Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ The Real Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's part 4. like i said, this explains about what happened to Blade before meeting the Ham-Hams
Chapter 1:the real beginning

The ham-hams were already gone and boss and the others went to bed, ready for tomorrow and now that they're fast asleep, I can tell you blade's past. It all started a few months ago, when Blade was a prisoner in the dark circle HQ; he begins to wake up

Blade-oh man, why did this happen


Christina-I finally got a pet of my own, (it was nothing, my human was a sweet little girl with a special kindness for hamsters) I'll take care of you little buddy. I'll call you blade; it matches how you look.

Blade looked like Hamtaro except he had tan instead of orange

Christina-I'll be right back. (She was a sweet little girl, I'll be kind to her forever..but on that day)

In the park, 4 days after Christina kept Blade as a pet

Blade-I was in the park, enjoying a nice summer breeze. she was busy painting the landscape, she loved to draw, and I sat there and watched her. Then some of her friends called her over and put me in my carrier and put me in her basket and put it in her mom's car and closed it, she wouldn't be long.

Matt-ready to play Christina

Christina-ok, let's go

Chris-come on

Blade-they left and I just sat there waiting, but 3 hours have passed, and all I ate were the food she left in my carrier, enough to let me survive, she couldn't have been long. It was time to go and Christina's mom called her, no response though. What could have happened to her, either she's lost..or she abandoned me

flashback ends

Blade-maybe she did abandon me door opens, huh

Morph enters and goes to Blade's cage

Morph-having fun in here

Blade-does it look like I'm having fun


Blade-why did you bring me here?

Morph-we have something we want from you


Morph-your thunder shard

Blade-what for?

Morph-for our ultimate process

Blade-I'm not giving it to you

Morph-too bad

Morph opens Blade's cage and steps up to Blade

Morph-sorry, but this belongs to the dark circle now

Morph takes the shard from Blade

Morph-thank you

Morph shuts the cage and leaves

Blade-what now

To be continued

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