Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix Dust ❯ Ch. 2: In Which Pigwidgeon Makes a Delivery... ( Chapter 2 )

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A/N: Secound Chapter.
Summery: Okay maybe I'm being hystarical but waking up on your birthday only to find out you have elf ears and then watching all your relatives save one disappear is a little unearving... Set in the summer after third year.
Disclaimer: After HPB Its a wonder I still read it....
Warnings: Elf Ears and....Fish.
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And so I stood there looking down at the spot where the three had been just moments before, and then I said the secound most stupid thing I'd ever said:
"W-what just happened??"
Hedwig's feathers seemed to get sucked in tight to her form making her look much smaller.
"What's going on in here? Where's mum and dad gone?" I didn't look up as Dudley entered the room. I just stared back at the spot where Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had last been in shock, What was I going to do now??
"What's wrong with your ears??"
Phoenix Dust
By Nikikeya-chan again
Ch. 2: In Which Pigwidgeon Makes a Delivery
Dudley stood staring at me, or to be more precise my ears. But I couldn't be bothered with him, the whole world was coming undone. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were gone.
One part of me would have liked to start celebraiting, They were gone!
The thought of what had probably happened to them when Wormail regained his human form was enough to dampen all of that.
Its true I hated my relatives, there was no love lost between us if we never saw eachother again, but still I'd never wanted them dead!
I felt terrible, I had to tell Dudley, how would he take it? he'd probably say I was lying, but then as the day went on and Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia still did show up...
"I said what's wrong with your bloody ears Potter!"
I looked up at him, "Oh these? They've always been like this didn't you ever notice?"
Dudley scowled, "Whatever, I'm going over to Piers' house."
I almost called out to stop him and tell him what happened, but then I just stayed silent, some brave Gryffindor I was...
I sat on my bed for the longest while... This couldn't be happening.... Uncle Vernon was just away at work, and Aunt Petunia was out shopping, any minute they'd come home and demand I come fix dinner. It would all be fine...
Hedwig was still perched on the floor straitening out her feathers. Had she really talked??
In a way I sort of wished I hadn't been imagining that, I'd loved the short talk I'd had with Hedwig, I didn't want to think I'd never be able to understand her again...
"I suggest we contact Hagsbeak at the Ministry, his twoleg is head of Magical Law Enforcement." came a lilthering voice from the floor, I looked down ito two large amber eyes.
I sat there and processed this information: Hedwig had just spoken again. I had still been able to understand her. I could still talk to her... YESS!!!!
"Hagsbeak?" it was a very strange name for a wizard, Or was it a type of orginzation, I was still really confused.
"A friend of mine, you met him two summer's ago when that acursed House-elf dropped the flowery pudding on the floor!" replyed Hedwig hopping over to one of her feathers that had came off in the scuffle she'd had with Wormtail under the bed.
She gently plucked it of the ground, holding it in her beak she flew up to the bed beside me and ceremoniously dropped it my lap, "Go ahead write a letter about what's happened and I'll take it to Hagsbeak."
"What should I write? A crazy Rat, who's really an illeagel Animagus, who betrayed my parents and killed thirteen people thirteen years ago, who I could understand when he talked, accidently made my Aunt and Uncle disappear?? I don't think that'll work Hedwig." I sighed. "I need to write to someone about this though..."
"Hagrid? I like Hagrid." Hedwig hooted softly.
I couldn't help but laugh, Hedwig was like a little kid sometimes, "I like Hagrid too, but I don't think he'd be able to help-"
Just then a small brown blur shot through the open bedroom window, and started flying in circles squeeling happily.
"HiHedwighowareyou?I'mfinemylefttalonhurtsalittlebuthey!Iwasju stoutflyingaroundandthisbigblackdogcameupandsaidwoofwoof!ofcourseIdon'tspea kdogsoIdidn'tanswerbutheseemedtobeheadedthiswayandIbroughtthislettterforyou rtwolegandmanamIthirsty!!!"
"What in the world? What is that?? What did she say??" I asked head spinning as I watched the little brown blur.
"An extremly annoying Scops Owl, and he said: Hi Hedwig how are you? I'm fine my left talon hurts a little. but hey! I was just out flying around and this big black dog came up and said woof woof! of course I don't speak dog so I didn't answer, but he seemed to be headed this way and I brought this letter for your twoleg, and man am I thirsty. End qoute." Hedwig answered dryly.
