Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 73. I Can't ( Chapter 59 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of course, this came to me immediately after posting the prompt "words." Also, I read through the quidditch match several times, and I couldn't come up with anything else to add.
Since beginning his lifelong friendship with Shawn, Gus had learned that, while his best friend was incredibly bright, he had a nasty habit of not thinking things through before he acted or spoke. Therefore, it wasn't a matter of if he would get cursed, but rather when. The aforementioned “when” happened to be the day after the rather disastrous quidditch match. Shawn, all ready to tell off the Slytherins for their variations of “Your mom!” had approached Malfoy and stood obtrusively in his path.
“Out of the way, Mudblood,” the blond had sneered.
The psychic, who, judging by his sunglasses and bounty hunter vest, had been giving a very obvious effort to seem cool and intimidating, replied with, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Malfoy raised an eyebrow and responded with a wand pointed in Shawn's direction. “Petrificus totalus.”
The fraud's legs, which had previously been set in a wide stance, snapped together and sent him falling to the floor. He would have caught himself, but his hands were firmly attached to his sides. He winced as he connected with the flagstones.
Off to the side, Gus merely sighed and murmured the counter-curse. He waited for Shawn to right himself before asking, “Still think words can't hurt you?”
Shawn held his head up defiantly. “Sticks and stones were definitely involved.”