Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ What Happened After ❯ The Birth of a Story ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was over, and with that he slid out of consciousness.
“Hurry, Arthur dear.”
“Yes, yes coming Molly”
“Can you believe? It's our seventh grandchild!”
“Yes I know”
“I wonder what her name will be.”
“Pardon me?”
“You said `her'; the baby is going to be a him.”
“I meant to say her, I have been right on all counts so far and this one is going to be a girl.”
“Yes, and each time I agreed but this time you're wrong.”
“That is because before you hadn't read all of those `I am THE MAN' books that put crazy ideas into your head. Just face it, I am right and the baby will be a girl.”
“We shall see than,” Arthur muttered as he took a pinch of black powder throwing it into the fire and said clearly, “157 Solstice Boulevard.” In a flash he was out of the Burrow and at his son's house. He was out of the fire place and brushing himself off when his wife, Molly, stepped out after him.
“Mum, Dad; it is good to see you. Fred and Becca are in the back room.”
“Thank you Charlie.”
“Charlie, when are you going to give me a grandchild?”
“Not for a LONG time mum.”
“Come on Molly,” said Arthur as he dragged his wife away from his second oldest son, “time to see that I am right.”
“Of Course, the baby; although I will be the one who is write.”
“You'll be right about what?”
“Your father and I have a bet going on about whether it is a boy or a girl, Ron.”
“You are both right then,” Hermione stated, “they had twins.”
WHAT?” Molly squealed and practically flew into the back room to see her two knew grandchildren.
“What did they name them?” asked Arthur, who didn't (no matter how pathetic it was) want to be in the room when his wife saw the baby twins for the first time.
Ginny (fleeing from the room) was the one who answered him. “Matthew and Malory.”
“Malory is an interesting name.”
“Don't let Becca hear you say that,” Fred cautioned appearing from the back room, “she took forever picking it out. Well both names actually.”
“I expect so… Fred is it safe to be in the same room as your mother yet?”
“No dad, I would give it another five minutes at least. I only just got away.” Fred said this in the most dramatic way possible, even mock fainting at the end,
They all laughed at that.
“You would think after six other grandkids she would be slightly less dramatic about it” laughed Charlie.
“Charlie this is her first grand-twins; but more to the point they are her grand-twins.” This comment brought more laughter out of everybody.
“And let's not forget the first granddaughter came from Ronnie,” teased Fred.
“Doesn't anyone ever get tired with bugging me about having the first kid?”
“No,” said Fred, Charlie, Ginny, Harry (who hadn't said anything yet), Hermione (even though it was her kid to it didn't bug her), George and Ariel (who had just arrived); all together.
“Humph.” In case you are wondering that was Ron.
“No, Percy technically had the first. A boy if I recall,” murmured Arthur”
“He hardly counts…” said George.
“…we found out through the Profit…” continued Fred.
“…that big git,” they finished together.
“But Cornelius is still older than my Isabella,” Hermione argued.
“Yes and Molly fell in love with you, Hermione, having Isabella and Cathrine in a row.”
“Bill wrecked it though when he had Wolfgang,” supplied Ginny.
“What kind of name is Wolfgang anyway?” Fred pondered.
“What kind of name is Malory?” was George's witty retort.
“A name given to a lovely girl,” snapped Hermione.
“I wanted to give the come back!” whined Fred.
Glaring daggers at Fred, Hermione continued, “After Wolfgang, Eva was born.”
“Yes, she looks like me with Harry's eyes,” said Ginny fondly.
“You mean Harry doesn't have his any longer?” Fred and George asked in unison.
Hermione now glaring at Fred and George moved on. “Then Ariel and George had Polly.”
“Now there is Matthew and Malory,” concluded Ariel.
“`Ello! Where is ze new babe?” called out Fleur who still had a French accent, although her English grammar was flawless (A/N: Unlike mine. I am so jealous).
“Hi Bill, hi Fleur. The babies are in the back room.” Fred called back.
“Babies? As in more zen one?”
“Oui,” Fred answered. (A/N: Oui means Yes in French)
“I must see!” And with that she became the first person to brave the room since Molly went in (except for poor Becca who has been stuck in there the whole time, of course).
Bill asked for their names first, “their names?”
“Matthew and Malory,” Ron answered. He had stopped sulking when Fleur had arrived.
“That's not proper names,” Fred looked like he was about to hit Bill over the head when he continued, “they should be called Mally and Matty.”
Fred just grinned. Then a voice broke the silence.
“Arthur, come and see your new grandkid.”
Arthur Weasley smiled sheepishly at everyone and walked out of the room, Fred followed knowing he would be wanted as well.
“Aren't they lovely dear?”
“Yes they are,” Arthur said picking them up for the first time. He looked at each of the babies particularly in the eyes where it is said to be the gateways into a person's soul. Even now in the girl's eyes he could see the same… `Creativity' that he saw the first time he looked into Fred and George's eyes and he privately hoped she wouldn't be quite as bad (for the parent's sake). When he looked into the boy's eyes he saw leadership. This would be very interesting to watch them grow up.
Becca looked up from talking to Fred and asked, “May I hold my babies now?”
“Oh, sure I have them for a minute,” Arthur teased.
Becca held out her arms and received the two bundles of joy. The new family radiated love and he had no worries for the twins. Then he saw his wife sneaking towards the twins. He chuckled to himself and the new parents looked up questioning him. Maybe he did have one worry for them, too much love, specifically from his wife.
Author's Notes
I am a Harry Potter freak and proud of it. Unfortunately I can't read fan fiction for it because my mind will get all mixed up, BUT I can write it so this is my story to show you I am rooting for you. I will keep writing this even if no one reviews because this is not only my story to you but proof to me I can actually finish a full story. However like any other author I love feedback and would greatly appreciate it. I would like to tell everyone know that each year of school will be divided into four parts (the three terms at Hogwarts plus a summer chapter). The first chapter will be the summer before the main characters go to school. I think it is also fair to warn you that the old character's (J. K. Rowling's) (unless they are a teacher in which case I try to keep them all) will only appear in the summer chapters. Thank you for reading my story's prologue and I will get Chapter 1 up as soon as I type it up (which means I have to heal my wrists from this expedition first).
French Fry
(^^my nick/pen name^^)