Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 24. No Time ( Chapter 52 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another chapter down! Yay!
His feet skidded on the flagstones as he turned the corner, threatening to send him careening into a nearby portrait. As it was, the force caused his bag to fly into the air and come within a few scant millimeters of the painted goblin. He ignored the enraged threats and continued on his way.
Before him, he could see the desired staircase begin to shift positions. His eyes widened in horror. He didn't have enough time to wait for it to move back. Bracing himself, he increased his speed and sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. The landing he wanted was now a little over two feet away from the top of the stairs. Without slowing down, he continued running, propelling himself off the top step and into the air.
He felt his feet make contact with the floor, and the sudden stability sent him falling forward. Thinking quickly, he crouched down and executed a perfect roll, ending up on both his feet. He stood up once more and took off running down the corridor.
Professor McGonagall was just about to mark him as late when he slammed the door open. “Mr. Spencer,” she began as Shawn hopped over his desk to reach his seat, “I'm so glad you could make it on time.”