Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Awakening ❯ Release ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12
As Boss started at Hamtaro's motionless body, his evil grin grew wider and wider. He began to chuckle. The chuckle gradually turned into an insane laugh.
“NOW DO Y'ALL SEE WHO YUR TRUE BOSS IS!?” he yelled in between laughs. “NOW DO Y'ALL SEE HOW USELESS IT IS `T RESIST ME!?” He took a giant step toward Hamtaro.
“Oh for heaven's sake!” yelled Dexter, stopping Boss. “Show him some mercy! Please! Just… pare his life. You've done enough!”
“We'll follow you!” Pashmina cried. “We'll do whatever you say! Just don't hurt Hamtaro anymore!”
“Hmmm,” Boss said. “Nah.” He began to walk toward Hamtaro again. Upon reaching him, he delivered a kick to the side. Hamtaro rolled over and gave an extremely weak squeal of pain. He was still alive. Boss picked him up by the scruff of the neck and spat in his face,
“No...” Hamtaro said weakly.
“Yes...” Boss growled. “Felt pretty confident didn't ya? Thought ya were gonna beat me!” He socked Hamtaro in the gut. “Are ya sufferin' now? Both in mind and body? Are ya?”
Hamtaro gave a weak little nod. “Let …live…please…”
“NEVER!” Boss screamed as he slammed Hamtaro on the ground again. He then proceeded to punch Hamtaro repeatedly. Not an inch of Hamtaro was unharmed by Boss. “YA STEAL MY LEADERSHIP!!” He punched Hamtaro extra hard in the face. “YA STEAL MY GIRL!” He punched again. “YA STEAL EVERYTHIN'!!” He slammed his foot on Hamtaro's chest. “NO MORE `AMTARO!! NO MORE!! NEVER AGAIN!! I AM THE ONE TRUE BOSS AND ALWAYS WILL BE!! THE HAM-HAMS ARE MINE!! BIJOU IS MINE!! AND YOU WILL NOT, I REPEAT, YOU WILL NOT TAKE THOSE THINGS AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!” Boss kicked Hamtaro on the head. Hamtaro's eyes shut.
Boss grinned and turned toward Bijou, his vulgar expression returning. He licked his lips. “Now… where were we?”
“Now,” Maxwell whispered loud enough for all the Ham-Hams to hear. All of them but Kai charged forth at once. Boss didn't see them coming. The Ham-Hams had caught him totally off guard. Maxwell's strategy was showing promises of working. The Ham-Hams all jumped Boss and tried to tackle him or grab a limb and keep him from fighting back. Boss shook his body wildly. Some of the weaker Ham-Hams came flying right off, while the stronger ones stayed clinging to Boss.
Stan desperately clung to his former friend's back, trying his hardest to resist. The rest of the Ham-Hams clinging onto Boss' back finally fell, but Stan stayed on, immensely surprised at his own strength. He grabbed flesh and bit into it as hard as he could. It barely went in at all. Boss' flesh felt like metal. Stan began to pound Boss' back. Still nothing.
The Ham-Hams all recovered and jumped Boss again. This time, they were able to push the gargantuan monster over. Sensing Boss was about to fall, Stan leapt of his back. As soon as Boss hit the ground, Howdy, Stan, Maxwell, Sandy, and Dexter all ran to his arms and legs and held them down as hard as they could. The rest kicked and punched Boss everywhere on his body. Boss sustained no visible damage.
“Uh...guys,” Howdy said. “I don't think we can hold much longer!”
“Keep trying!” yelled Maxwell, a leg next to Howdy. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold on himself.
With a scream, Boss forced his limbs free. “YOU LITTLE BASTARDS!” he screamed. “YOU'RE ALL DEAD!!!”
Boss grabbed Pashmina and Penelope in each of his claws and slammed them together. Violently throwing them on the ground, he turned to Dexter, who he kicked and sent flying. He ran toward Sandy. Seeing this, Stan ran as fast as he could toward his sister and tried to block Boss from her. It didn't work. Boss quickly struck him down and did the same to Sandy. As Howdy saw Boss turn toward him, he gave a little squeak and ran toward the clubhouse entrance. Boss dashed toward Howdy and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck before he could reach the door. He jabbed Howdy in the stomach multiple times before dropping him.
“St…stop!!” yelled Maxwell, who was leaning against the wall opposite Boss. He held up his arms in the air as a gesture of surrender. “No more! Just leave them alone! This… was my idea! Punish me! Just let us live! We'll leave, we'll do whatever you want. Just… let us take Chaos with us.
Boss shook his head. “Nope. I'll be takin' `im too. He's the property of Shadow.”
Maxwell gulped. His fears had just been confirmed. Boss was after Chaos and he probably wouldn't let the Ham-Hams leave alive unless he had him. Maxwell didn't understand what he was so afraid of. Chaos was comatose after all. Still, he must've had some importance seeing that somewhat built a nearly indestructible door to keep him safe. What if this Shadow person Boss mentioned had some way of awakening him? What would that mean for the Ham-Hams? What would that mean for the world? Just who was Shadow anyway? That cloaked hamster the Ham-Hams encountered in Altoria? Undoubtedly he was the one responsible for Boss' transformation. Maxwell was low on options. It was either he give Chaos to Boss and live (of course, he wasn't sure if Boss would accept that offer), or try to resist and die. Either way, Boss would end with Chaos. There was no way he could put up a good resistance. The Ham-Hams that stayed in the tunnel area couldn't fight worth a damn and alone, he was screwed. If only he would have waited for a better strategy to pop into his head. The one he used had been terrible. This was entirely his fault. Maxwell's guilt made him want to die If he resisted, his wish would be granted.
