Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Uki Stew ❯ ninth stew ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AH, it's soooooooo good to be back! Okay, here's the deal peeps, this stew's packing one of my newest spices, fresh from Frabia. It's called Rhupechriatamél (roo-pek-ree-ah-tah-male) or in the US language, Phoenix Root. They say 'tis ve-ry spicy... I'll be the judge of that. Anyway, I also want to let everyone know that this one is by the book, so if anyone out there sees something incorrect here 'bout this here stew, don't be afraid to speak up. Well, here we go.

Sandy was headed towards Maxwell's spot with a Rainbow Rose in paw (such a delicate and very rare flower). She was blushing madly, thinking about their wonderful night not too long ago. Maxwell was so perfect for me, we bred like rats. Sandy thought, turning a deeper red than she already was. I hope he likes the gift I have for him... I mean, he hasn't been to the clubhouse for quite some time. It wasn't too far now, just throught the secret passageway and there to see Maxwell.....

....Fucking another hamster?!

That really tore into her heart. Maxwell... Why? Why!!!!!!!!!!!! The athletic hamster then noticed two humans standing next to each other, then they left. Sandy dropped the rose and pulled out the ribbon, then headed for the cage. "How did you like it Maxwell, was I good enough for you?" the female hamster asked, she was the same breed as Maxwell.

"Well Rebecca..." Maxwell began...

... but didn't finish. "Maxwell, how could you?" Sandy was now in Maxwell's cage.

"Who the hell is this cow?" asked Rebecca.

"Who the hell are you?" Sandy questioned.

"I'm Maxwell's one and only lover, and you are?"

"Your executioner."

"Hold it, hold it." Maxwell began to explain. "Rebecca, this is my girlfriend, Sandy."

"No, I was your girlfriend..." Sandy corrected, tears in her eyes, "until you betrayed me."

"Hold on Sandy, I have an explination for this."

"I don't wanna hear it. You're like, obviously happy with her. I hope you two have a happy life." and out of the cage Sandy ran in tears.

"Sandy, wait..." Maxwell said.

Rebecca grabbed Maxwell's arm, "Let her go, she obviously doesn't want you anymore." she said.


One week has passed since then.

Maxwell came back to the clubhouse, only to get grilled. "You got some nerve breaking my sister's heart like that, Maxwell." Stan said. "I should drop you where you stand."

"Hey, hold on a minute-" Maxwell tried to explain.

"Cheaters ain't welcome here, bub. Now get out, pronto."


"I said out!"

"Boss, do something."

"You want me to do something, fine." a POed Boss said. "All in favor of kicking Maxwell out of the clubhouse forever?"


"Unanimous decision, now get to steppin, you cheater."

"Can't I even-"


Maxwell's ears drooped. "Fine, I'm leaving on my own... and I won't come back!"

"Good, 'cause we don't wantcha back." said Stan. "And ya better watcha back too!"

Later that afternoon, Maxwell sat unto the old oak tree, saddened by what had just happened. I don't blame everyone for being so mad at me, but they could've let me explain myself. he thought. I never thought I would see this day. I mean, I lost Sandy, I lost my friends, I even got banned from the clubhouse. Errrrr, Why does this have to happen to the good guys?

"You look down there, Max." Maxwell turned to see Jam approach him. "What's so wrong with you?"

"I got banned from the clubhouse." Maxwell answered.

"Man, what did you do?"

"Something I couldn't prevent."


"My owner and one of his good friends had a female hamster of the same breed as me and..."

"Say no more."


"She was with you the whole time and you two were placed into a fixed uki and the humans monitored you two until you bred."

"But that's not the worst thing..."

"Sandy showed up heartbroken and killed the good thing you had with her. She told everyone else and when you got back, you got the boot without even having a chance to defend yourself? I know a lot of tame hamster buds who lost loves from that sort of thing."

"I'm glad you understand...."

"Yeah, shit like that happens, so get on with your life."

"I can't. Now everybody hates me, Sandy won't give me a second look and Stan wants me dead, I have all the bad luck, don't I?"

"Man that does suck."

"Do me a favor and tell them about that, will you?"

"Waste of breath, they won't believe it."

"I know..."

"You know what you need? A fixer-upper. You need to dance, Max."

"Dancing isn't the answer to my problem."

"Perhaps, but it beats feeling miserable."

More days have passed. And in the days that have passed, Sandy met another ham boy, going by the name of Keith. Keith was a great ham and treated Sandy like a queen, Stan enjoyed him much, as did the other hams. His speech was of Olde English, if not biblical sounding... at least that's what certain hams thought, but Keith was accepted nonetheless. "Thou art great friends, ye hams be." Keith said. "I am fortunate of thine company."

