Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Heaven Forbid ❯ Bloodlust and Nighmares from a Future Trail ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Speak with the Dead...
Chapter 6
“Maaaaassteerrrrrr,” sang a voice.
Alucard slowly opened his eyes. “GAH!” he exclaimed, pulling the covers up over him. “Police Girl!” he shouted, “What are you doing!”
Seras sat at the foot of his bed with a wide grin. “I'm getting you up.”
“Why?” he muttered.
“Because you've been sleeping forever.”
“Does that matter?” he asked.
Seras frowned. “Well, no...”
“Then I don't want to see you coming in here without any permission. I've told you that before,” he said firmly.
“Alright... I'm sorry, Master,” she said as she left the room.
After a few more minutes of lying in bed, Alucard had remembered that today was Karen's surgery. He all of a sudden felt sick.
He was worried about her, indeed. He couldn't get the thought of everything going wrong out of his mind. He sighed as he felt a little nervous. How he wanted to be there for her...
`She'll be fine...' he thought. He tried to convince himself that it was only a small surgery. However, that didn't stop the worrying.
“Anderson... so we meet again? How pleasant...” said Alucard sarcastically.
“Don't play games with me, beast,” remarked Paladin.
Karen growled. Her red eyes gleamed. “My Master is not a beast...” she said firmly. Alucard looked at her.
“Oh! Master, huh? But you're no different,” teased Anderson, “You're only a monster against God's will; you and your `Master' alike.”
Karen looked down to the side. Alucard scowled. “You're going to be sorry after a while, Anderson,” he growled. “You can slice me with those blessed blades all you want. Just don't do anything to hurt Karen; physically or emotionally.”
“Oh? I see now... you've developed a bond. Funny... I didn't know monsters had feelings!” Anderson laughed.
Alucard ran to Anderson, dodging his swinging blessed blade and ducking to avoid being injured. He pointed his gun to his chest and fired, giving him time to get Karen to safety.
Alucard ran Karen out of the room. He put both his hands on her shoulders. “Karen, listen to me, I'll be okay but you need to get out of here,” he said to her, looking her straight into the eyes.
But... but Master,” Karen stuttered.
“Don't worry about me, just hide until I tell you to come out,” he told her.
“Master...” whispered Karen. She embraced him tightly. He bent down and kissed her head.
“Go,” he said. “I'll be back.”
“Be careful, Master!” she shouted from afar.
Anderson was beginning to regenerate. Alucard could hear his laugh. He turned around quickly. “Go, Karen! Run!”
Karen hid under the fallen lumber from the ceiling. She watched as Alucard was being cut up and tormented. She cried for him even though she knew he was immortal. She just couldn't stand the fact that he was getting hurt...
Alucard's recollection of the previous dream ended by the time he was at Hellsing's conference room. He found Integra on the computer and Walter standing behind her.
Integra looked up. “What are you doing here, Alucard?” she asked hatefully.
“Good evening,” said Walter.
“Good evening, Walter,” said Alucard ignoring Integra. She fumed.
“May I ask you something, Alucard?” asked Walter. Alucard stared, waiting for the question to be asked. “I've been notified from Miss Victoria that you were out with a girl last night. Am I correct?”
“Yes,” he said, extending the word yes.
A smirk stretched across Walter's wrinkled face. “Oh, I must say. Who was she? And where did you go?” he asked out of curiosity. Integra grunted something under her breath. She felt slightly jealous.
The lovely Miss Karen Haven,” he said trying to envy Integra, “The same school girl that was harassed by the vampire, which I defeated by the way. We went to Huston's Greek restaurant down the road. She's currently in the hospital and from what I heard; she's supposed to get surgery done today.”
Walter smiled, the smirk disappearing into his skin. “I wish her the best of luck,” he said. “And I am pleased... that you finally got the same vampire that's been harassing Hertfordshire as well... and also that you have a lady on your side now.”
Alucard smiled. Integra punched her fingers on the keyboard harder. “Karen is also my dearly beloved—”
“OH SHUT UP!!!” exclaimed Integra, standing up wiping a stack of papers off of her desk. The room was quiet after the interruption. Only the flutters and crinkle of the papers were heard. Walter stood shocked. “Sir Integra?”
Integra exhaled harshly. Alucard sneered.
“Alucard, I order you to get out of the room at once! I don't want to see you again for the rest of the day!” she exclaimed. Alucard chuckled, knowing she was jealous. He left the room with a slight strut. Integra growled. How he annoyed her so...
An oxygen mask rested on Karen's nozzle. She felt terribly tired and sleepy.
“Now I want you to count to thirty, okay?” said the doctor. Karen nodded slightly.
