Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Stings Strikes Back ❯ Revenge ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Revenge

we now see Hamtaro walk to the Clubhouse Door. He goes inside

Hamtaro-I'm Back Ham-hams

Isaru-you sure that's what happened?


Yuko-yes, i'm sure, none of the Soldiers found it in the Safe

Isaru-then someone must have Snuck Onboard

Hamtaro-what's going on?

Isaru-Someone stole our Artifact


Yuko-The Wind Shard

Hamtaro-I bet it was Bolt and Morph who stole it

Isaru-but how'd they get onboard?


Yuko-How did they get onboard?

Isaru-Don't know

meanwhile we fine Stings still Knocked out. He begins to open his eyes

Stings-wha...where am I

???-about time you woke up

Stings sees Alice with a bandage of her left cheek

Alice-you had me worried

Stings-hey alice, what happened you?

Alice-this moron named Isaru wacked me and Morph with his Nunchakus

Stings-is this Dark Circle Castle

Alice-yep, memories starting to come back

Stings-sure is

Alice-Master has a new mission for you


Alice-you must turn the Ham-Hams over to our side and kill Blade

Stings-hold on, did you say Blade?


Stings-perfect, time for my revenge!

Alice and I hate to break your excitement, but Hamtaro's back

Stings-HE'S BACK?!

Alice-yep, we've also been assigned to kill him as well

Stings-I'd rather kill every Ham-Ham that get's in my way

Alice-your stiil the same brother I know

???-so, your that Stings guy I heard so much about

Alice and Stings turn around to see a Gray Hamster with a Black Coat

Alice-who are you?

???-the name's Chipp. Nice to meet you two

Alice-why are you here? this castle is for Dark Circle members only, And your not one of them

Chipp-oh, really

Stings-what do you mean?

Chipp-Master hired me to defeat Blade. I'm a Dark Circle Member officialy if I succeed

Alice-very funny

Chipp-you don't believe me, I have proof

Chipp holds out a Dark Circle Security Card

Alice-that's for Dark Circle Members

Stings-so he's right

Chipp-yep, Master wants to check out my abilities at the battle arena

Stings-can't wait to see them

Chipp-trust me, you'll love it

To Be Continued

Please Review. Oh, and Chipp is not the same as the Chipp in Hamster X. just to let you know