"We're glad to have a friend like you too, Keith." said Hamtaro.

"Yeah, you're all right." said Boss. "Could you teach me about such swordplay?"

"What does thou wish to know?" asked Keith.

"How you do that stuff."

"My swordsplay is unorthadox. Takes much time to learn, but has thine own benefits."

"Like what?" asked Hamtaro.

"Greatness of confidence, speed and skill, strengthens thy mind and thy soul. 'Tis greatest of defenses..."

"Sounds like you don't know how to fight."

Everyone looked around to see Jam. "Who art thou?" asked Keith.

"Jam I am." Jam answered. "Thou art who?"

"Thy be Keith."

"So you're the new ham in Sandy's life? Full of chivalry thou art..."

"Thou know of chivalry?"

"Chivalry 'tis blind. Tell me Keith, hast thou heard of Max?"

"Thy knoweth of scrouge Maxwell. How thy scourge breaketh heart of Sandy."

"Art thou prepared for battle?"

"At all hours."

"Then good luck to thee."

[Okay peeps, this part I just winged so don't you get mad at me buddy, you know who I'm talking about.] Suddenly, Keith's blade began to glow. Hmm, another blade draweth near. he thought. One probably of evil I presume... "Thou hath been noticed, show thy self before me." Keith said.

From the brush, Maxwell appeared before them all. "I am that scourge you say I am, but I am not, Keith."

Keith said nothing, but only drew his Holy Blade. "Be gone, Maxwell, get lost." said an angry Stan.

"No way. Ready thine arms, Keith and prepare for battle."

"Sandy sayeth much of you, scourge." said Keith. "Thou shalt be punished for thy unfaithful deeds."

"Still listening to Sandy, huh? Just like an oblivious fool to knoweth not the whole tale."

"Pipe your trap." said Stan. "We don't want to hear your lies."

"Lies? Nonse of you would hear me out, let me explain. Instead, you just casted judgement against me. None of you heard me out... 'cept Jam."

"Thanks for the mention." said Jam.

"So what say you Keith, does thou wish to do battle without hearing the whole tale, or does thou wish to battle without hearing me out like the rest of them?"

"Hmf, explain thy tale." Keith commanded.

"Rebecca was the hamster of my owner's friend. They watched over us until we bred for the while. Our humans arranged the whole thing, and when I tried to explain this to Sandy, she ran without hearing me out. When it came for me to explain to the rest, they wouldn't let me... hence I was exiled from them."

"Thou never let him explain?"

"You actually believe that jibberish?" Sandy asked.

"Hast thou let thy scourge explain!?"

"Of course not. she just ran and denied me." Maxwell answered.

"Quiet scourge!"

"I didn't believe him." said Sandy.

"Yay or nay, has thou let thy scourge explain!?"

"Scourge's mate explained for him. Said he was her one and only lover."

Keith turned to "Scourge" with anger. "This be true, scourge?"

Maxwell answered, "Well yes she said that but-"

"Fiend, you shall be slain for this!"

Keith charged Maxwell without fail. Seeing this, Maxwell evaded and drew his blade as Keith charged him again, but he stopped as he saw the blade that Maxwell drew. That blade, it glows like thy Holy Blade. he thought. 'Tis is one of the sacred six? "Where hast thou find that blade?" he then asked.

"In a lake on a recent adventure." Maxwell answered.

"Thou shall be slain by my Holy Blade."

"So, yours is one of the sacred that forms the God Blade as well?"

"I knoweth of the six sacred blades."

"Just like Jam said, blind like chivalry. There are seven sacred blades, and this blade that I weild, is the failsafe."

"You knoweth nothing of the sacred Blades!"

"Bah. Ryuujin and Holy protect the innocent, Hell and Demon are for those seeking power, Earth and Urutora wanted to survive and this, the Blade of Dreams, used as the failsafe of the sacred blades. The Dream Blade, made from the ore of the heavens, has the power to use subcon as it's most powerrful attacks. This blade is believed as the failsafe of the seven sacred Blades.

"Now to thy point. We duel, the loser no longer seeks Sandy's affection and RELINQUISHES his sacred Blade to the winner."

"Deal. Now duel!"

Keith and Maxwell charged towards each other, blades drawn and ready to do the damage. The other watched in awe as everything was now put on the line. You can do it, Keith. thought Sandy.

Kill him, Keith, kill him. thought Stan.

This is sticky sweet. Too bad somebody's gotta lose. thought Jam.

The blades, sparked upon impact as their slashes met against the opposing blade. Each swordham was raring and fresh for more of his opponent. "Thou art weak in the blade, scourge." said Keith.

