Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 48. Childhood ( Chapter 48 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What do you know? The prompt number corresponds with the chapter number again. Huh.
He was standing in his father's kitchen. Shawn blinked at this concept and realized that everything was exactly the same as it had been when he was a child, including the size. Acting on a whim, he sought out his reflection on the shiny surface of the oven door. The face looking back at him hadn't been seen in at least twenty years. He looked down at his small hands and Tears for Fears t-shirt. Something was very wrong here. Why in the world was he a kid again?
A sudden noise emitted from his old bedroom. Curious, he cautiously made his way up the stairs and stood in front the door. A steady tapping sound resounded, accompanied by an occasional crash. He cracked open the door. What in the world? He opened the door fully and stared. His room was filled with baggage. Animated baggage. Two suitcases, labeled Love and Hate, were playing hopscotch in the center of the room, while a number of others, including a duffel bag and a backpack named Worry and Happiness respectively, were watching on the sidelines.
“Emotional baggage, I'm assuming,” Shawn mused out loud before a voice drew his attention.
“Shawn.” The speaker was Gus. Only, this Gus was wearing a top hat and was carrying his wand.
“Magic Head?”
“Shawn! Wake up, you moron.”
Suddenly, the psychic felt himself growing. He reached his original adult height, but he didn't stop there. He kept growing until the room was too small and then some. The roof cracked against his head and bits of roofing fell to the floor.
He opened his eyes.