Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ Heading into danger ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 21

Chapter 21: Heading Into Danger

Blade and everyone else entered the escape hatch in the ground. They go half-way into the path then everyone stops

Mother-Blade...You guys go on ahead

Blade-what about you?

Mother-i have to take care of this town, i can't leave it overrun by Guards

Blade-please mom, i don't want you to get captured

Mother- i have no choice...



Blade-ok...we'll go on ahead

???-hey guys

Chaos runs to everyone

Blade-where the hell have you been?

Chaos-i was somewhere

Blade-where's Candy and Dagger?

Chaos-they're coming

Blade-(was he looking for them?)

Dagger and Candy run to Blade and co.

Dagger-glad we found you guys

Candy-hey blade, ready to go?

Blade-i guess

Matthew-let go guys

they all head down into the pathway, but they come across two seperate path's

Matthew-which way now?


Candy-what's wrong?

Blade-nothing, it's just....well, one path might lead us to another town, but the other might lead us into a trap

Dagger-what do you mean?

Blade-we might get out, or fail trying to do it. My question is...which path is safe?

Zeena-let's try the left, if that's a trap, we head right

Hamtaro-Great idea!

Blade-bad idea

Hamtaro-what do you mean

Blade-there are some traps that block both side of the path, if we get caught in just one small trap, we're done for!

Matthew-this is hard, who knows what traps lie ahead?

Blade-let's hope for the best. we'll go with what Zeena Said, Go left!

To be continued

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