Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams in Wonderland ❯ Escape from the Dark Circle ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ham-Hams in Wonderland
Chapter 11: Escape From The Dark Circle

(A tear appears in Bijous’ eye as the axe gets closer to her neck)

Bijou: ……..NO!

(All of a sudden, Bijou disappears, the axe swings into a tree)

Sparkle: HUH?! Where she go?!

(Seconds later Sparkle disappears, then the Ham-Hams disappear. Meanwhile, back the Dark Circle castle, Maxwell is standing patiently by the book, all of a sudden a purple mist comes from the book)

Maxwell: Here she is…..

(The mist fades away; Shadow is now standing before Maxwell)

Shadow: What does master wan……The evil inside you has gone! You are good again!

Maxwell: That’s right! I came to my senses and decided to help my friends!

Shadow: *chuckles* really? I don’t think so.

(Shadow takes out her staff of Hamchi and points it at Maxwell)

Shadow: I think I make you my mindless slave. HAHAHAHHA!

(All of a sudden, the ham-hams appear above Shadow)

Shadow: Hm? WAH!

(The Ham-Hams land on Shadow, knocking her unconscious)

Maxwell: Ham-Hams!

Hamtaro: Heke? Maxwell? Where are we?

Howdy: This place sure needs some decorating!

Maxwell: Listen all of you! We need to get out of here right now!

Stan: Why should we trust you Maxwell?

Maxwell: Listen now is not the time for apologizes! We are in the Dark Circle castle and we need
to get out!


Boss: We got to get out of here!

(The Ham-Hams run out of the room)

Shadow: *Groan* ……*Stands up* they will not escape!

(Shadow disappears into the shadows)

Boss: Faster guys! Faster!

(The Ham-Hams are running though the corridors of the Dark Circle castle)

Sparkle: MY feet are getting tired…..I can’t run any further……

(Sparkle stops and pants)

Sparkle: Why am I so out of breath? *Hiff Hiff* And why does my breath stink?

(The rest of the Ham-Hams run past her)

Bijou: Don’t stop, Sparkle! Keep on running!

Sparkle: Easy for you to say….you probably don’t feel as strange as i……do….

(Sparkle’s eyes go half open; the Dark Circle symbol appears on her forehead)

Sparkle: I…..understand….

(Sparkle walks into a room, Cappy stops and saw her)

Cappy: Sparkle? Where she going?

(Cappy follows her into the room, on the other side of the door, is a bedroom, with a door at the end leading to another part room)

Cappy: Sparkle?

Sparkle: (½ her voice, ½ ??? voice) Welcome, little Cappy. Looks like you feel for our trap!

Cappy: Sparkle?!

(All of a sudden, Bulky comes out from Cappy and grabs him)

Cappy: Hey! Let me go!

(All the other Dark Circle members enter from the other room)

Sparkle: (½ her voice, ½ ??? voice) There is no escape for you little, Cappy! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

The End….