Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Awakening ❯ Door ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5:
Kai, Cookie, and the Ham-Hams stood at the mouth of the cave. Panda stepped aside and leaned against a nearby bush, obviously praying
. Kai watched nervously, his fears growing stronger by the second. He crept closer to the cave and listened intently for the smallest of sounds. His keen ears heard nothing save for the faint trickling of water.
The entrance to the cave was barricaded by two wooden posts, which had only been replaced one since the village was founded. Kai delivered a powerful kick to the posts and they instantly snapped in two.
“Ok guys, the moment of truth has arrived,” said Kai. He stepped into the cave and the Ham-Hams followed him. Cookie however, remained outside.
“I'm not..,” she mumbled. “I'm not sure about this Kai.” Kai sighed
“If you're afraid to break your taboos, you can…”
“No, it's not that,” interrupted Cookie. “Whatever's in there, we're going to be removing it right?” Kai nodded. “That door the elders told us about… it was built for a reason.”
“To keep intruders out,” said Kai annoyed.
“Or to keep whatever's behind that door in.” Kai stood silent for a minute.
“You comin' or not?” he asked. Cookie thought for a minute, and then slowly stepped inside the cave. “Good girl,” said Kai relieved.
The Ham-Ham's feet were nearly torn after nearly an hour of walking through the rough, damp cave.
“Geez Kai, how much longer are we gonna have to walk through this here place?” asked a tired Howdy. `My poor feet ain't gonna be able to take much more of this.”
“For once I agree with you,” replied Dexter. “Kai, I really think it's about time we took a break.”
“I don't know how much longer we'll have to walk,” admitted Kai. I've never actually been in here. We'll take a break soon, don't worry.”
“So, you're guardian of this place and you've never set foot in here?” asked Sandy. That just doesn't make any sense.”
“To tell you the truth,” said Kai. “I'm really more of a key than a guardian.”
“Whatever do you mean Kai?' asked Bijou confused.
“My job is to keep invaders from getting that door open,” Kai explained. “You'll see how soon.”
After turning a crook in the cave, the Ham-Hams came to an open area with a large pool in the middle.
“This is where we take our break,” said Kai. Those who are thirsty can take a drink from that pool.
The Ham-Hams sat and talked for awhile. Kai sat apart form everyone else, dozing. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps on the cave floor. He snapped awake and stood up.
“Who's there!” he yelled. He gazed at the path through with they had come. In the shadows, a shape was becoming increasingly visible. “Everyone, prepare to defend yourselves!” Kai commanded.
At that moment, a hamster stepped out of the shadows. All the Ham-Hams gasped.
It was Cow.
“You asshole!” yelled Kai. You scared the shit out of us!” Cow laughed for a moment, and then stopped. His face turned to a look of guilt.
“I…apologize for what I said,” he said guiltily. “I was stupid, clinging to the old, dead laws. Can you…can you forgive me?”
“Let's just hope,' Kai said coldly.
Kai took a moment to inspect Cow. There was something…different about him. Rarely did he ever apologize to anyone. He was the kind of hamster who was always convinced he was always in the right. Plus, his eyes, normally focused and alert had become distant.
The rest of the walk wasn't long at all. After about 20 minutes, the Ham-Hams found themselves in a circular room. The walls were flat and smooth, unlike those of the cave. They were obviously ham-made, as was the stone door at the other end of the room with a hole in the middle.
“You gonna open it or what?” Cow asked Kai impatiently.
Kai slowly walked up to the door. Upon reaching it, his arm began to glow a yellow color. The Ham-Hams all gasped as the door glowed the same color. Kai then jabbed his glowing arm into the hole in the door and took it out after a moment. The door glowed more brightly until it the light forced all the Ham-hams to close their eyes. Upon opening them, everyone gasped again, noticing the door was gone.
“What…what just happened??” Maxwell stuttered.
“Trust me,” said Kai shrugging. “I don't know any more than you do.”
Kai and the Ham-Hams then walked into the chamber beyond the door. Inside it rested a large coffin on top of a raised area of rock. Kai shuddered, his paw slowly moving toward the lid. He touched it, and then lifted it.
Thanks again for all your reviews everyone! Keep in mind that I'll be taking a little poetic license with the characters and some story elements present in the original series. (i.e. the Ham-Hams having rooms in the clubhouse) The core of each character you know and love will be preserved however. Be warned that some will go through major changes as circumstances worsen.
Keep the reviews comin!