Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ 1: Es ist das Tier in mir ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Thanks to thess for betaing this =^_^=

1: Es ist das Tier in mir

‘This is beneath me,’ Alucard thought to himself as he sat waiting in a dingy stairwell for the Police Girl to finish off the last of the ghouls. He pulled out a blood-packet and pierced it with a straw, as if it were a macabre juice pouch. He didn’t know why Integra had sent him along on this piddling little mission with the Police Girl. It was simple enough that even Seras, with her underdeveloped skills, could be able to handle it alone. As he took a sip he heard a guttural moan as something shuffled towards him. He glanced over to see a ghoul dragging itself towards him, the lower half of it’s body nearly destroyed from gunfire. He rolled his eyes, used his free hand to pull his gun from his coat and shot the creature point blank in the head. He paused in sipping his blood to call out to his fledgling.

“Police Girl! When you aim make sure to take out the head or the heart. These people didn't become ghouls because they enjoy it. There's no way to change humans back once they get like this. All we can do for them is to blow them away quickly...”

“Sir yes Sir, my Master..”

Alucard paused, the straw poised midair. Something in her voice got his full attention. He slowly turned his head to look at her. Seras’ vampiric nature was in control, as she slaughtered the ghouls with joyful abandon. A slow grin spread on his lips, as Alucard slowly stood up and headed toward her, watching her with predatory interest as she smashed the last ghoul’s head under her boot.

"Well now..." he chuckled softly surveying the damage she had done to the ghouls. "Looks like you’re catching on to what it truly means to be a Midian. Now that the trash has been taken out, it’s time to find the host vampire and take care of him too.”

Seras didn’t seem to hear him as her eyes caught the blood spatter on her gloves. She raised a hand, mesmerized by the droplets of crimson that beaded on her fingertips. Slowly, as if in a dream she brought her hand closer, her lips parting slightly.

Alucard’s eyes widened and his grin turned feral as he drew closer to her, watching her every move with burning intensity.


Seras’ dainty pink tongue darted out to lap the blood from her fingers, and she paused savoring the taste. Her eyes drifted shut as she continued to lick the blood off her hand, resembling a cat grooming itself. Suddenly her eyelids popped back open and there was no humanity there, just cold animalistic instinct as her nostrils flared at the thick scent of blood in the air. Alucard chuckled. In a moment she would probably be on the ground licking the cooling blood off the floor. While the idea was amusing, no fledgling of his would disgrace herself in that way. He jiggled the half spent blood packet he still held in one gloved hand, drawing her attention. Seras’ lip curled up and she slowly stalked towards him.

She pounced, but not quick enough. Alucard easily stepped out of the way, his free hand darting out to grab her by the throat and pinned her against the wall, pressing himself against her, trapping her body with his. Seras struggled against him, clawing at the gloved hand that held her a few inches off the ground. Black tendrils snaked out from the shadows, encircling her wrists and pulling them above her head. Seras hissed like an enraged wildcat, as Alucard held her as easily as he would a helpless kitten. After a few minutes of futile squirming, she finally went limp in his grasp, although she was still growling and glaring daggers at him.

With an amused grin, Alucard released his hold of her neck and twined his fingers in her hair as he tilted her head back slightly and tipped the blood bag to spill the liquid on Seras’ lips. Her tongue ran over the crimson drops, enjoying the taste. She looked up at the blood bag, as a keening whine built up in her throat. Smirking, Alucard brought the bag up to Seras’ mouth and she eagerly pieced through the plastic with her sharp fangs. She drank deeply and the bag was empty in a matter of seconds. He discarded the spent bag and pulled out a fresh one from one of the many pockets of his trench coat, holding it to her lips before she could complain.

As Seras blissfully fed, Alucard studied her intently. Apparently she was still running on full instinct, with no thought behind her actions, just pure bloodlust. This was the consequence of skipping feedings for so long. Seras’ vampiric nature would be fully in control until she either sated her need for blood, or if she made a conscious effort to break free of it. And at this point Seras was so lacking in vampire skill, he doubted she’d be able to break free without any help from him just yet.

As he watched her feed, her throat working as the vital fluid flowed down to her belly, his gaze was caught on the healed bite mark he had made when he turned her into a vampire. The temptation to partake of her blood made his fangs ache, as he recalled the sweet taste of it. Lowering his head slightly and tightening his hold on her hair, Alucard traced the scar with his tongue, causing Seras to tremble slightly at the feel of it, but not enough to distract her from feeding. His lips parted as he placed his mouth over the wound, rubbing his fangs ever so lightly against her skin. Seras responded by squirming against him, pressing her body firmly against his as her fangs shredded the bag, splattering blood down her chin and neck.

“So wasteful,” Alucard chuckled before lathing his tongue up her throat, lapping up the spilled plasma. He yanked on her hair, when she attempted to bite him, as he cleaned her chin, savoring the taste of the blood on her skin, making him crave her sweet vitae even more. With a low growl, his mouth was on her throat once more, his fangs slowly sinking into her flesh. The taste of her hit him with an almost physical force. It had been much too long since the last time he had done this. Alucard released his hold on Seras’ hair and slid his hands down her body pulling her hips against his. He began a slow grind against her as his fangs sunk deeper into her neck. As her blood poured down his throat, his mind slid into hers, at first coming in contact with the red haze of her vampiric nature, as expected, but he was surprised to find there was no trace of Seras’ consciousness. It seemed once her instincts had taken a hold of her, she had retreated into herself, leaving her body to run on auto pilot.

Curious, Alucard dove further into her mind, searching through the jumbled images of her memories to find where Seras was hiding. Finally he found a trace of her, in the darkest depths of her mind. A mental image flashed before him, of Seras curled up with her knees to her chest, her hands over her ears and her eyes screwed shut. She was doing everything in her power not to acknowledge the vampiric instinct that had taken control of her.

Alucard pulled out of her mind, and withdrew his fangs from her neck. He swiped his tongue over the wound, cleaning the last traces of blood, before it slowly closed up, as if it was never there. He looked at her, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. He couldn’t leave her like this. He was certain that even if she had sated her hunger, she would still be a rampaging beast with no thought behind her actions. Integra would order him to put her down immediately and that would of been a waste of all the effort he had put into Seras already. He would have to forcefully drag his troublesome fledgling into consciousness.

It wasn’t as if was difficult to do it, just frustrating. He had hoped that Seras would accept what she was by now, instead of clinging to her pathetic ideas of humanity. The potential was there, but she refused to use it.. He stepped away from her, leaving the shadow tendrils to keep her still. She glared at him with glowing red eyes, a snarl building up in her chest. He ignored her as he reached into her mind and roughly pulled her back in control as he pushed her instincts back into the recesses of her brain. Seras closed her eyes and shook her head as if trying to wake from a nightmare. The tendrils lowered her so that her feet were once more on the ground, then released her, merging once more with the shadows.

Seras blinked, her eyes no longer burning with bloodlust. She looked around, her brown furrowed with confusion.

“M-Master? What.. What happened?” she asked looking up at him with wide eyes, noticing the look of annoyance on his face.

He was so annoyed in fact, he hadn’t noticed the priest until his silver blade slid into Seras’ neck..