Before Maxwell could form any words, he and Boss heard a loud squeal. They both turned to their right to see Hamtaro attempting to pick his broken, battered body up.
“No…” Hamtaro said weakly. He ran as fast as he could to Boss before Boss could react, Hamtaro leapt up and bit him on the arm. Screaming, Boss took a few quick steps forward, trying to shake Hamtaro off his arm. The hamster's strength amazed Maxwell. Even at the brink of death, he could still hold his own against the monster that was Boss. Boss ceased shaking his arm and began slamming Hamtaro against the wall.
“No!!!!!!” screamed Bijou like an old woman. Boss only slammed Hamtaro harder. Boss eventually stopped and flung his arm backward, sending Hamtaro flying off it. He landed just a few feet away from Maxwell. A pool of blood was forming around him. Maxwell didn't even need to check his pulse to tell that he was dead. Maxwell sat frozen in fear as the slow stream of blood crawled toward him and touched his leg. The rest of the Ham-Hams stared at Hamtaro's body, their mouths agape. Bijou crawled toward Hamtaro slowly. Boss made no attempt to stop her. She stared frozen at Hamtaro's body for a few seconds, and then collapsed on top of it, sobbing. Boss watched this for awhile, and then slowly moved his claw toward Bijou.
“Oh no you don't!” said a deepish, commanding voice coming from the hall. The Ham-Hams all spun around and looked at the entrance to the hallway once their eyes rested on what stood there, their mouths dropped open.
Standing in the hallway was…Chaos.
None of the Ham-Hams could believe it. How could a hamster that had been comatose for over 60 years have come back to life so suddenly? He seemed to be completely awake, his face radiating life.
“Bijou,” he said. Her head snapped up to face Chaos.
“How do you…”
“Get back in the tunnels.” He turned to Maxwell. “Drag the wounded over there. I actually recommend you go somewhere safer, like the room where Cookie and Snoozer are. You're welcome to watch but I can't guarantee your safety.”
“Wait, are you saying you're going to fight Boss?” asked Maxwell.
Chaos nodded. “Precisely. Don't worry; I've faced tougher.”
Maxwell didn't bother to argue. One by one, he dragged all the unconscious hamsters back into the tunnels. Boss made no move to stop him. He just stared at Chaos, his mouth agape.
“How th' hell?” said Boss. Chaos didn't respond. He charged at Boss and delivered an uppercut to the jaw before Boss could defend himself. Boss screamed in pain. While he was doing this, Chaos jabbed him in the stomach and Boss fell over.
Boss was nothing Chaos couldn't handle. He'd faced far stronger enemies before. His tough hide was a bit of a problem though. Looking down at Boss' arm, Chaos could see two deep bite marks. He was amazed at how much strength Hamtaro had in his final moments. Desperate to protect his friends, he must have called up some force deep within himself and brought it to the surface.
Boss picked himself up, a frightening expression of pure rage and hatred on his monstrous face. Drool was dripping down his mouth. He charged at Chaos, who stepped out of the way. Chaos delivered a powerful kick to Boss' exposed back. The screams grew louder. Boss spun around quickly and body slammed onto Chaos. He brought his claws up to the hamster's neck and squeezed.
Chaos' expression remained calm and stoic. He lifted his legs and pressed them against Boss' stomach. He was able to push him off with little effort. Boss landed face up on the ground. Chaos stood up and inspected him. On his stomach, Chaos could see something faint. Squinting, the thing came into focus. It was a symbol. A small circle with four this triangles surrounding it. Chaos had seen this symbol before. It was a low level seal. It was easy to make, but it was dangerous for the hamster being branded with it. This was what was responsible for Boss' metamorphosis.
Chaos clenched his paws and closed his eyes. His right paw began to glow a bright blue. He opened the glowing paw and slapped onto Boss's stomach, right where the seal was. He lifted his paw and Boss' body began to glow the same bright blue color. Chaos stepped away and watched as the light faded and Boss' body began to spasm violently. Steam arose from his body and he began to scream so loud it could have brought the walls down.
Boss was in agony. That fire, that wonderful fire that had been torturing him, yet empowering him, was now turning against him. His body and soul were burning. He felt like he was dying. Suddenly, the fires began to go out and the pain started to subside. Boss welcomed this relief. As the fires went out, so did him.
Chaos and the Ham-Hams all stared at Boss' unconscious body. He had been reverted to his former self. The monster was gone. However, there were no sighs of relief all eyes turned to Bijou, who was holding Hamtaro's body and sobbing violently. After a few minutes, Boss' body began to stir and slowly pick itself up. He looked around the room, an expression of total innocence and confusion on his face.
Boss heard a crying. He wasn't sure why anyone would be crying. He was hit with a wave of confusion. His mind was a total blank. What had happened? He noticed that the source of the crying sound was Bijou, holding what looked like a bloodied, orange and white mass. He crawled closer to Bijou, who noticed him and squealed.
“Bijou…” Boss weakly croaked out.
“NO!” she screamed “STAY AWAY!” She hit Boss on the face multiple times. Boss continued to crawl further toward her. The hitting wouldn't stop.
Suddenly, Boss remembered. Shadow, the deal, the power, the fighting, the blood shed, Hamtaro! Boss collapsed.
“No…no…no!” he repeated quickly, sobbing. “It… wasn't supposed to be like this!!” He picked himself up and walked toward the clubhouse entrance, repeating, it wasn't supposed to be like this!” Eyes followed him, but the Ham-Hams did nothing. He walked out the door and an eerie silence fell on the clubhouse.