"Oh...Um excuse me? Scops Owl? If you'd come down I'll take that letter and get you some water-"
"DEAL!!!" squeeled the tiny owl and dive bombed the bed bouncing as he hit, "WHEEE!!!"
It was then that Hedwig and myself both had the immense pleasure of watching as the tiny Scops Owl used my bed as a trampoline for a few minutes turning backflips and bellyflops.
Finally the tiny owl stopped bouncing and stood up ruffling his already messy feathers, but looking extremly pleased with himself, as he churred like Hedwig had, I was convinced now that was the owl equivalent of laughter.
The letter in question had been folded over several times in an attempt to make it less bulky, now that the owl had stopped flying and bouncing I noticed something else too.
"Hey, Your Ron's new owl! The one Sirius got him!"
The little owl fluffed himself up importantly and promtly fell over sideways, "Yup that's right!!!"
"Glaux beak but you're insuferable..."
"I AM NOT!!!" hooted the little owl indignantly. I had to hold back from laughing, this owl acted even more childish than Hedwig!
"Yes... Yes you are, but let's drop this conversation for now. How are Hermes and Errol?"
The petit owl seemed to forget being mad and happily started talking about Hermes becoming a Ministry Owl, and then off on some story Errol had told him a few nights before.
I was intrigued, but this wasn't the time. I'd ask about that stuff later. Instead I busied myself with untying the letter from Ron's Owl's foot and then took Hedwig's water dish downstairs to fill it.
When I got back, the tiny owl was telling Hedwig, about Hermes' trip to Romainia to get Charlie to come home for the year. My heart nearly stopped, the year? I knew the World Cup was this summer but I seriously doubted it warrented staying the whole year. had something happened to the Weasleys??
Suddenly panicked, I tore open the letter only to reveal a less the desprate cry for help.
Harry-DAD GOT THE TICKETS-Ireland versus Bulgaria, Monday night. Mum's writting to the Muggles to ask you to stay.
They might already have the letter, I don't know how fast Muggle post is. Thought I'd send this with Pig anyways.
"Pig?" what sort of name was Pig??
"You rang?!" crirped the little owl happily.
I just shook my head, it was offical, Ron was hopeless.
"Yup that's right! Pigwidgeon Rowendel Weasley! That's me!!!" continued the tiny owl.
Well that name was a little...weird... I sighed again and looked back at the letter, Muggle Post...
I paused, the post hadn't come yet, had it? I hadn't heard it.
I looked at my alarm clock; It was well past noon, what the hell was going on??!
Even more confused then before I turned my attension back to the letter.
We're coming for you whether the muggles like it or not, you can't miss the World Cup, only Mum and Dad reckon it's better if we pretend to ask their permission fisrt.
At this point I put the letter down as depression overwhelmed me. They couldn't give their permission, they couldn't agree, or disagree, they where DEAD!!!
What should I do? What could I do??! I realised was crying. 'This isn't supposed to be happening! The weird stuff was supposed to happen at Hogwarts damnit! HOGWARTS!!!!'
"Harry...?" Hedwig's tentive hoot brought me back to reality.
"Hedwig, about that letter...could you take one to Sirius instead?"
Where had that come from? The last thing I wanted was my On-The-Run-I-Just-Escaped-From-Azkaban-Godfather coming to Surrey, espeacially now with the Dursleys gone. The Ministry would probably just tack their disappearance onto Sirius's already impressive resume.
But still, I really needed to see him...
"I suppose, but you'll need towrite it first" said the Snowy owl clicking her beak.
"Okay..." I said softly walking over to the desk, I pushed the letter I'd been starting, to Hermione aside, and taking a new sheet of parchment begain writting.
Pigwidgeon however, being the hyper little Scops Owl he was flew aound the ceiling afew times before landing on the windowsill and Hooting shrilly, "Hey its that big black dog again! HEY DOG! WOOFWOOFWOOF!!!!"
Big black dog...?
"Feather brain..." hooted Hedwig exasperatedly.
It couldn't be??
I couldn't take it, I stood up craining my neck out to see who it was, and sure enough it was him...
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Heehee! Evil cliffy!