Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Darkness inside Sparkle Returns ❯ The New Sparkle ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Five: The New Sparkle

(Sparkle is floating in a dark void. Laughing evil to her self)

Sparkle: (Evil voice) I feel the power. Hamtaro is dead and I don't care! I hope the other ham-hams suffer the same fate!!

(A dark circle appears on Sparkle forehead)

Sparkle: I getting out of this stupid clubhouse!

(Sparkle looks at Hamtaro)

Sparkle: Pathetic little rodent! You deserve to be dead!

(Harmony appears)

Harmony: Sparkle! Fight the darkness! You must not like your dark side talk over you!

Sparkle: Shut up you goody-two-shoes!!

Harmony: Fight it Sparkle!

Sparkle: No….

(Sparkle begins to glow darker)

Sparkle: I am Evil now! The Sparkle you knew is dead!

Harmony: I must help Sparkle!

(Harmony throws dust of Goodness over Sparkle)

Sparkle: Hahahahaha!! That won't work.

Harmony: Heke?!

(Sparkle eyes glow green. Harmony freezes)

Harmony: I can't…. Move….


(Sparkle sends Harmony flying back. Harmony slams against the wall)

Harmony: I…. (Falls unconcies)

Sparkle: Weak fool…

(Sparkle leaves. Meanwhile, in a deep dark dungeon. The Ham-Hams are all unconcies in a cell, Two Hamsters are watching them)

????: They should be out for a while. Hahahaha!!

????: Nice work Alice. But I could have done better.

Alice: Oh Yeah?! I would have liked to see you try Morph!

(Morph transforms into Alice)

Alice(M): (Mocking) Oh yeah?! I would have liked to see you try Morph!

Alice: Shut up! Stop impersonating me!

(Alice (M) morphs back into Morph)

Morph: Can't you take a joke Alice? Hahahaha!

(Morph walks away)

???? (Voice): ALICE!

Alice: Master! What do you wish of me?

????: I have brought out the darkness inside one the ham-Hams! Her name is Sparkle.

Alice: Is she going to replace my brother as a Dark Circle Member, master?

????: Maybe. Now get going!

Alice: At once master!

(Alice leaves)

????: It won't be long now! Hahahahaha!

Alice: I will obey my master and meet this Sparkle. It is my duty.

(The Dark Circle Symbol appears on Alice's forehead. Meanwhile, Sparkle is walking across a field)

Sparkle: (Looking at her glowing paws) I… never felt this power before. It's… Incredible!

(The Dark Circle Symbol is still on Sparkles forehead glowing)

Sparkle: Now to find a worthy master to serve.

Alice: Hamha Sparkle!

Sparkle: Huh?! Who's that?!

To Be Continued……….