Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ The History of Duriel ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 13

chapter 13: The History of Duriel

Blade, Dagger, and Chaos are all in Blade's room

Blade-i wonder who will be next

Dagger-i just hope you win the next match-up blade


Chaos-what about hamtaro

Blade-i shouldn't worry about him too much

meanwhile, bolt is programming a screen communicator to Duriel

Bolt- *actavates the communicator* master

Duriel-what's the tournament status

Bolt-i was the victor in the 4th round

Duriel-who else

Bolt-Blade, Pat, and Isaru

Duriel-so Blade won

Bolt-yes sir

Duriel-if possible, destroy him at all costs

Bolt-yes sir


Bolt-one more thing sir


Bolt-i was wondering, how did you get Soul Edge

Duriel-well you see

a flashback starts, it shows duriel piloting a hamster Airship

(i was once part of an evil corporation called Black Chaos, i was their favorite soldier)

Duriel-are we anywhere near the legendary Sword

Soldier 1- not yet, but were still looking for it

Duriel-good job

the soldier leaves, then Spat, who was the leader came to Duriel

Spat-Duriel, we are so close to acheiveing the Legendary Sword

Duriel-we'll obtain it, trust me

Soldier 1-master, master


Soldier 1-we're picking up a signal, it might be the Legendary Sword

Duriel-great job

Spat-perpare to land

Soldier 1-yes sir

the airship lands on an island Spat and Duriel enter a cave

Spat-this cave sure is creepy

Duriel-we can't leave, not unti we get the Legendary Sword

they come across a chest

Duriel-Could that be it

Duriel runs to the chest, he then opens it

Duriel-Spat, i found it!!!

Spat-really, let me take a look

duriel had found the Legendary Sword, Soul Edge

he grabs the sword

Duriel-at last...wait


Duriel-what is this that i'm feeling

Spat-what are you saying

Duriel-i feel, i feel....... *his eyes now turn blood red like the dark circle victims*

Spat-you ok


Spat-what's going on with you, let's go

Duriel-i will not take orders from you


duriel turns around, he is being taken over by Soul Edge

Spat-what's going on?

Duriel-what's going on? I have received the ultamate weapon, that's what's going on. I am now immortal

Spat-stop this, right now



Duriel-me? A traitor? You got it all wrong


Duriel-I'm now the strongest being on this planet, i will take orders from no one. NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!!!!!!

Duriel knocks him back


Duriel-now you'll think twice about facing me


Duriel leaves

Spat-if that's the way he acts about friendship, i'll do the same...to all hamsters

Duriel- (i can feel the evil force of Soul Edge increasing my power every second. This world will soon be mine)

the flash back ends

Bolt-i would have never guessed

Duriel-that's all you need to know, ok


on the intercom, all battlers, report to the breifing room for the next battle

Bolt-gotta go

Duriel-good luck

Bolt shuts off the communicator

Bolt-thanks, master

to be continued

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