted him.

Duo himself didn't understand what he found so fascinating about this mysterious man that he'd never actually met. But Duo was slowly gathering his wits to go up to and introduce himself to the guy. Maybe...

Something sparked in the back of Duo's mind and he ran to the window. Sure enough, the familiar figure was striding out of the building across the street. Duo resolved himself to do this and ran out of his apartment and down the stairs to the street.

This is insane. He thought to himself. It's like I'm stalking him or something. Why do I feel so drawn to him?

Ahead, he saw the boy he was looking for. Duo sprinted up beside him and offered his hand for a handshake. "Hi, I'm Duo Maxwell. Um, I saw you walking, and I thought..."

The brown-haired young man stopped to look at Duo and said something in Japanese.

Uso! I didn't take my dictionary! Duo grinned regardless and stuck his thumb at his chest. "Duo Maxwell."

The other boy did not smile as Duo had hoped, just gave Duo a stiff nod and said. "Heero Yuy."

"Heero? Is that your name?" Duo flipped his braid over his shoulder and gave Heero the Maxwell grin. "Do you speak English? I don't speak much Japanese but I know a few things, 'ohayo,' and all that, I bet now you're wondering why I just said 'good morning' to you and it's 5 o' you speak English?"

This much Heero understood and shook his head, but he had an odd look on his face. Duo wondered if Heero felt drawn to him the way Duo had. "No English? Do you speak, uh, French or Spanish or anything?"

Heero looked confused.

"Okay, fine," Duo laughed. "I guess I need a crash course in Japanese. Or sign-language or something."

Suddenly, there in the middle of the street, Heero leaned down and kissed him.

Duo stepped back in shock. "Oi! I guess I must have missed out on some traditional part of Japanese culture, or something. Um, do I kiss you back? What?"

Heero offered him a faint smile.

Duo mulled over this for a few moments. "Toi et moi, te kisu ne?"

This strange mixture of French, Japanese, and Duo-ese probably confused Heero, but he nodded emphatically. Duo shrugged inwardly and kissed Heero back, giving it everything he had.

An eternity passed.

After a full 5 minutes Duo wondered if Heero was going to need to come up for air anytime soon. He was pretty sure marathon-kissing wasn't a part of Japanese culture, though he'd only been here a week. Duo idly wondered if Heero thought he was a girl with his long hair and was hitting on him or something. But Heero didn't seem like that type.

Then again, Duo hadn't expected this...

And he certainly hadn't expected it to feel so right...

Heero pulled away from the kiss and looked quizzically into Duo's violet eyes, probably judging his reaction. Duo couldn't help but notice that Heero hadn't let go of his shoulders yet.


Duo twitched an eyebrow and used the other Japanese word he knew well. "Oro?"

"Koi. Duo no koi."

Now where had he heard that before? Duo thought back to all his Japanese classes at home. Koi=love.

"Ah! Heero no koi?" The words felt right to him, as if he'd been wanting to say them to this lovely stranger all his life. "I love you?"

"Hai, suki da." Heero laid his fingers next to his heart.

Duo grinned enthusiastically. "So you're felt this too? I watched you for a long time, you know. It's some kind of a destiny. I feel like I've been searching for someone all my life, and I just found you. Even though we just met...I want to get to know you better. A lot better."

Heero didn't seem to understand everything he said and said something in Japanese too quickly for Duo to follow, but deep inside Duo felt like he was saying the same thing.

Duo wasn't sure what to do here, Fate had dropped something incredible into his lap. "Well, Heero no koi, now what?"

Heero answered with a smile that overjoyed Duo. "Koi, eng-lish?"

"You want me to teach you some English? Well...apparantly we're going to be seeing a lot of each other...sure, why not. Hai. Yes."

Heero said something Duo could not translate. Duo rolled his eyes. "Yup, I've love to know what you're saying half the time..."

Heero took hold of Duo's wrist and they began to walk down the street, each one chattering even with the knowledge that they weren't being understood. It feels just right.

Duo grinned at Heero. "I'm glad I found may need more extensive Japanese skills. Je voudrais to know toi better, ne?"

Heero rolled his eyes.

"Okay,, I need a dictionary. Oi." Duo sighed. Heero laughed and said, "Ne, Duo no baka?"

"Um, yes. What's that mean?"

Heero smiled slyly.

"Hai. Dictionary it is."


--------- ------------

Shi-chan: This one didn't come out as well as I had hoped. *sigh*
Heero: I was out of character.
Duo: So was I! I should have been the Japanese one.
Trowa: You're American, Duo. Of course you'd be the english-speaking one.
Shi-chan: Besides, I would have had to write it from Heero's point of view then, I couldn't do enough Japanese.
Quatre: You should have done a French one with me and Trowa.
Shi-chan: What, and have you speak Old Arabic? I know more Japanese than Arabic!
Trowa: Good point.
Shi-chan: Saaa....