She counted along with the heart monitor. “One... two... three... four... five... six... snnn... eeeaaaa.... nnnmmmhhhnnn... tnnnn... mmmmm... tnmmm... mmmmm...” Shortly, Karen fell unconscious. The anesthesia had taken effect immediately. She was ready to go in for her surgery. As the doctors began to cut a small hole in her head, she began to dream...
“Master,” Karen cried as a blessed blade cut his stomach. He didn't budge. He merely laughed. She tried to do as her master said and not be noticed.
“Where's your pet?” asked Anderson, laughing from his attack on Alucard.
Alucard sneered. “She knows that trash like you isn't worth looking at,” he said. Anderson scowled. He slung another blade at him, stabbing Alucard in the shoulder. Alucard growled in pain and yanked it out, his wound healing quickly. He smirked again. “I'm not going to let you touch her, Anderson.”
“She's your only weakness! If I kill the girl, you'll have nothing.” Anderson looked around the room. Karen shrieked. He spotted her and waved blessed scripts onto the fallen wood, causing Karen to have to get out or else be killed. Anderson ran straight to her and took hold of her. He choked her with his forearm and held her tightly against him, causing her to be unable to move. Alucard shouted.
“Now, what shall I do with you...” asked Anderson. “Shall I kill you?” he cut her skin on her arm. She winced. “Shall I bless you?” he cut another wound across the cut he gave her before. She squeaked. “Or shall I just let you suffer?” he asked finally. He sliced her arm open, causing her to scream. Alucard took hold of his neck. Karen fell to the floor.
“Listen up, Father,” he said angrily. “Kill me. Don't you do a THING to her. Kill me. I'm the one you want,” he growled yet smiled. Anderson laughed.
“Master...” whispered Karen. Tears began to fill up her eyes.
Anderson pulled out a wooden steak...
Alucard slipped his hat on and headed out the doors to Hellsing. He had thought about Karen all day and all night. How he longed to see her...
He sat on the stairs with a medical blood pouch. He pierced the straw in the plastic and began to draw the liquid out with his tongue. It had been a while since he had any blood and he was terribly thirsty. Though he was hungrier that ever in a while, he seemed to loose his appetite after a while. In fact, he seemed to have no appetite at all. He was just too nervous, he thought. Alucard had experienced this loss of hunger once when he was thinking of Integra (whom he had crushed on at the time) a long time ago, but the feelings for her had just faded away about the years...
Now these feelings were for Karen...
He sat and basked in the dark evening sun, not enough to harm him but just right for the moon to start to rise, and sighed. He stared up at the reddish-purple sky. It had been hours. How was Karen?
Karen was still in surgery. She still lay unconscious in the same uncomfortable hospital bed. She breathed heavily as the heart monitor began to pick up speed...
Seras walked inside the Hellsing mansion through the halls and up the stairs to the first floor. Once she reached the open area where the double doors set to the right, she heaved her massive cannon gun over her shoulder. She saw Pip Bernadotte sneer at her from afar. She glared at him angrily. Integra stood in the middle of the lobby with her hands behind her back and a cigar dangling in her fingers. The stream of smoke rose up from behind her.
“Sir Integra,” Seras gulped, “Where's my Master?”
“Alucard isn't here at the moment,” said Integra coldly. She seemed to still be angry with him.
“Where did he—”
“Ap-ap—” Integra held up her hand (with the cigar still in it) to prevent Seras from saying anything more, “—may God and Her Majesty be with you...”
Seras sighed and looked down at her feet. “Amen...”
A few minutes later, Alucard had finally finished the transfusion blood package. He rose up and gripped the wrapper tight in his hand. He began to walk up the stairs when he clutched his gun hidden behind his red trench coat. He felt oddly uncomfortable... It was about the dream... the one he had the night before...
Karen began to dream again; the same dream Alucard had...
As Anderson unsheathed the wooden steak from under his white coat, Karen became frightened. `It's just Master, right? The No Life King... No one can kill him, can they? He's my Master... He's Dracula,' thought Karen, `the son of Dracula...' Tears streamed down her face.
Alucard watched the wooden steak as it revealed itself inch by inch. Alucard noticed the look in Karen's eyes. He gave her a look of sadness. `I'm sorry, Karen,' he thought.
`No... my Master can't die... but that look in his eyes... he's...' Karen sobbed. “Don't!” she exclaimed.
Alucard's sad sleepy eyes looked at her from the side. Anderson laughed out loud. “You shut up,” he said, “Why wouldn't I have a reason to kill this monster?” Alucard tightened his fists. He was silent.
“Because,” Karen stuttered, “Because I,” she tightened her fists. She sobbed out loud, “Because I'm with child!” she cried.
“WHAT?!—” but before he could say anymore, Alucard was plunged in the chest with the steak. Anderson cackled.
Blood spewed from Alucard's mouth as he coughed and choked. He fell to his knees and slowly went on his back. He breathed heavily. A stream of blood dripped from his nose. Karen ran over to Alucard and immediately broke down and rested her head upon his chest. She cried on him.
