Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ The Valley of the Dark Spirits (Part 1 of 2) ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Valley of the Dark Spirits (Part 1 of 2)

Matthew and Chaos were preparing for their trip to find the Ice Shard

Matthew-that everything

Chaos-yep. I'm all set

Matthew-ok then, let's go

???-oh Chaos

Matthew-who's that

Chaos-she's here!!!

Chaos runs down to the door

Matthew-better follow him

Matthew goes downstairs. Chaos opens the door

???-hey Chaos

Chaos-hi Sparkle

Chaos and Sparkle hug each other

Matthew-so....is she your girlfriend?

Chaos-yep, Sparkle, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Matthew

Sparkle-Nice to meet you

Matthew-yeah, nice to meet you too

Sparkle-i can see by the bags that your going on a trip, can i come?



Matthew-i don't know

Chaos-sure, why not


Sparkle-oh, thanks you Chaos

Matthew-w-wait, this isn't going to be a school field trip to a Science Museum. This trip is dangerous

Sparkle-don't care, as long as I have my Chaos to protect me

Chaos-let her go with us Matt

Matthew-but...I.....oh fine! You can come

Sparkle-thanks Matt

Matthew-no problem (she has no Idea that we're looking for the last Shard). Zeena, you coming?

Zeena-sure, I'll help out the best I can

Matthew-let's hope Blade and the others catch up with us


Blade-so the Ice Shard is in the Valley of the Dark Spirits

Candy-yep, they say that at night, Ghosts haunt the valley, there's a graveyard that's haunted for 50 years

Laura-I'm scared

Blade-me too, but we have no choice. Do we have to cross that Graveyard?

Candy-I'm afraid so


Kana-so, how many Shards do they have now?


Kana and Laura-SIX!!!!

Blade-yeah, we have to find the last Shard, or they'll summon Ultima. And if that happens....

Kana-the world will be destroyed

Blade-yeah, unless somehow I receive the Ultima Weapon

Laura-chances of you receiving that weapon is Five Billion to one

Blade-maybe your right, maybe I'm not the chosen one

Laura-sorry....but you might be it's true wielder

Blade-what if I'm not, the world will be desrtoyed

Laura-which reminds me, who's Duriel?


Laura-you mentioned him at you mom's house

Blade-oh, he leads the Dark Bandits and plans to bring Ultima back to life

Laura-couldn't he just use a revival spell

Kana-spells probably don't exist. Besides, it's imposssible to use revival spells on Ultima


Blade-we there yet?


Blade-there's not much time left


Laura-you ok Travis?

Travis-no, I get seasick when I'm on a boat

Blade-you do?

Laura-oops, I forgot. Let me take care of you

Laura and Travis go to the other side of the boat

Blade-Laura and Travis sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Kana-that's what I think too, she won't admit it

Blade-like she said, Hamster love is so sweet, right Dagger?


Kana-will we change back if we go to the Valley?

Blade-don't know. But we'll find out

To Be Continued

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