Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ All That Clanks ❯ Panda's Back-Up Plan ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

All That Clanks

Chapter 6: Panda's Backup Plan

(The Hambots start to all short-circuit while the Ham-Hams awake)

Maxwell: Looks like those robots short circuited. I guess you can't always rely on machines to do your dirty work.

(One of the hambots walk up to Panda, sparks occasionally fly from it)

Panda: Hambot #7, are you feeling functional?

Hambot #7: Located Ham-Ham known as Panda.....preparing fire artillery......

Panda: What the? *presses a button on the remote*

Hambot '#7: Firing in 3........2........

Panda: *presses an EMP button on the Remote*

Hambot #7: 1............................*shuts down*

Panda: Pitiful…

(The Ham-Hams run up to Panda. Panda has his back turned to them)

Hamtaro: Panda, we been looking everywhere for you!

Panda: Have you now?

Bijou: Oui! we were very worried the Dark Circle had you

Panda: *turns around* Well as a matter a fact that's exactly what happend.

Ham-Hams: Heke?!

Panda: Although my hambots may have failed, I still have one more trick up my sleve...

Dexter: What is Panda talking about?

(Panda gives an evil laugh while pressing a button on a remote that causes the ground to shake)

Boss: Earthquake!!

(A large robot pops from out of the ground. Panda jumps in the cockpit)

Howdy: What in the hamworld is that thing?!

Panda: My own special Robot. Meet, the HamWalker...

(All the Ham-Hams shake in fear)

Panda: Don't worry you won't feel a thing....till a few thousand rounds of 50. Calibre bullets pierce right through you. *evil laugh*

(The Ham-Hams slowly back away as the HamWalker approaches them. Then, they turned and run)

Panda: You can run but you can't hide.

Boss: Panda's gone nuts!

Maxwell: The Dark Circle did something to him!

Howdy: Gee ya think?!

(Machine gun rounds fire overhead)

Penelope: *trips* Ookyou!!

Pashmina: Penelope! *grabs Penelope and runs as fast as she can*

(HamWalker foot slams an inch from Pashmina)

Panda: Going somewhere?

Pashmina: Please Stop this Panda!

Panda: Never!

Pashmina: ARHHHHHHH!!! *cowers with Penelope*

Panda: How cute, two best friends dying together. Don't worry; I'll make the little one's death quick and painless. *points the HamWalkers guns at Pashmina and Penelope and fires*


Maxwell: Dexter wait it's too dangerous!

Dexter: I have to save her!

Pashmina: Dexter, go...I'll be alright. I can take care of myself...

(Pashmina gets up clinging her bleeding arm and runs)