Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Awakening ❯ Challenge ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 11
Hamtaro stared wide-eyed at Boss, unable to believe his eyes. In the middle of the room lay Kai, beaten to a bloody pulp. At the opposite end of the room sat Bijou against the wall, scared as hell. In front of her stood Boss, who had somehow undergone some horrifying transformation. He stared directly at Hamtaro, a look of pure maliciousness on his horrifying face.
He licked his lips. “`amtaro! Just the ham I wanted t' see!”
Hamtaro tried to speak; to get some sort of noise to come out of his mouth. He couldn't.
“Whassa matter “amtaro?” Boss asked with a false sweetness in his voice. “Scared?”
“Boss?” Hamtaro managed to choke out..
“The one and only!” Boss said loudly.
“What… what do you want?”” Hamtaro asked weakly.
“I wanna kick yur ass!” Boss yelled. “Fight me!!”
Hamtaro's stomach dropped. The world around him receded. He couldn't believe his ears. “What!?” he said loudly.
“FIGHT!!” screamed Boss.
Until now, Hamtaro had been unable to believe Cappy's words. As soon as Oxnard retrieved Hamtaro, they rushed to the clubhouse as fast as they could. When they got there, they found Cappy lying in the mud. He and Oxnard managed to shake him awake. It took Cappy awhile to become aware of his surroundings. He seemed not to notice Hamtaro and Oxnard standing next to him.
When Cappy finally awoke completely, he screamed and began to blabber incomprehensible words to himself. He was in a state of complete panic. Oxnard tapped him on the shoulder and Cappy spun around, screaming louder.
“STAY AWAY!!” he had yelled. He calmed down a little when he realized that the hamsters standing next to him were Oxnard and Hamtaro.
“Is everything alright?” Oxnard had asked.
“N..no,” Cappy said. “Something horrible's happening in the clubhouse.”
“What's going on?” Hamtaro asked with urgency. Did those guys from Altoria get in?”
“No,” said Cappy. “It's…Boss.” Oxnard and Hamtaro gasped simultaneously.
“What about Boss? What happened to him?” Oxnard asked, absolute terror in his voice.
Cappy gulped. “It's not what happened to him, but the things he's probably doing you should be concerned about. I was standing guard outside of the clubhouse and suddenly Boss shows up. Something weird happened to him. He totally changed. He was a monster!” Cappy began to cry.
“Cappy,” said Hamtaro calmly. “You're not making any sense.”
Cappy continued to cry. “He…changed both inside and out. He's not Boss anymore. I can't explain what happened to him, but I could sense he had every intention of hurting us.”
“Hmmm,” Hamtaro said. “Is everyone okay?”
“How should I know!?” shouted Cappy. “He struck me and I've been out cold. It's possible everyone's…already gone.”
“Boss wouldn't do that!” exclaimed Oxnard. “He couldn't!”
“As I said, he`s not Boss anymore,” Cappy said.
“I have to go in there,” said Hamtaro.
Cappy gasped. “No! No Hamtaro, you can't! He'll kill you. I know he will!”
“Boss is one of my best friends,” Hamtaro said. “I'm sure I can reason with him.
“There is no reason in Boss anymore!”
“I'm going. Coming Oxnard?”
Oxnard shook his head repeatedly. “No. I can't. I just can't.”
Hamtaro nodded. “I understand.
Hamtaro turned to face the door to the clubhouse and swung it open; ignoring Cappy's pleaded for him not to go. A good half of him doubted the authenticity of Cappy's words. There was no way Boss could do something like this. There was just no way.
Now, as Hamtaro stood face to face with this new Boss, he regretted ignoring Cappy. All the Ham-Hams were fine, save for Kai. Cookie was nowhere to be found. Hamtaro prayed she was somewhere safe.
“FIGHT!” screamed Boss again.
“No,” Hamtaro said firmly.
“WHAT!?” bellowed Boss. He turned to Bijou and quickly grabbed her by the scruff of the neck. “Whaddabout your girlfriend here!? D'ya care about her? If you don't fight, I kill `er!” He wrapped a claw around her throat. “D'ya hear me!? I' cut `er throat!”
“Don't listen to him Hamtaro!” Maxwell yelled from the tunnels. “He won't do it!”
“SHADDUP!!” roared Boss, dropping Bijou.
“Fine!” said Hamtaro. “I'll do it!”
The Ham-Hams all gasped. “Don't do it!” Kai managed to choke out. “He'll kill you! You have no chance!”
Hamtaro wasn't going to listen. As long as there was even the slightest chance that Boss would hurt Bijou, he would comply with whatever request he had.
