Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 9. Drive ( Chapter 37 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This prompt and my response to it were both incredibly unsurprising considering the previous chapter and the nature of this story. Still, I hope you enjoy it.
Their savior was a car, light blue in color and bearing resemblance to a feral cat. Tangled vines made their home in the back seat and the dashboard was decorated with all sorts of insect cocoons. The paintjob was littered with scratches of varying sizes and the doors looked like they had had a run in with the Whomping Willow. The car honked again and shook Shawn out of his terrified stupor. Quickly, he ran to Gus and dragged him to the car, dumping him in the passenger seat in the process. Looking back, he saw the spiders remobilizing. He hopped over the car door and landed in the driver's seat. No sooner had he made contact with the upholstery, the car took off, racing through the bushes and brambles that carpeted the forest floor.
Shawn looked through the rear window until he could no longer see any over-sized arachnids. He sighed in relief and turned forward in his seat. Gus was still in shock and so was depleted of any entertainment value. Instead, Shawn spread his gaze across the dashboard. Underneath one particularly large mass of cocoons there appeared to be a button. Shawn scraped the majority of the insect material off and stared at it. He wondered what would happen if he pressed it. It probably wasn't a self-destruct button, but in the wizarding world one never knew. Still… He shrugged and pressed it. The car shimmered for a moment before Shawn could no longer see it. He blinked at the invisible vehicle for a moment. “Dude! That is totally dope!”
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