Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Yin and Yang ❯ Fallen Angel ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: Thanks for the reviews!!!
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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing so please refrain from suing me...thank you.

Warning: 2x1, 3x4, 5xS, violence, possible torture, and Relena bashing!

Summary: Heero is being held captive by Dr. J who some how managed to survive the war. While being held there strange things start to happen, and Heero finds himself in the middle of something that the perfect soldier might not even be able to handle.

Set one year after Endless Waltzes, and revolves mostly around Heero and Duo.

Previously: “No! Who did this to you...did you?” Duo asked fearing the answer. “No! I didn’t!” Heero snapped. Duo pulled the wrist to his chest and held it there. “Then who?” he asked gently.


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Chapter 8

Heero looked away and his gaze fell on a painting of an angel chained to the earth.

“Heero? Please talk to me...please trust me?” Duo asked.

Heero looked back up into Duo’s eyes. Worry, encouragement, determination, and another emotion Heero hadn’t seen before, shone in Duo’s cobalt blue eyes.

“Ok...but could you...,” Heero said.

“Could I?” Duo asked.

“Could you get off me first,” Heero said blushing furiously.

Duo wanted to laugh. He couldn’t help it, Heero was just adorable.

“Sure,” Duo said sitting up on his knees still straddling Heero’s legs.

Heero rose up on his elbows and glared at Duo.
“I’m not going to run away Duo, so stop pinning me,” Heero growled.

“You didn’t mind earlier,” Duo said with a lecherous smirk.

“Do you want an answer to your question or not?” Heero asked sending Duo a glare.

Duo noticed Heero still blushing and that destroyed any power the glare would have had. He leaned forward and kissed Heero’s forehead before moving over and sitting beside him.

“Better?” Duo asked.

Heero nodded and sat up pulling his feet up under him.

“That day I disappeared. I had woken up when I felt someone else’s presence in the room. I had thought it was you playing a prank again, but that changed when a needle was shoved into my throat. It must have been a new drug because it worked almost as soon as it hit my bloodstream,” Heero said tugging at the sleeves of the shirt again.

Duo grabbed his hand and held it in his own.

“When I woke up I was in a lab room. I could tell because of the smell, and I was strapped down to a metal table. I really couldn’t see very well because there was a bright light constantly in my eyes. He injected me with another new drug that I think attacks the nervous system, but it doesn’t damage it. It just sends signals of pain. My body being trained to fight drugs wore out not very long after. He injected me with several different drugs, beat me, and one time he whipped me. Then...he showed up,” Heero said.

“Who?” Duo asked in barely contained anger.

“Who he is isn’t what you need to worry about...what he is, is the real question you should ask,” Heero said bitterly.

“Then what is he?” Duo asked. ‘Regardless what he is I will kill his ass, very slowly and painfully,’ Duo thought.

“I know your going to think this is crazy, but please refrain from shipping me to the nearest looney bin until I’m done with my story,” Heero said.

“Heero I don’t think your crazy,” Duo said giving Heero’s hand a squeeze.

“You might change your mind after you hear this,” Heero sighed.
“Try me,” Duo said giving Heero a smile.

“You asked for it,” Heero said frowning.

“His name is Lucius, and he is a demon. Not one who is called that because of his behavior, but the one of many who work for the devil. He said he required me to steel a certain person, a person he couldn’t get close to. He offered me a power most people would jump and grab onto, but I said no and this pissed him off,” Heero said.

Heero pulled his hand away from Duo and rolled up his sleeves showing the scars.

“He took a dagger and cut these into my wrists, as another form of torture to try and persuade me. He said willing workers were better thinkers. I still refused, and he decided he would recruit me anyway willing or not. He cut his own wrist and made me swallow a pretty good amount of his blood. I learned later that the demon blood attacks the human blood overpowering it, and making the human a demon. Luckily for me Angelo showed up, you said you knew what he was,” Heero said looking at Duo.

“I know he’s not human, but he’s not a bad guy...lets just say we had a weird run in,” Duo said taking Heero’s hand again.

“Well he’s an angel...he stopped the transformation by turning me half angel,” Heero said.

“Then what’s the problem?” Duo asked with a confused expression.

“Well he was able to partially stop the transformation...I’m also half demon,” Heero said sadly.