“Just let me get Kai over to the rest of the Ham-Hams! He's badly hurt!'
“Fine,” Boss said. “Don't care about the bastard anyway.”
Hamtaro dragged Kai over to the Ham-Hams, and then turned to face Boss. “Let's do it.”
In Hamtaro's room sat Cookie next to the sleeping hamsters Chaos and Snoozer. She was contemplating on what to do. She desperately wanted to charge out of this room and try to fight this invader that bared a striking resemblance to Boss. Of course, there was no way he could have been Boss. With all the things that had happened to her recently, if someone told her the invader was Boss, she would have believed it. Time and time again, she told herself she was needed to guard Chaos and nothing more. She would just get in the way if she tried to fight. Cookie knew that wasn't true. She may not have been as skilled as Kai at fighting but she definitely could hold her own. It had been Cow's stupid idea to keep her from fighting in the battle that claimed the lives of her friends and dear husband. She hated this. It was obvious to her that because she was a girl, hams were determined to keep her from “manly duties” like fighting. Nevertheless, somebody had to keep Chaos safe. If she left, Boss would be free to snatch him. She wasn't sure that Boss was after him at all, but nobody, including herself was willing to take any chances.
Hamtaro and Boss charged at each other. Boss' arms were wide open, leaving Hamtaro the opportunity to throw a weak punch at him. Boss' stomach felt like steel. Hamtaro couldn't even make the flesh indent. Boss suddenly keeled over in pain and started screaming. Hamtaro found this extremely strange, but was glad he was doing damage. He slammed at Boss' back with both his paws. Again, the blow was weak, but Boss still screamed in pain and collapsed completely. Hamtaro slammed his foot repeatedly on Boss' back, the screaming growing more intense. Boss made no move to resist or fight back.
“Weird,” Sandy said to Maxwell in the tunnels. “How could Hamtaro have so much strength?”
Maxwell shook his head. “He doesn't. It's obvious this is all an act. I don't know why, but it seems that Boss is trying to get Hamtaro's confidence up. Whatever the reason is, it can't be good.”
“Why don't we interfere?” Sandy asked.
“Do you think we stand a chance? We have to wait for the right time to attack. Right now, Boss is empowered by battle, once he's not so bloodthirsty, we'll have a better chance of driving him away. We have to wait until… he defeats Hamtaro. Chances are he'll gloating and screaming at the top of his lungs. The bloodthirstiness will disappear and be replaced by confidence and pride. At that time, we'll attack.” The Ham-Hams all nodded. “I hate to sacrifice Hamtaro, but it looks like we don't have a choice.”
Hamtaro kicked Boss in the side and he rolled over on his back, putting up absolutely no resistance. Hamtaro slammed Boss in the chest multiple times with his feet and paws, tears streaming down his face. Boss closed his eyes. Hamtaro stood still for a moment, panting. He wiped the tears from his face and turned toward Bijou. Boss suddenly opened his eyes and snapped up. With one swoop, he grabbed Hamtaro with both his paws.
“Surprise, surprise!” chuckled Boss. He squeezed Hamtaro, his laughs growing more insane as his grip tightened. Hamtaro did his best to breathe, but couldn't. Boss slammed Hamtaro on the ground and delivered a powerful kick, sending Hamtaro sliding. With both his paws, Boss slammed Hamtaro before he could recover. When the slamming ceased, Hamtaro let out a squeal of pain, coughing up blood. Boss kicked Hamtaro again, sending him flying. Upon landing, Hamtaro ceased moving.
In Hamtaro's room, Cookie sat, growing increasingly edgy. She gazed at Chaos and Snoozer with loathing. She stood up.
“Why the hell don't you do something?” Hams are dying out there and you're sleeping? You know Chaos, for someone who had to have a magic door built around him to keep him safe, you're pretty useless. You too whoever-the-hell-you-are. I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to see more people I cherish die!” She began to cry and knock Snoozer on the chest. “Wake up dammit!” She kicked Chaos. “You can't just let them die! I won't let you!” She collapsed next to Chaos, her hot tears dripping onto his shoulder.
Suddenly, Cookie heard a song. Snoozer was humming it. It was a beautiful, haunting melody she could have sworn she had heard before. Something long restrained broke free inside of her and elt a strong wave of emotion. The tears came harder than ever. Suddenly, the tune was being hummed in another voice. It was coming from Chaos. He and Snoozer were humming the tune at the exact same time. Their voices synched up perfectly.
The creature in the womb of dreams slowly awoke.
Read and review! Some ultra shocking stuff is coming next chapter.