“Mark my words, beast,” said Anderson, “You sacrificed your life to save this monster. Gone is your life along with your love. Gone are your duties and all your friends. Gone is the monster that is against the will of God,” Anderson threw a blessed blade to the side and stabbed Alucard in the shoulder. He winced.
“You bastard!” exclaimed Karen. She was about to run to Anderson when she heard a remark from Alucard. “Stop,” he said. His voice gurgled with blood. Karen paused in her tracks. Anderson left with echoes of his laugh going throughout the room.
Karen turned to look at Alucard, her eyes streaming with tears. “Master...” she went over to him and knelt down to embrace him tightly. She set her head upon his chest, her hair soaking in his blood. She didn't care.
Alucard began to speak. “I didn't want... you to get killed, too...”
“No Master, you're not going to die! I won't let you!” Rain began to fall through the hole in the ceiling.
Alucard set his hand under Karen's belly. Karen gasped and looked down. Alucard smiled faintly. “Wow...” his voice cracked, “A child...”
Karen's tears fell. “Master, I—”
“Karen,” Alucard pulled his hand from up under Karen and caressed the side of her face. She held his hand with both of hers and held it close to her cheek. “When our little child grows up, tell her... what a man... what a man her father was...” Just then, Alucard's eyes slowly began to shut.
Tears began to stream down the sides of Karen's cheeks as the nightmare ended. She hadn't realized she was feeling strongly for him. She was still in the process of surgery when suddenly she began to cry. A few minutes later, the doctors had stitched up the wound they had inserted in her head. She had woken up only moments later. As soon as she came to, tears streamed from her eyes again. “I love him...” she said sadly. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “I don't want you to die,” she cried.
One of the doctors looked down to the side at her. He was cleaning a knife used to make the incision. “Oh! You're awake huh?”
Karen didn't say anything. Tears continued to fall from her eyes.
Meanwhile back at the Hellsing Organization, Alucard had gotten back from a nearby town to finish off a ghoul terrorizing the neighborhood. He thought it was ridiculous he had to kill something so simple. It wasn't worth the walk, he thought to himself. He sat on the couch in the main lobby, where Integra sat with her week's work and research about the freak chips. Her head bobbed from lack of sleep. She caught herself a few times falling asleep while sitting at her desk. She glared at Alucard. Her voice was quiet. “Didn't I say I didn't want to see you for the rest of the afternoon?” she asked him tiredly.
“You did. It's midnight,” said Alucard, “and it's a perfect night. All is still and silent. Makes you want to know... how it feels too...”
Integra leered at him. She didn't say anything. Alucard laughed.
“Integra... my Master... I know you have thought about becoming one of my own kind; a bloodsucker; a child of the undead; a true No Life King...” he rested his head on his hand. “I know you have thought about giving you blood to me; mixing it with mine... and walking the night on your own two feet...”
Again, Integra said nothing. She rose up off her chair and walked down the hall. Alucard laughed to himself. He watched as she marched down the hallway. You know you want it, he thought to himself.
Karen lied in the bed. She was silent for the remainder of the night. Her mind was set on Alucard and the nightmare she had while in surgery. That Paladin man was a very powerful being.
She sighed and closed her eyes. How could she start to feel a love bond with Alucard? It was against Heaven's will in her opinion.
A little bit later, Karen had fallen asleep. How tired she was after all that had been done within the passed 12 hours. She was still very sore, also.
As she slept, she felt the need to see him. She held her pillow close to her head, imagining the smell of his sweet cologne drifting under her nostrils. Her heart started to flutter. For once in a long time, she missed him and wanted him right there by her side, holding and comforting her. How she wanted his white-gloved fingers to comb through her hair and ease around her waist. How she wanted his warm and tender lips to caress hers with such passion and love. How she wished she could tell him everything that she was feeling right now. She hugged her pillow (who was evidently Alucard in her dream) tight and slept soundly throughout the remainder of the night.
The next morning, which came very quickly, Karen still lay sound asleep. She had awaken to a loud beating on her window, almost as if someone were shooting at it. She opened her eyes to a downpour of rain thrashing onto her window. She sighed. The day she finally got to go home suddenly turned gloomy and depressing.
A few hours later, Karen had checked out of the hospital she was cooped up in for so long. She walked along the cold city sidewalks as the rain hit her skin. She had nowhere to go. She knew what had happened to her mother. For what she felt in a dream, she had died. She began to cry.
All at once, she thought of something: Alucard. Yes. He would care for her and provide her with shelter. She wondered if he would be awake at the hour...
A few blocks down the road, she finally came into the view of the Hellsing mansion. Tears still trickled down her cheeks. She wiped them away before she stepped off to the huge house.