Heero closed his eyes tightly, and waited for a punch to be thrown or harsh words to be shouted, but neither happened. What he felt were warm arms come around him and pull him into a warm embrace.

“Is that what you were so afraid to tell me?” Duo asked gently.

“Well yea I’m part demon, a monster,” Heero whispered still tense in Duo’s hold.

“Have you purposely hurt people and enjoyed it?” Duo asked.

“No,” Heero replied.

“Have you lured someone into doing wrong for fun?” Duo asked.
“No,” Heero replied again slowly relaxing into the warm embrace.

“You still want to protect people and make them happy don’t you,” Duo said.

“Yea,” Heero replied.

“Then the monster you say is in you has no power. You don’t wish to do any harm to anyone, and want to protect everyone. That doesn’t sound like a demon to me,” Duo said kissing the top of Heero’s head.

“The fact still remains that is here. Because of that I’m damned either way,” Heero said sorrowfully.

Duo hugged Heero tighter.

“Do you see that painting over there, the one of the angel in chains,” Duo asked.

“Yes,” Heero said.

“That angel reminds me of you. The angel continuously tries to fly to heaven only to be pulled back down to earth, much like you are now. You want to do good, but are also being pulled back to the thought that you could do evil. I think that in the painting if it were real, if the angel fought hard enough the chains would brake and the angel would be free. If you ever feel the demon side of you overturning the angel, fight against it. If it does over take you I know you are strong enough to fight back. Keep fighting and eventually you’ll brake free,” Duo said.

“So you don’t hate me?” Heero asked.

“I told you before I could never hate you, and you know I never lie,” Duo said.

“About earlier...why did you kiss me?” Heero asked.

“Because I wanted to,” Duo said.

“Why?” Heero asked.

“Because you are to irresistible to not want to,” Duo said.

“Oh,” Heero said.

Duo tilted Heero’s face up toward him before giving him a passionate kiss.

“I also kissed you because I love you more than life itself,” Duo said as he broke the kiss.

“You love me?” Heero asked with wide eyes.

“Yes I love you and only you. Whatever life throws at us, heaven or hell, I will be there with you always, if you’ll let me stay,” Duo said.

“I want you to stay...I love you to,” Heero said giving Duo a breathtaking smile.

Duo was about to lean in and kiss his new boyfriend into a puddle of goo, when Heero’s cell phone rang.

“I swear that damn phone can live through anything! Soaking wet and the damn thing still works!” Heero ranted getting up and answering.

“Yuy speaking,” Heero said.

Duo watched as several emotions passed over Heero’s face. Surprise, worry, panic, and then anger.

“Do not go anywhere I’ll be there shortly,” Heero said before flipping the phone closed.

“Heero?” Duo asked.

“I have to get back to the hotel,” Heero said walking to the laundry room and grabbing his now clean dry clothes.

Heero was glad someone finally invented a machine that washes and dries your clothes in one load.

“What’s going on?” Duo asked.

“Angelo and Ambrosia are in trouble. Lucius has shown up there, and now Angelo and Ambrosia are trapped,” Heero said pulling off Duo’s shirt.

Duo was about to tell Heero he was coming when he noticed something on Heero’s back.

“Heero?” Duo asked.

“Yea?” Heero replied.

“Is that a tattoo?” Duo asked in disbelief.

Heero had a pair of awesome angel wings inked onto his back.

“Yea I got it to cover the scars the whip left,” Heero said putting on his shirt.

“That is beyond a doubt sexy,” Duo said smirking.

“Not now Duo I have to go,” Heero said dressing quickly.

Duo wondered why Heero had changed in front of him. He was almost convinced it was because Heero was in a hurry, that is until he caught the smirk Heero threw at him.

“You little bastard,” Duo growled.

“What love?” Heero asked heading for the door.

“You are going to be very sorry for that little stunt later,” Duo said giving Heero a predatory look.

“Promises, promises,” Heero said walking out the door followed by a laughing Duo.

Zero just stared at the door after the two had left. The look on the dogs face clearly said ‘feed me’.

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A/N: Another chapter is done! What do you think will happen? Should I add a lemon? Will they make it back to feed Zero? Please review! I need to know what you think!

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