"The name is Maxwell, fool." said Maxwell.

"No matter, thou shall lose."

On they fought without backing down. "Summon!" cried Keith and off came his attack.

Maxwell struggled, but he blocked all of this attack. He's strong. he thought. And that wasn't like it was in the books.

"Thou art a weakling, can't even stan a low level spell. Summon!"

This time, a high level summon was cast and it sent Maxwell for a loop, making the warrior wanna-be drop his weapon. Seeing this, Keith went in for a final slash... but it was blocked by the opposing Blade. "Thou art impossible!" yelled Keith. The attack was blocked, but Maxwell wasn't holding the sacred blade. "Impossible, 'tis cannot be." said Keith.

Maxwell stood his ground. "I told you, this powerful Blade uses subcon." said Maxwell. "As long as my mind can weild this blade at a subconcsious level, it needs not be held. Maxwell's Blade swung, knocking the Holy Blade into the air, but it was caught. "Enough games. 'Tis time thou art slain." said Keith.

Soon, six golden rings spun around Keith's person. Let's see him handle this. "Six Halo Strike!"

Maxwell closed his eyes. Focus. he thought and all six strikes were blocked. He then used his newly adapted ESP to put Keith to sleep. "Wow, I did it." Maxwell said.

"Keith, look out!" Pashmina cried.

Maxwell went in for a final attack, but Keith awoke to stab Maxwell, putting him to a screeching halt and he fell to the floor. "Maxwell....." Keith looked at his opponent who lay on the ground.

"I guess I lost..." Maxwell said and passed out.

"Keith, is Maxwell..." Sandy couldn't finish her question.

"Nay." Keith answered. "He shall be saved."

Keith used a healing spell to aid Maxwell in recovery... and it was a miracle worker. It look like the battle never existed. Maxwell stood to his feet, "Well Sandy, I hope we can still be friends...." he said.

"Sure... I guess." said Sandy.

"Well, Keith I believe the blade belongs to you. Take it."


Keith aqcuired the Dream Blade, then shook paws with Maxwell. Afterwards, Maxwell left for home. He wasn't sad, but wasn't happy either, just content.


Later that night, Sandy snuck out of her cage and met Keith in their spot. Keith greeted her with open arms. "Are you all right?" Sandy asked.

"Thou art never better." Keith answered.

"O-kay. Anyway, that was really brave, but totally scary."

"No, not really."

"I'm just glad you're still with me."

"What if I had lost, would thou still be happy?"

"Keith, this isn't the mood you want to kill right now with that sort of thing."

The two hams kissed, Keith was impressed with himself. Not only had he bagged the ham he so desired, he also had two Blades to weild. Now he had more bragging right over Will and the others. He was happy... but he had one more goal to meet... pleasuring Sandy the way he wanted it to happen. Sandy gave a Rainbow Rose to Keith, but he took off some of the petals and arranged them into a small version of his gift and placed it into Sandy's orange coat. "Keith, I..."

"Art thou ready?"


With that, Keith lay Sandy on her bak and he towered over her. He rubbed Sandy's chest down, sending surges throughout her body. Sandy cooed at Keith's touch, she wanted more of him and got it, making her nipples rise from her coat. Keith lapped at them, making her moan in pleasure even more. "Please, give it too me, no more taunting." Sandy pleaded.

"Thou aren't ready yet." Keith said and stimulated her further. His technique was driving her insane and he knew it. "Few more seconds........ there, now to have you."

Keith slowly injected his prick into Sandy, making her squeal in pain from it, but she bared it as he began his thrusts. Slow at first, but sped up over time, making Sandy coo all the while. "More, give me... m-m-more." Sandy moaned.

"More thou shall have." said Keith, increasing the speed of his thrusts. Worry not Sandy, thou art in gentle paws.

Squeals of uki left Sandy under her breath, her walls quiefing to the holy warrior's cock as it stretched her labo out and make it tighten aroung the rod. Sandy didn't know exactly how much rod it was, but guess Keith was just under an inch, if not an inch in length. His girth was perfect for her as her sprey coated his cock. I'm... drowning... I'm... drowning... can't... breathe... down there... Her walls gasped for air, only to get rod. She couldn't release because of this... Keith kept her from orgasm. Odd isn't it?

She needs closure. Keith thought.

He let Sandy expell her essence over his still solid prick before "summoning" and passing out. It was done... well earned and done. "You already know this, but I love you Keith." Sandy said and pecked her lover. After five minutes, Keith took Sandy home and bid her adieu... only to see her in the morrow and court her in the noontime.