As Karen entered the gate, she gulped. Shaking from nerves and the freezing rain, she reached her hand over to the door-knockers. After three knocks were given, she stepped back and waited. No one came. Karen began to step off back into the rain when suddenly she fell. She sat there and winced in pain as the rain continued to fall upon her. All of a sudden, she heard the great door open. It was Alucard. “Hey,” he said firmly trying to get her attention. Karen looked back to find him standing in the doorway.
Back inside, Alucard had lead Karen to the cellar in his room. She sat upon his bed while he brought in a warm towel to dry herself off. He put it on Karen's head and squeezed it firmly and rubbed it a little. He sat next to her. “Why in the world were you out there in the rain?” he asked in concern.
“The hospital,” she began, “the hospital let me go... I'm not going home because... there's nothing there anymore...”
Alucard was silent for a little bit. “I don't know if Integra will like this...” he finally said.
“Yes, the master of this house... the master of me,” he said to her. “If she comes home and finds you here without her permission, she won't be happy.”
Karen began to rise. “Well, I'll just go, and then we won't have to worry about—”
Before Karen could say anything more, Alucard lightly grasped her arm and pulled her back down on the bed. “You're not going out there in this condition,” he said. “I'll explain everything to her later. But right now you need to stay here for a while.”
Karen nodded. She pressed her knees up against her chest and snuggled into the towel.
A few minutes of silence had passed. Alucard, who was sitting next to Karen, smiled and looked down at the floor. “Karen,” he said. He chuckled a little, “Out of all places... why would you want to come here?”
Karen looked slightly shocked. She blushed a little. “Umm... well, I...” She stopped and sighed. “I had nowhere else to go...” Her eyes began to fill up with tears. She cried softly.
“Awww Karen,” said Alucard sympathetically. He gently put his arm around her. She automatically leaned into him. “I'm here for you. I'll talk to Integra, okay? I'll let you stay with me...”
Karen sniffled and nodded her head. Alucard slowly leaned over and kissed the top of her head. She gasped a little, but didn't seem to mind. She continued about crying while Alucard comforted her.
As time went on, Karen's feelings for Alucard had exposed to him. She snuggled her head into his side as he held her closer. She finally built enough strength to wrap both her arms around his body. She felt his face rub up on her head as his lips brushed her roots. She could tell things were getting a little further in. He grunted a small “Mmmmm...” Karen wondered what that meant. Suddenly, she felt his hands slide further down her body until they reached her waist. She looked to the side and blushed. Lust squirmed within her body.
Alucard felt this lust too. He was letting it all out, little by little, until Karen couldn't stand it any longer, for he knew she felt this as well. He started by trailing his lips down her neck and onto her shoulder. He opened his mouth slightly and let his fangs travel ever so lightly across her neck. He breathed onto her neck with a spine-tingling sigh of a vampire's bite. He didn't bite her, though. He was waiting for her to want him to.
“Alucard,” she said lightly, “what... what are you...” her eyes were dulled from bloodlust. Her voice cracked a little also.
“I've been hungry for so long...” he purred. He rubbed her neck where her artery was. He softly licked it.
“Alucard,” she said a little louder. She finally began to realize what this was. She weakly started to pull away. “Alucard,” she said again a little louder than before. She finally managed to break the lust-like beam and yanked away from his deadly fangs. “Alucard!” she shouted. She jerked away, causing Alucard's left fang to accidentally slice into her neck. She squeaked. She felt the warm blood trickle down her neck. She put the tip of her fingers onto the wound and pulled them away to find red stains on the pad of her fingers. She gasped.
“Karen,” said Alucard faintly, “I... are you okay?”
Karen was still shocked from the bleeding. She looked at him. “You meant to do that...” she said. She winced.
Alucard put one hand on her shoulder and faced her toward him. “No I didn't,” he said while doing so. He looked her into the eyes. Then he looked at her wound. “Now... let me take care of that for you,” he said. Karen gasped and pulled away a little. “Don't worry,” he said, “I won't do anything more.”
Karen fell limp and relaxed herself. Her tension died as Alucard leaned down until his nose was under her glands. He began to lap up the blood from the wound.
Alucard licked the very last trace of blood he could see on Karen's neck. With one final long stroke of his tongue, he pulled away satisfied. Karen looked around the room feeling very tired and weak. She shut her eyes and breathed a short tired sigh.
Alucard smiled. He laid her on his bed and set a white sheet over her. She looked up at him but didn't say anything. She blinked.
“You can stay here tonight,” he said to her with a smile, “I know you're tired...”
Karen didn't say anything. Her eyes were half shut and she couldn't focus on anything. “Alucard...” she whispered.
Alucard rubbed the side of her head with a passionate touch of tenderness and care. “Sweet dreams, Karen Elizabeth Aria Haven,” he said with a smirk. The candles were blown out and darkness swallowed the whole windowless room while Karen slept unaware that Alucard was right by her side.